1、一个人的真正伟大之处,就在于他能够认识到自己的渺小。 The real greatness of a man is that he can realize his own insignificance.

2、一分耕耘,一分收获,要收获得好,必须耕耘得好。 If you want to reap well, you must work well.

3、不再见,是我给你最后的警告。 No more. It's my last warning.

4、不谈亏欠,谢谢曾遇见。 Thank you for meeting me.

5、世界上没有真相,你信什么,什么就是真相。 There is no truth in the world. What you believe is the truth.

6、人生没有白费的努力,也没有碰巧的成功。 Life is not a waste of effort, there is no chance of success.

7、今晚别关窗,我想偷偷进你的梦里。 Don't close the window tonight, I want to sneak into your dream.

8、他们来了,又走了,这就是生活啊。 They come and go. That's life.

9、他日嫁得如意郎君,谢君当年不娶之恩。 I will marry my husband one day. Thank you for not marrying me.

10、你在我的异常关心里,却不在我的最近访客里。 You are in my abnormal concern, but not in my recent visitors.

11、你是我良辰美景,此生不负。 You are my beautiful scenery in my life.

12、做男人的最高境界不是你去泡妞,而是让妞来泡你。 The highest level of being a man is not that you go to pick up girls, but that girls come to pick you up.

13、其实,有谁知道我微笑背后的伤痛,是那么的苦不堪言。 In fact, who knows the pain behind my smile, is so miserable.

14、决定放弃的事情,就请放弃的干干净净。 Decide to give up things, please give up clean.

15、凡夫迷失于当下,后悔于过去圣人觉悟于当下,解脱于未来。 Ordinary people are lost in the present, regret in the past, and saints are aware of the present and free from the future.

16、别说我冷,暖的时候你没珍惜而已。 Don't say I'm cold, you don't cherish when I'm warm.

17、到最后压抑太久的情绪全爆发时,也只会用泪水宣泄。 In the end, when the emotion that has been suppressed for a long time breaks out, it will only be released with tears.

18、加油,自己幸福比网友的谩骂重要。谁都有以前现在和未来。 Come on, your happiness is more important than netizens' abuse. Everyone has the past, the present and the future.

19、在不愉快的日子里,搜刮生活藏起来的温柔。 In the unhappy days, searching for the tenderness hidden in life.

20、在光滑的冰面上容易摔倒,是因为上面没有坎坷。 It's easy to fall on the smooth ice because there are no bumps on it.

21、塑造自己的过程很疼,但最终你能收获一个更好的自己。 It's painful to shape yourself, but in the end you get a better self.

22、天地为炉,世间万物,冥冥众生,谁不是在苦苦煎熬。 Heaven and earth for the furnace, all things in the world, sentient beings, who is not suffering.

23、女生在还没有男人疼的时候,必须活的要像个爷们儿。 Girls have to live like men when they don't have men's pain.

24、帆的自豪,是能在风浪中挺起胸膛。 The pride of sails is that they can stand up in the wind and waves.

25、强颜欢笑久了,也是会累的。 Forced to smile for a long time, will also be tired.

26、当内心可以容纳很多自己不喜欢的事物时,这就叫智慧与慈悲。 When the heart can accommodate a lot of things you don't like, it's called wisdom and compassion.

27、愿笑皆由忠而发,不再强颜欢笑。 May all smiles come from loyalty, and no longer be forced to smile.

28、成功的人不是赢在起点,而是赢在转折点。 Successful people do not win at the starting point, but at the turning point.

29、我不擅长等待。但我擅长做我不擅长做的事情。 I'm not good at waiting. But I'm good at what I'm not good at.

30、我们一天说的话其实有很多都是废话,有用的可能就几句。 In fact, a lot of what we say in a day is rubbish, and a few words may be useful.

31、我在三生石畔等你千年,只为换来一世长相厮守。 I'll wait for you by Sansheng stone for a thousand years, just to be together forever.

32、我学不会招人疼,向来爱逞强,就算再难过也不会对别人讲。 I learn not to attract people to hurt, always love to be brave, even if again sad will not tell others.

33、把节奏放慢,生活也是,爱也是。 Slow down, life is, love is.

34、拒绝了所有人的邀请,不愿与除你之外的人看风景! Refused everyone's invitation, do not want to see the scenery with people other than you!

35、无论做什么,记得为自己而做,那就毫无怨言。 No matter what you do, remember to do it for yourself, then there is no complaint.

36、时间真狠一走就不回头了,你也一样。 Time is so cruel that you don't look back as soon as you leave, so do you.

37、智慧只是天才的配料,勤奋才是天才的本身。 Wisdom is only the ingredient of genius, diligence is the genius itself.

38、最难过的不是大吼,是痛到深处喘不上气,手抖连泪都忍着! The most sad is not roar, is the pain to the depth of breathless, shaking hands, even tears are endure!

39、有时蒙蔽我们的不是假象,而是执念。 Sometimes it's not illusion but obsession that blinds us.

40、止于唇齿,掩于岁月。 Stop in the lips and teeth, cover in the years.

41、每个人都在努力,都在奋不顾身,不是只有你受尽委屈。 Everyone is working hard, are desperate, not only you are aggrieved.

42、没人能理解仙人掌的悲哀,终究是别人进不来,孤单了自己。 No one can understand the sorrow of cactus, after all, others can not enter, lonely himself.

43、爱总是使人哭泣,使人感到不满足。 Love always makes people cry, makes people feel unsatisfied.

44、爱的方式有千百种,却没有一个标准可以来衡量是非对错。 There are thousands of ways to love, but there is no standard to measure right and wrong.

45、生前何必久睡,死后自会长眠。 Why sleep long before you die.

46、眼泪的背后是另一种明白,放下背后是一种成全。 Behind the tears is another kind of understanding, put down behind is a kind of completion.

47、笑渐不闻声渐悄,多情却被无情恼。 Smile gradually do not hear, gradually quiet, affectionate but was heartless annoyed.

48、脆弱的人四处游说自己的不幸,坚强的人不动声色地愈加强大。 The weak go around lobbying for their own misfortune, and the strong become stronger and stronger quietly.

49、自己爱的拼命想得到,爱自己的给都不要。 They love desperately want to get, love their own to do not.

50、苦日子多放两勺糖,熬一熬就过去了。 Put two spoonfuls more sugar in the bitter days, and it will be over after boiling.