1、一生不喜与人抢,该得到的也不会让。 If you don't like robbing people all your life, you won't let them get what you deserve.

2、不管对错是非,只要打起来了就一定要赢。 Whether right or wrong, as long as we fight, we must win.

3、不要死,也不要孤独地活着。 Don't die or live alone.

4、世间多少事,庸人自扰之。 There are so many things in the world that nobody cares about them.

5、人为什么叫人类,因为人活着就是累。 Why do people call humans, because people are tired when they are alive.

6、人家有的是背景,而咱有的是背影。 People have backgrounds, while we have backgrounds.

7、人生已经如此不堪,岁月又何苦再补一刀。 Life has been so terrible, why do the years make up for it?

8、人生,一半是现实,一半是梦想。 Life is half reality and half dream.

9、你不需要太耀眼,只要能照亮我就好。 You don't need to be too dazzling, as long as you can illuminate me.

10、你若三心二意,我会逢场作戏。 If you are half hearted, I will play the trick.

11、做个江湖人,不染凡俗气。 Being a Laker and river person is not vulgar.

12、别和我谈理想,戒了!Don't talk to me about ideals, quit!

13、别认怂,你什么都没有,大不了重新来过。Don't confess, you have nothing.

14、别逼我,否则我伟大起来,一发不可收拾。 Don't push me. Otherwise, I will be great.

15、只要不失去希望,就一定能够梦想成真。 As long as we don't lose hope, we can make our dreams come true.

16、告别并不意味着失去,是新的开始。 Farewell does not mean loss, it is a new beginning.

17、女孩子要先环游世界,再去拥抱爱情。 Girls have to travel around the world before embracing love.

18、好看的皮囊你玩不起,有趣的灵魂看不上你。 You can't play with good leather bags, but interesting souls don't like you.

19、如果有眼睛,就别从别人的嘴里认识我。 If you have eyes, don't know me from other people's mouth.上一页12下一页

20、姐是文明人,所有脏话均已使用唾液消毒。 Sister is a civilized person, all dirty words have been disinfected with saliva.

21、宁可孤独到苟延残喘,也不愿做谁的羁绊。 I would rather be lonely to linger on, than be a fetter to anyone.

22、当你成功时,谁还在乎你的过去。 When you succeed, who cares about your past?

23、心安,便是活着的最美好状态。 Peace of mind is the best state of being alive.

24、我向左,你向右,从此桥归桥,路归路。 I turn left, you turn right, from the bridge to the bridge, the road to the road.

25、我觉得单身挺好,可是一直却招人讽刺。 I think being single is good, but it's always ironic.

26、活着不是为了取悦谁,自己开心天下无敌。 To live is not to please anyone. To be happy is invincible.

27、生活是自己的,别被沙币扫了兴。 Life is your own, don't be spoiled by sand coins.

28、笑谈年少多少年,常与生人道人生。 Laugh about how many years younger, often with the life of humanity.

29、给你一巴掌然后再给你揉揉,这就是人心。 Give you a slap and then rub it. That's the heart of the people.

30、说出来的苦是软弱,埋藏在心里的苦叫坚强。 The bitterness spoken is weak, and the bitterness buried in the heart is strong.

31、路子野不野,就看关系铁不铁。 The road is wild, depending on the relationship between iron and iron.

32、路还长,别太狂,以后指不定谁辉煌。 It's still a long way to go. Don't be too crazy. Someone may be brilliant in the future.

33、过好自己的生活,该来的,都在路上。 Live your life well. All the people who should come are on the way.

34、都是第一次做人,我凭什么让着你。 It's the first time to be a man. What should I do to make you?
