1、一生不喜与人抢,但该得到的也不会让。 I don't like to rob others all my life, but I won't let what I deserve.

2、不拼不搏人生白活,不苦不累人生无味。 Life is white without struggle, and life is tasteless if it is not bitter or tired.

3、人,就活一次,理应活的飞扬跋扈。 People, live once, should live domineering.

4、你喜欢什么样的我,我可以演给你看。 I can show you what kind of me you like.

5、你多学一样本事,就少说一句求人的话。 If you learn more than one skill, you will say less about asking for help.

6、你是多缺朋友才和前任做朋友。 How many friends do you need to be friends with your ex.

7、你没什么大不了,我根本不在意。 You're no big deal. I don't care.

8、其实我很好相处,就是不擅长主动。 In fact, I'm easy to get along with, but I'm not good at taking the initiative.

9、别抱怨我的不好,除非你承认当初眼瞎。 Don't complain about me unless you admit you were blind.

10、十样会不如三样好,三样好不如一样绝。 Ten kinds of meetings are not as good as three kinds of meetings, and three kinds of good meetings are not as good as the same excellent.

11、千变万化的是人心纹丝不动的才是命运。 What is changeable is that people's hearts are still, and the fate is what remains motionless.

12、吃喝玩乐那是货,同甘共苦才是妻。 To eat, drink and have fun is goods. Sharing weal and woe is a wife.

13、听着,我不是一个选择。我是唯一。 Look, I'm not a choice. I'm the only one.

14、喜欢和爱差一个字,我和你却差一辈子。 Like and love difference of a word, I and you are poor for a lifetime.

15、喜欢的歌静静地听,喜欢的人远远地看! Listen to the songs from afar, like quietly!

16、在我最美妙的年光里,遇见你就好了。 In my most wonderful years, it would be nice to meet you.

17、场上想要站得稳,必须温柔带点狠。 If you want to stand firm on the field, you must be gentle and hard.

18、大起大落谁都有,拍拍灰尘继续走。 Everyone has ups and downs. Pat the dust and keep going.

19、好好睡觉,不要想着乱七八糟的事情。 Sleep well and don't think about the mess.

20、如果你对我真心,我会双倍回报。 If you are sincere to me, I will double the reward.

21、如果你没瞎,就别用耳朵去了解我。 If you're not blind, don't use your ears to understand me.

22、如果这都不算爱,我有什么好悲哀。 If this is not love, I have no good sorrow.

23、姐的微笑,你找不到,也买不来。 Sister's smile, you can't find, also can't buy.

24、对不起,你的对不起我承担不起。 I'm sorry. I can't afford your sorry.

25、对于我本人而言,我就是最酷的限量版。 For me, I'm the coolest limited edition.

26、对自己好点,因为没人会把你当回事。 Be nice to yourself, because no one will take you seriously.

27、就算很糟糕,这是我的生活,关你屁事。 Even if it's bad, it's my life. It's none of your business.

28、希望你活得尽兴,而不是过得庆幸。 I hope you live happily, not happily.

29、我不是架钢琴!请停止乱弹我的感情! I'm not a piano! Please stop playing with my feelings!

30、我也不太想知道,你在干嘛了。 I don't really want to know what you're doing.

31、我以为我不断的笑,就可以一直开心。 I think I can always be happy if I keep smiling.

32、我只是不想野蛮,并不代表我没战斗力。 Just because I don't want to be savage doesn't mean I'm not fighting.

33、我很累,但我也不知道我在累什么。 I'm tired, but I don't know what I'm tired of.

34、我每天都在笑,你猜我过得好不好。 I laugh every day. Guess how I'm doing.

35、我热情时间有限度,请你把握好态度。 I'm passionate, time is limited, please hold your attitude.

36、我爱你时你才闪耀,我不爱你你算个毛。 You shine when I love you. I don't love you. You're nothing.

37、我的字典里没有分手,只有丧偶。 There is no breakup in my dictionary, only widows.

38、我说过,弱者是没有说话的资格的。 As I said, the weak are not qualified to speak.

39、拿你当人的时候,你尽量装得像点好吗? When you're a human being, do you try to act like a man?

40、明明早已百无禁忌,偏偏你是一百零一。 Obviously, you are

41、昨天很爱你,今天不爱了,明天看心情。 I love you yesterday, but I don't love you today. I'll see my mood tomorrow.

42、最卑贱不过感情,最凉不过是人心。 The most humble but feelings, the coldest is just the heart.

43、有些东西是与生俱来,不可磨灭的。 Some things are born and indelible.

44、有些事真的懒得说,你能懂几分是几分。 Some things really don't want to say, you can understand how much is.

45、永远别让别人,找到你的软肋。 Never let others find your weakness.

46、没资格吃的醋最酸,先动心的人最惨。 The vinegar that is not qualified to eat is the most sour, and the one who is moved first is the worst.

47、深情总是被辜负,余生尽是孤独又何妨。 Deep love is always betrayed. It's no harm to be lonely for the rest of your life.

48、爱没爱对人,吵一架就知道了。 Love does not love the person, a quarrel will know.

49、用一秒钟转身离开,用一辈子去忘记。 Turn around and leave in one second, and forget for a lifetime.

50、站在阳光下,享受我单薄的青春。 Standing in the sun, enjoying my thin youth.

51、笑而不答是成长,痛而不语是历练。 Smile without answer is growth, pain without words is experience.

52、纵使不幸福,总是不温暖,但是很快乐。 Even if not happy, always not warm, but very happy.

53、终究要亲自受伤,才会学着聪明。 After all, if you hurt yourself, you will learn to be smart.

54、能被轻易抢走的东西再好,我也不稀罕。 No matter how good things can be easily taken away, I don't need them.

55、自己选择的路就算爬着,也要走完。 Even if you climb the road you choose, you have to finish it.

56、虽然认输不会死,但我死也不认输。 Although I will not die if I give up, I will not.

57、认输不会死,但我死也不认输。 I won't die if I give up, but I won't give up.

58、请不要假装对我好,我很傻,会当真。 Please don't pretend to be nice to me. I'm stupid and will take it seriously.

59、输什么不输气质,丢什么不丢个性。 Lose what not lose temperament, lose what do not lose personality.

60、遇见的都是天意,拥有的都是幸运。 What you meet is providence, and what you have is luck.