1、f的矍椋是我|及不到的永h。 You said the love, is I cannot touch forever.

2、不光明的人生,也能走出一条光明的道路。 Not a bright life, can also walk out of a bright road.

3、不是你的错,所以你不用跟我说对不起。 It's not your fault, so you don't have to say sorry to me.

4、不要说对不起,原来你要的不是我。 Don't say sorry, you didn't want me.

5、世界笑我太虚伪,我笑世界太现实。 The world laughs at me too hypocritical, I laugh at the world too realistic.

6、为了要遇见你,我连呼吸都反复练习。 In order to meet you, I even practice breathing repeatedly.

7、也许温度调的太冷,醒来不禁拥抱了枕头。 Maybe the temperature is too cold, I can't help hugging the pillow when I wake up.

8、人心太拥挤,心动必心痛。 Heart is too crowded, heart will be heartache.

9、他对你视而不见,你何必苦苦相念。 He turns a blind eye to you, so why do you think about it.

10、仰头看得更高更远、也只是望到蓝天白云。 Looking up to see higher and farther, but also only to see the blue sky and white clouds.

11、何必让两个相爱的人,越爱越陌生。 Why let two people in love, the more love the more strange.

12、你不知羞耻地索取,毫无感激地接受。 You take it shamelessly and accept it without gratitude.

13、你也变成我路过的路、两个人从此各自殊途。 You also become the road I passed by, and two people have different paths since then.

14、你怎么还不来找我,我不想喜欢别人。 Why don't you come to me? I don't want to like other people.

15、你总是可以微笑着说出,让我心痛的话。 You can always smile and say something that makes my heart ache.

16、你若不爱我,我又何必去爱你。 If you don't love me, why should I love you.

17、你走后,我还在原地站了很久。 After you left, I was still standing there for a long time.

18、你走的太快了,我本来想要抱抱你的。 You're walking too fast. I wanted to hold you.

19、你随便的说,我认真的好难过。 You say casually, I'm really sad.

20、像失望和委屈这种东*在心里就好。 Just keep things like disappointment and grievance in your heart.

21、净化悲伤,让它随着空气上升。 Purify sadness and let it rise with the air.

22、别总什么事儿都让我来扛,我也会累。 Don't always let me carry everything, I will be tired.

23、别来无恙的意思是,你别来,我就无恙。 I'll be fine if you don't come.

24、原来,不能自拔的,除了牙齿,还有爱情。 It turns out that in addition to teeth, there is love.

25、原谅我遇到无法面对的事情,就选择逃避。 Forgive me for the things I can't face, so I choose to escape.

26、可不可以让我死一会,看看谁会在乎我。 Can you let me die for a while and see who cares about me.

27、可惜爱不是几滴眼泪几封情书。 Unfortunately, love is not a few tears, a few love letters.

28、因为得不到,所以装作不想要。 Because I can't get it, I pretend I don't want it.

29、失落的时候,笑着对自己说没事的。 When lost, smile and say it's OK to yourself.

30、如果很容易实现的话,初心就不会这么珍贵。 If it is easy to achieve, the original intention will not be so precious.

31、如果没有了眼泪,心便是一片干涸的湖。 If there is no tears, the heart is a dry lake.

32、宝贝,别让眼泪遮蔽掉你眼睛的光芒。 Baby, don't let tears cover your eyes.

33、害怕冷却喜欢冬天,害怕失望却好喜欢你。 Afraid of cold, like winter, afraid of disappointment, but like you.

34、对不起、是我犯贱、是我自己配不上你。 I'm sorry, I'm cheap, I don't deserve you.

35、尽力之后,我选择随遇而安。 After trying my best, I choose to take things as they are.

36、已经开始要我哄,让我道歉了。 I've been asked to coax you into apologizing.

37、当我失落的时候,请告诉我你还在。 When I'm down, please tell me you're still there.

38、总是对爸妈说出的话,顶撞、装作没有听见。 I always contradict and pretend not to hear what my parents say.

39、恨太多,没结果,往事重提是折磨。 Hate too much, no result, the past is torture.

40、感情随风,你我随意。 Feelings with the wind, you and I at will.

41、我一直有个梦,就是被万人宠一人懂! I have always had a dream, that is, to be loved by thousands of people and understand by one person!

42、我也终于明白:烟比女人亲,伤肺不伤心。 I also finally understand: smoke than women pro, hurt the lung is not sad.

43、我从来都不敢理直气壮的说我拥有过什么。 I never dare to say what I have.

44、我会一直喜欢你,直到被你伤害到没力气。 I will always like you, until you hurt to no strength.

45、我努力在笑,可眼泪还是会掉。 I try to laugh, but tears still fall.

46、我始终觉得,我挤在被你忽略的那些人之中。 I always feel that I am among those people who are ignored by you.

47、我很想知道,我什么时候可以喜得重生。 I really want to know when I can be happy to be reborn.

48、我快要离开这里了,你还不来挽留我吗? I'm about to leave here. Don't you come to detain me?

49、我怕来不及,像之前一样错过你。 I'm afraid it's too late to miss you as before.

50、我怕,我会死在自己强大的想象里。 I am afraid that I will die in my own powerful imagination.

51、我总不可能耗尽一生,换一句你的有可能。 I can't spend my whole life. In other words, yours is possible.

52、我想你,懂;我想,你懂;我,想你懂。 I want you to understand; I want you to understand; I want you to understand.

53、我想你,甚至模仿你的呼吸。 I miss you and even imitate your breathing.

54、我是一个情绪疯子,每天为你换几百遍心情。 I'm an emotional maniac. I change your mood hundreds of times every day.

55、我没有饮过最烈的酒,但我放弃过最爱的人。 I didn't drink the strongest wine, but I gave up the person I loved the most.

56、我知道自己很无趣,所以不奢求你会愿意。 I know I'm boring, so I don't expect you to.

57、我耗尽了力气和真心,最终只感动了自己。 I exhausted my strength and sincerity, and finally only moved myself.

58、我说我爱你,然后你倒过来重复一遍。 I say I love you, and then you repeat it backwards.

59、拥有、笑过、哭过,太多理由,爱已经腐朽。 Have, laugh, cry, too many reasons, love has decayed.

60、明明很在乎,却没心没肺地说着“无所谓”。 Clearly care about, but heartless to say "it doesn't matter.".

61、是谁信誓旦旦的对莪说着不离不弃的谎言。 Who vowed to me that never leave the lie.

62、有些事,有些人,一转身就是一辈子。 Some things, some people, turn around is a lifetime.

63、有很多时候,人不得不去做自己不喜欢的事情。 There are many times when people have to do things they don't like.

64、有的人很好不认识更好,省得最后的失望。 Some people do not know better, save the final disappointment.

65、每个女孩子,都是银河遗落在时间的星星。 Every girl is a star left by the galaxy in time.

66、没人在乎,无人牵挂才是真*。 No one cares, no one cares is true freedom.

67、洞察了人情世故才觉得城市孤独。 It's the insight into the world that makes the city feel lonely.

68、深深而又凄寂的黑夜,像头蓄势待发的兽。 The deep and desolate night is like a beast ready to go.

69、爱人,是用来疼爱的,而不是用来伤害的。 Love, is used to love, not to hurt.

70、爱你是我的英雄梦,独抱一腔孤勇。 Love you is my hero's dream.

71、爱情是麻烦的意外,我就是爱上她的怪。 Love is a troublesome accident. I just fall in love with her.

72、用尽力,努力的微笑,掩饰所有的心痛。 With effort, effort smile, cover up all the heartache.

73、用忧伤执笔,写我情深。 Write about my deep love with sadness.

74、空谷幽兰,静赏芳馨。 Orchid in the empty valley, enjoy the fragrance.

75、给我再多的忘情水,也忘不掉那段情。 No matter how much water you give me, you can't forget that love.

76、能给的早就给了,给不了的才会做出承诺吧。 What can be given has been given for a long time. What can't be given will be promised.

77、试着销声匿迹,原来真的无人问津。 Try to disappear, the original really nobody.

78、谁也不是谁的谁,谁爱谁,爱谁谁。 Who is not who, who loves who, who loves who.

79、这是蓝莓,这是草莓,遇见你,算我倒霉。 This is blueberry, this is strawberry. It's my bad luck to meet you.

80、迷恋上妖,妖的不择手段只为了保护自己。 Infatuated with demons, demons do whatever they can to protect themselves.

81、错综复杂的城市,到处都是迷路的人。 The intricate city is full of lost people.

82、难道是你的心伤了锁,还丢掉了钥匙。 Is it your heart that broke the lock and lost the key.

83、面具带久了,就成了皮肤。 If you wear a mask for a long time, it becomes skin.