1、一个人一旦知道的东西多了,就不快乐了。 Once a person knows more, he is unhappy.

2、一旦情绪积累多了,眼泪就会不停留下来。 Once the mood accumulates, tears will not stop.

3、不懂得自爱的人,是没有能力去爱别人的。 People who don't know how to love themselves are incapable of loving others.

4、不是人间不值得,是我不值得。 It's not worth it, it's not worth it.

5、不要奢望的太多、不然只有失望在等你。 Don't expect too much, or you will only be disappointed.

6、不讨厌和喜欢之间,隔了数亿光年都不止的距离。 Between dislike and love, hundreds of millions of light-years are more than distance.

7、也许他只是暧昧成瘾,而你却走了心。 Maybe he's just a vague addict, but you're gone.

8、以前喜欢一个人,现在喜欢一个人。 I used to like one person, now I like one person.

9、你不先对自己狠心,全世界就会对你狠心。 You don't have to be cruel to yourself first, and the world will be cruel to you.

10、你不见了,我才如此想念。 You're gone, I miss it so much.

11、你习惯被守候,讨厌被冷漠,寂寞才找我。 You are used to being waiting, hate being cold, lonely to find me.

12、你仍是我的软肋,却不再是我的盔甲。 You are still my soft rib, but you are no longer my armor.

13、初恋是一件很美好的事,总是会让人流连忘返。 First love is a very good thing, and it will always be forgotten.

14、听着曾经我们的歌,回忆着我们的点点滴滴。 Listen to our songs, remember our little bit.

15、圈子不同别硬融,伤了别人,疼了自己。 Don't be hard to melt the circle, hurt others, hurt themselves.

16、失望多了,会让一个人变得颓废。 Disappointment is much more, will make a person decadent.

17、失望是因为有期望现在的我不再失望。 Disappointment is because I have the expectation that I am not disappointed anymore.

18、好烦,错过一年又要熬一年,心里的苦没人懂。 I am so tired. I miss a year and I will endure another year. Nobody knows the pain in my heart.

19、孤独,总是在散场以后。 Lonely, always after the break.

20、很多事情都是你以为,其实也只是你以为而已。 A lot of things are what you think, but it's just what you think.

21、很遗憾吧,那么喜欢的人连张合照都没有。 I'm sorry, so the people you like don't even have a photo.

22、得不到的东西就放弃吧,每天想着念着心不疼吗? Can not get the thing to give up, every day thinking of the heart does not hurt?

23、想哭的时候,抬头看看天空,其实也挺美的。 When you want to cry, look up at the sky, but it is also beautiful.

24、想想还是有点难过,有些人认识熟悉又归零。 I think it's a bit sad. Some people know it and go back to zero.

25、我不敢说一个人很好,只是很少的时候寂寞。 I dare not say a person is very good, but lonely when very few times.

26、我不是孤独,只是害怕一个人。 I'm not alone, I'm afraid of one person.

27、我会学着接受,毕竟微笑好过泪流。 I will learn to accept, after all smile better than tears.

28、我只是和星星一起闪亮,和黑夜一起寂寞的孩子。 I just shine with the stars, lonely children with the night.

29、我已经习惯,我们之间越来越多的沉默。 I've been used to the growing silence between us.

30、我所谓的坚强,不过是自欺欺人的伪装。 I call it strong, but a pretense of self deception.

31、我的世界里,你宣判了我的一切。 In my world, you have judged me all.

32、拿命爱的人,是否都狠优秀才值得那么付出? The person who takes the life love, whether is the cruel excellent scholar worth paying?

33、推开我的那一刻,你快不快乐。 Push away my moment, you are not happy.

34、时刻为你敲响警钟,告诉你路该怎么走。 Always ring a warning bell for you and tell you how to go.

35、是我给你伤害爱的理由却又不能接受心那么痛。 It is the reason I hurt love to you, but I can't accept the pain of my heart.

36、曾经的诺言依然在耳边,可你已不在我的身边。 The promise of the past is still in the ear, but you are not by my side.

37、最美的年龄给了你,你却给我最美丽的谎言。 The most beautiful age gives you, but you give me the most beautiful lie.

38、没有不适合的两个人,只有一颗不想在一起的心。 There are no two people who are not suitable, only one heart that doesn't want to be together.

39、没能陪我走到最后,你一定也挺难过吧。 You must be very sad if you can't accompany me to the end.

40、烈酒是我最好的朋友,孤独是我最真的知己。 Liquor is my best friend, loneliness is my true confidant.

41、玉竹曾记凤凰游,人不见,水空流。 Jade bamboo once recorded phoenix tour, people are not seen, water flow.

42、生活不易,要学会承受,学会微笑。 Life is not easy, learn to bear, learn to smile.

43、相爱了那么久,才发现自己一厢情愿。 Love so long, only to find their wishful thinking.

44、眼睛里落着别离的雨,心里却充满希望的阳光。 The rain in the eyes is separated, but the heart is full of hope sunshine.

45、能力不在脸上,本事不在嘴上。 Ability is not on the face, ability is not in the mouth.

46、船票还你,以后的苦和难,我自己渡。 I will return the ticket to you. I will take the boat myself for the hardships and difficulties.

47、说太多,不如沉默。想太多,会难过。 Too much, not silence. Think too much, it will be sad.

48、请记得那些对你好的人,因为他本可以不这样。 Remember those who are good for you, because he could have been different.

49、这次我真的累了,是真的要放手了。 I'm really tired this time, I really want to let go.

50、青春的符号,在惊天动地的那一刻凝固成悲音。 The symbol of youth, in the moment of the earth shaking solidifies into a sad voice.