1、一个人的时候会想一个人,一群人的时候会更想一个人。 When a person will think of a person, a group of people will think of a person more.

2、一个懂你的人,能带来一段彼此舒服的爱。 A person who understands you can bring a comfortable love to each other.

3、一生不喜与人抢,但该得到的也不会让。 I don't like to rob others all my life, but I won't let what I deserve.

4、万人追不如一人疼,万人宠不如一人懂。 Ten thousand people chase is not as good as one person's pain, ten thousand people's pet is inferior to one person's understanding.

5、下次见面,我要以好久不见的名义去拥抱你。 Next time I meet, I will hug you in the name of long time no see.

6、不要那么相信回忆,因为里面的那个人,不一定同样想你。 Don't believe in memories so much, because the person inside doesn't necessarily miss you.

7、人人都是自顾不暇的泥菩萨,别指望谁能帮你渡过现实这条河。 Everyone is a clay Bodhisattva. Don't expect anyone to help you cross the river of reality.

8、人生的意义在于拼搏,因为世界本身就是一个竞技场。 The meaning of life is to fight, because the world itself is an arena.

9、今天你对我爱理不理,明天我让你高攀不起。 Today you are indifferent to me, tomorrow I let you climb up.

10、今天你对我爱答不理,明天我让你高攀不起。 Today you are indifferent to me, tomorrow I will let you climb up.

11、从今往后,做个明白人,分得出友情,拎得清爱情。 From now on, to be a man of understanding can distinguish friendship and love.

12、你不会做饭就给我一边呆着去,以后你的胃由我来养。 If you don't know how to cook, just stay with me. I'll take care of your stomach in the future.

13、你也不必说抱歉,几分埋怨,就有几分自愿。 You don't have to say sorry, a little complaining, a little voluntary.

14、你帅,你拽,你照样在我的黑名单里摇摆。 You are handsome, you drag, you still swing in my blacklist.

15、你拽什么拽啊?有本事就马上娶了我。 What are you pulling? I'll marry you right away.

16、你没有如期归来,这正是离别的意义。 You didn't come back as scheduled, which is the meaning of parting.

17、你赢,我陪你君临天下。你输,我陪你东山再起。 You win, I accompany you to the world. If you lose, I will make a comeback with you.

18、你走之后,我像个拾荒者一样,到处收集你的消息。 After you left, I was like a scavenger, collecting your information everywhere.

19、入我心还是入我眼,我从来都是让你选。 Into my heart or into my eyes, I always let you choose.

20、别和我谈什么良心,前几天刚捐了。 Don't talk to me about conscience. I just donated it a few days ago.

21、前路有挫折那又怎样,只要我活着我依旧抬起脚,大步往前走。 There are setbacks ahead, so what? As long as I live, I still lift my feet and stride forward.

22、前进、前进、向前进。奔向自己的目标。 Forward, forward, forward. Run to your goals.

23、动了情的痞子,连刀都拿不稳。 The ruffian who has moved his feelings can't even hold the knife.

24、原本只想要一个拥抱不小心多了一个吻然后你发现需要一张床。 You just want a hug, and then you find that you need a bed.

25、大道理我都懂,反正我说的都是对的。 I know all the truth. I'm right anyway.

26、好好照顾自己,不行就换我来照顾你。 Take good care of yourself. If not, I will take care of you.

27、如果你有一天打架一定要叫上我,我可以站出来帅死对方。 If you fight one day, you must call me up. I can stand up and kill each other.

28、如果只为遇见,不为停留,不如不遇见。 If only for meeting, not for staying, it is better not to meet.

29、属于我的,我怕我让给你,你都拿不稳。 Belong to me, I'm afraid I give you, you can't hold.

30、总觉得自己的性格不适合上学,只适合放假。 I always feel that my personality is not suitable for school, only suitable for holidays.

31、想说爱我,先学会和我做朋友。 If you want to say love me, learn to be friends with me first.

32、我不喜欢你的时候,就算你睡便整条街的人,都跟我没关系。 When I don't like you, even if you sleep on the whole street, it has nothing to do with me.

33、我不是高傲,也不是胡闹,是厌倦了所有的依靠。 I am not arrogant, is not nonsense, is tired of all rely on.

34、我倒是不在乎万箭穿心,就是别让我知道,里面有一支,是你放的。 I don't care if a thousand arrows pierce my heart, just don't let me know that there is one inside that you put.

35、我可以主动一次两次,但是别想我主动第三次。 I can take the initiative once or twice, but don't think I'll take the initiative a third time.

36、我并不想做个征战四方的女流氓,可是你们谁也没把我当成个小姑娘。 I don't want to be a scoundrel, but none of you think of me as a little girl.

37、我怕的不是你有了别人了,而是你走了,彻底的脱离我的世界。 What I am afraid of is not that you have someone else, but that you have left and completely separated from my world.

38、我的世界,我一个人懂就好。 My world, I can understand it by myself.

39、没事我很好,再捅几刀依旧猖狂勇猛。 It's OK. I'm fine. I'm still bold and brave with a few more stabs.

40、没什么事不要找我,有事更不用找我。 Don't look for me if you have nothing to do with it, let alone me if you have something.

41、活得精彩,全凭本事。 To live a wonderful life depends on one's ability.

42、爱情那奢侈的东西,配不上姐这平淡的心情。 The luxury of love is not worthy of my sister's plain mood.

43、理性让你清楚地知道你是错的,感性让你不屑一顾的将错就错。 Reason lets you know clearly that you are wrong, the sensibility lets you disdain to be wrong.

44、留得住的不需用力,留不住的不需费力。来去随缘,强求不得。 It doesn't take effort to keep what can't, and doesn't need to work hard. Come and go according to the fate, can not force.

45、真正强大的人,不仅不会慌张,不害怕被人超越,还懂得为别人让路。 A truly powerful person, not only will not be flustered, not afraid of being surpassed, but also know how to make way for others.

46、说好的,一辈子,缺一分缺一秒都不是一辈子。 Well, a lifetime, missing a minute or a second is not a lifetime.

47、谁无虎落平阳日,带我东山再起时,如有一日虎归山,我将血染半边天。 If one day the tiger returns to the mountain, I will dye half the sky with blood.

48、这世界上除了我谁都没资格陪在你身边。 No one in the world is qualified to be with you except me.

49、这么执着的爱着你,是出自爱情还是不甘心。 So persistent love you, is out of love or unwilling.

50、雨天带走了眼泪,阳光带走了悲伤。快乐依旧无处安放。 Rainy days take away tears, sunshine takes away sadness. There is still no place for happiness.