1、世上唯一不用努力的就是年龄,承蒙时光不弃,终又长一岁。 The only thing in the world that doesn't need to work hard is age. Thanks to time, I will grow up one year.

2、乘着沙沙作响的风,去往光芒闪闪的未来。 Riding on the rustling wind, to the bright future.

3、人生如梦,好好疼惜傻傻的自己! Life is like a dream, take good care of yourself!

4、人生有多残酷,你就该有多坚强。 How cruel life is, how strong you should be.

5、今天我生日,祝我在今后没有你的日子我会微笑我会快乐。 Today is my birthday, wish me in the future without you day I will smile, I will be happy.

6、你若不坚强,没人替你扛! If you are not strong, no one will carry it for you!

7、你过于敏感,且过于善良,而过于善良的人,最后都会吃亏。 You are too sensitive and kind, and those who are too kind will suffer in the end.

8、做一个勇敢坚强,顶天立地的人! To be a brave and strong, indomitable person!

9、做好你自己,就甭管别人怎么想你! Be yourself and don't care what others think of you!

10、傻傻的我,傻傻的活着,挺好,至少内心无愧,至少过得安稳。 Silly me, silly to live, very good, at least the heart is worthy, at least live a stable life.

11、傻傻的自己,喜欢简单,真实,所以从来不逼自己圆滑。 Silly self, like simple, real, so never force yourself to be smooth.

12、再坎坷的路,也会走出一路辉煌。 No matter how rough the road is, it will be brilliant all the way.

13、前路漫漫,当克己,当慎独,我的xx岁。 There is a long way to go. I am XX years old.

14、又长大一岁,勇敢一点,少发脾气,按时睡觉,不要想太多。 Grow up a year old, brave, less angry, sleep on time, don't think too much.

15、又长大了一岁,要更勇敢,少发脾气,按时睡觉,不要乱想。 I'm a year old again. I should be more brave, less angry, go to bed on time, and don't think about it.

16、又长大了,我应该更成熟了!加油! Growing up again, I should be more mature! come on.

17、只有敢于坚持,才不会让自己沦为失败者。 Only if we dare to insist, we will not let ourselves become losers.

18、可以善良,但不能懦弱;可以不去扎人,但身上必须有刺。 You can be kind, but you can't be weak; you can't stab people, but you must have thorns.

19、坚强是人生的必修课,除了坚强,你别无选择。 Being strong is a required course in life. You have no choice but to be strong.

20、小时候披条被单咱就是公主,头上戴个生日帽咱就是女王。 When I was a child, I was a princess with a sheet and a birthday cap on my head. I was the queen.

21、希望以前的不愉快,都是以后惊喜的铺垫。 I hope the previous unhappiness is the foreshadowing of surprise in the future.

22、忙碌了一天,给自己一个拥抱,说声我很好。 After a busy day, give yourself a hug and say I'm fine.

23、愿以后所有的真心和努力,都不被辜负。 May all the sincerity and efforts in the future not be let down.

24、愿你以梦为马,随处可栖。梦在远方,路在脚下。 I wish you a dream as a horse, where you can live. Dream in the distance, road in the foot.

25、愿你傻人有傻福,想要的都拥有,得不到的都释怀。 Wish you a fool to have happiness, want to have, can not get all release.

26、愿你平安喜乐,得偿所愿。 May peace and joy fill your desire.

27、愿往后余生,不负流年,不负自己,祝自己生日快乐。 May the rest of your life live up to the time and yourself. Happy birthday to you.

28、愿往后的日子里都是阳光,所有的美好和温暖都如约而至。 May the days ahead be sunny, and all the good and warm will come as promised.

29、愿所有的美好和期待,都能如期而至。 May all the good things and expectations come as scheduled.

30、愿所有美好和期待都能如约而至,生日快乐,我对自己说。 May all the good things and expectations come as promised. Happy birthday, I said to myself.

31、愿时光温柔以待,我能活成自己想要的样子。 May time be gentle, I can live as I want.

32、愿时光能缓,故人不散。 May time be slow, old friends will not be scattered.

33、愿有岁月可回首,且似温柔待此生。 May there be years to look back and treat this life gently.

34、愿活的洒脱,不争不抢。 Willing to live free and easy, do not fight not rob.

35、愿自己以梦为马,随处可栖。梦在远方,路在脚下。 I wish I could be a horse in my dream. Dream in the distance, road in the foot.

36、按时吃饭,按时长大,永远年轻,永远热泪盈眶! Eat on time, grow up on time, always young, always full of tears!

37、无爱无伤无欲则刚,祝我孤独万寿无疆。 No love, no hurt, no desire is just. Wish me a long life.

38、时光已去,未来已来,与时光握手,与岁月言和。 Time has gone and the future has come. Shake hands with time and make peace with years.

39、有生之年,边拥有边清零,感谢你们一直在我身边。 In my lifetime, I will clear everything while I have it. Thank you for being by my side all the time.

40、未来美好的岁月里,不辜负自己,不将就。 In the beautiful years to come, we will live up to ourselves.

41、比去年又大一岁,身价不知翻一倍。 He is one year older than last year, and his price has doubled.

42、没有人疼,必须自己去坚强! No one hurt, you have to be strong!

43、没有风雨,何以成岁月! No wind and rain, how to become years!

44、渐渐的,我懂了,想要的安全感只能自己给。 Gradually, I understand, want the sense of security can only give themselves.

45、温柔要有,但不是妥协,我们要在安静中不慌不忙地坚强。 We should be gentle, but not compromise. We should be strong in silence.

46、爱自己,更要爱尊严和骨气。 Love yourself, but also love dignity and backbone.

47、生日快乐,又老了一岁,感谢给我过生日的朋友们。 Happy birthday, another year old, thank you for my birthday friends.

48、生日快乐,愿以后的你多一点小幸运。 Happy birthday, wish you a little more luck in the future.

49、生活明朗,万物可爱,祝自己生日快乐! Life is bright and everything is lovely. Happy birthday!

50、生活虽苦,但你要坚强的信念,鼓舞自己前行。 Life is hard, but you should have a strong belief and encourage yourself to move forward.

51、祝自己从早上起床快乐,到晚上进被窝。 I wish myself happiness from getting up in the morning and getting into bed at night.

52、祝自己生日快乐,愿自己洒脱、成熟,想得少,睡得早! I wish myself a happy birthday. I wish I could be free and easy, mature, think less and sleep early!

53、能挺过来变得坚强的理由,是我们还有需要守护的人。 The reason why we can survive and become strong is that we still have people to protect.

54、虽然是一个人过,可我很快乐,祝自己生日快乐。 Although it is a person, but I am very happy, I wish myself a happy birthday.

55、被时光偷走了的岁月,我收获了成长,继续发光哦。 Stolen by the time of the years, I harvest growth, continue to shine oh.

56、要长大,要乖,要不负众望,祝自己生日快乐! To grow up, to be good, to live up to expectations, happy birthday!

57、辛苦一天了,该休息了,养精蓄锐,明天继续加油! It's been a hard day. It's time to have a rest. Keep your energy up and keep going tomorrow!

58、这一岁,要遇见生命里最美妙的光。 This year, to meet the most wonderful light in life.

59、道理总是说服别人,却说服不了自己! Truth always persuades others, but cannot convince oneself!

60、难过时,吃一粒糖,告诉自己生活是甜的! Sad, eat a sugar, tell yourself that life is sweet!