1、上帝做证,我是一个好姑娘。 God is my witness. I am a good girl.

2、不同的爱情,却有类似的伤。 Different love, but similar injury.

3、世界上只有一个我,你要知道。 There is only one me in the world, you know.

4、你不会回来,我不会再爱。 You will not come back, I will not love again.

5、你在我的爱情,写下最后一页。 You are in my love, write down the last page.

6、你在敷衍我的时候又在陪着谁。 Who are you with when you are perfunctory to me.

7、你始终不会在意我的神魂颠倒。 You will never mind my fascination.

8、你给我的、那么平凡却又深刻。 You give me, so ordinary but profound.

9、你过得不好,我也过得不好。 You're not doing well, so am I.

10、停不下来的眼泪和留不住的你。 Tears that can't stop and you that can't stay.

11、其实,有些付出你根本看不到。 In fact, some pay you can't see.

12、决定了忘记,只怕更想念你。 Decided to forget, just afraid to miss you more.

13、刺猬的坚强,全部都是假象。 Hedgehog's strong, all are false.

14、即使再甜的糖,也有苦的一天。 No matter how sweet the sugar is, there will be a bitter day.

15、原来最初的心动只是一时的。 The original heart attack was only temporary.

16、因为不配,所以说声失陪。 Because they don't deserve it, so excuse me.

17、在你的微笑里,我才会呼吸。 In your smile, I will breathe.

18、外面下着雨,犹如我心血在滴。 It's raining outside as if I'm working hard.

19、好事坏事,终归,都成往事。 Good things and bad things, in the end, are past events.

20、安静,那是触摸不到的释怀。 Quiet, it's an untouchable relief.

21、尘埃落定之后,回忆别来挑拨。 After the dust settles, don't stir up memories.

22、年少轻狂的我们,不适合多情。 Young and frivolous, we are not suitable for amorous.

23、彼岸花开时,你可曾等待? Have you ever waited for the flowers to bloom on the other side?

24、往事,却散落了一地。 The past is scattered all over the place.

25、忘记了拥抱,忘记了微笑。 Forget the hug, forget the smile.

26、怎样面对一切、我不知道。 How to face everything, I don't know.

27、情话很美,连外人都跟着流泪。 Love words are so beautiful that even strangers shed tears.

28、想让你吃醋,又怕你祝我幸福。 I want you to be jealous, but I'm afraid you wish me happiness.

29、感情就像头发,长了就会分岔。 Feelings are like hair. They diverge when they grow.

30、我不是怪你,只是感到失望。 I'm not blaming you, I'm just disappointed.

31、我仍愿意听,你却不愿讲。 I still want to listen, but you don't want to talk.

32、我以哥哥的身份爱了你两年。 I love you for two years as my brother.

33、我又不脆弱、何况那算什么伤。 I'm not vulnerable, let alone what kind of injury.

34、我喜欢多想,但我不会多说。 I like to think more, but I won't say more.

35、我娶,你嫁,天经地义。 I'll marry you. It's just that.

36、我怀旧-是因为我看不到未来。 I'm nostalgic - because I don't see the future.

37、我爱的很小心,却还是伤了心。 I love very carefully, but still hurt the heart.

38、我男朋友不吸烟不喝酒不存在。 My boyfriend doesn't smoke, doesn't drink, doesn't exist.

39、我的等待,成全了谁的幸福? Whose happiness has my waiting fulfilled?

40、我耐心的看了,你还是很难看。 I looked patiently. You are still ugly.

41、挥别的是手臂,更近的是心灵。 It's the arms that wave off, and it's the heart that's closer.

42、搁浅的曾经,原形毕露。 Stranded once, the original.

43、时间不知不觉,我总后知后觉。 Time unconsciously, I always know later.

44、曾经的爱,慢慢变成了伤害。 Once the love, slowly became the injury.

45、最后的结局、形同陌路。 The final result is a stranger.

46、最好不相见,如此便可不相恋。 It's better not to meet, so that we don't fall in love.

47、有些人,浓了回忆,淡了关系。 Some people, strong memories, light relationship.

48、有些痛,你永远都不会懂。 Some pain, you will never understand.

49、沉默不说谎话,不是退让。 Silence is not a lie, not a concession.

50、没有意义的付出,再也不想了。 There is no meaning to pay, no longer want to.

51、爱总在最深时,落下帷幕。 Love always ends at its deepest.

52、看不透你嘴角旁的,浅微笑。 Can't see through the corner of your mouth, smile.

53、眼泪落在手上,死一样A冰凉。 Tears fall on the hand, as cold as death.

54、等待,带来的只是寂寞。 Waiting, bring only loneliness.

55、简单的我爱你,爱你就爱到底。 Simple I love you, love you to the end.

56、繁华落尽时、谁会在我身旁。 Who will be by my side when the prosperity is over.

57、终究,时间证实了一切。 After all, time has proved everything.

58、话越来越少,你越来越远。 Less and less, you are more and more far away.

59、这一生,爱过亦痛过。 This life, love also pain.

60、选择了你就不后悔,即使受伤。 Choose you will not regret, even if hurt.

61、逝去的爱就像光阴,无法找回。 Lost love is like time. It can't be found.

62、那一句对不起,抹不去的曾经。 That sorry, can not erase the once.

63、醉比醒容易,我真的佩服自己。 It's easier to get drunk than to wake up. I really admire myself.

64、长的是磨难,短的是人生。 The long one is suffering while the short one is life.