1、世界上最傻的是暗恋,比暗恋更傻的是互相暗恋。 In the world the most silly of is unrequited love, more stupid than unrequited love is unrequited love each other.

2、他一个表情,我心里就上演了一场电影。 He a expression, my in the mind is staged a movie.

3、他喜欢你,我看着你们打打闹闹。我喜欢你,我们只是闺蜜,仅此而已。 He likes you, I look at you and tear. I like you, we are just best friend, that's all.

4、但愿在情人节,我俩的美梦成真。 I hope on valentine's day, our dream will come true.

5、你名字那么普通,也就我听到才会心头一震。 You name so ordinary, I heard a momentary shock.

6、你是我见过最胖的人,不仅占满了我手机的内存,还占满了我的心。 You are the fattest people I have ever met, not only fill the I phone memory, also filled my heart.

7、再灿烂耀眼的星,也未必亮的过你。 Again bright dazzling star, also not necessarily bright of you.

8、别说我好,我没那么好。别说我不好,我也没那么差。我就是我,爱与不爱,你随意。 Don't say I'm good, I'm not that good. Don't say me bad, I also not so bad. I am who I am, love and not love, you casually.

9、千万要善待一个路痴,因为他一旦走进你的心,就很难再走出去了。 Be sure to treat a have no sense of direction, because he once went into your heart, it's hard to go out again.

10、原来有些你自以为很重要的人,你不联系他,他就真的永远不会联系你。 The original some do you think very important person, you don't contact him, he really never contact you.

11、只有甘于平淡,不争不执着,不计较,才能感受到更多幸福。 Only willing to insipid, true don't persistent, don't care about, to feel more happiness.

12、如果我的离开能让你幸福,我宁愿离开,如果我离开你不幸福,那请让我给你幸福。 If I leave can make you happy, I prefer to leave, if I leave you not happiness, then please let me give you happiness.

13、守着你到永久,不让你的心有一丝寂寞,我的爱一直陪在你左右。 With you forever, don't let your heart have a lonely, my love always accompany around you.

14、对于世界而言,你是一个人;但是对于某个人,你是他的整个世界。 To the world you may be one person, But to one person you may be the world.

15、对于我们最爱的人,不说永远,只说珍惜。 Whom we love best to them, don't say never, said only cherish.

16、开心的时候要想起我,难受的时候要记得你还有我。 Happy whento think of me, sad, I will remember you still have me.

17、我一直在你身后,只要你回头看看,我一直在等你。 I've been behind you, as long as you look back, I've been waiting for you.

18、我不停的遇见,然后发现,除了你任谁都不能入我眼。 I met, and then found that in addition to you who are not into my eye.

19、我不敢看你的眼睛,我怕我每个眼神都是告白。 I dare not look into the eyes of you, I'm afraid I each eye is confession.

20、我们都欠彼此一句表白,但时光不再给我们机会。 We all owe each other a profession, but time will no longer give us the opportunity.

21、我俩的爱,一年比一年更坚定。亲爱的,情人节快乐。 Our love, stronger every year. Dear, happy valentine's day.

22、我在等一个偶遇,然后和你在一起。 I'm waiting for a chance encounter, and then with you.

23、我在等一个可能,一个不可能的可能,等你看见我。 I'm waiting for a possible, an impossible possible, waiting for you to see me.


25、我爱你,可我不敢说,我怕说了我就去死我不怕死,但我怕我死了以后没有人像我这么爱你。 I love you, but I dare not say, I'm afraid I said I would go to dead I not afraid dead, but I am afraid I dead after no portrait me so love you.

26、我的心脏,一直都只停留于你的心上。 My heart, always stay in your heart.

27、我看到你,我怕会触电;没看到你,我怕要充电!要是没有你,我想我会没电! I see you, I'm afraid will get an electric shock; Didn't see you, I be afraid to charge! Without you, I don't think I'll electricity!

28、我觉得一定有很多人暗恋我,因为这么多年了,也没有人跟我表白。 I think there must be a lot of people like me, for so many years, no one with me.

29、我躺在回忆的风中,用对你的思念取暖。 I lay on the memories of the wind, with yearning warmth to you.

30、日出日落,每一天都要看见你的笑脸。反反复复,每一天都拥着你才肯入睡。 Sunrise and sunset, every day to see your smiling face. Repeatedly, every day held youwill sleep.

31、时光会是我爱你的最美证明。但时光还是个美人,带走了从前的你。 Time would be best to prove I love you. But the time was a beauty, away before you.

32、时间会告诉我们,简单的喜欢最长远,平凡中的陪伴最心安。 Time will tell, simple like the most in the long run, with the peace of ordinary.

33、有个人身上就是有那样一种力量,能在冥冥之中让你安心。 A person is a kind of power, can...... let you at ease.

34、有些是值得反妥屑端的, Some paintings are worth look carefully again and again, just as some people are worth one life to treat each other well.

35、有时有错过了,才会有新的遇见;缘分就是,不早不晚,而是恰恰刚好。 Sometimes have missed, will have a new meet; Fate is that early not late, but just right.

36、爱情让我们蓬头垢面,但是,它曾经让我们花枝招展。 Let us love unkempt, however, it has let us.

37、爱的路上没有谁对谁错,希望彼此珍惜来之不易的缘分,一起分享人生的苦涩。你就是我那把适合的伞。 The way love have no who to who wrong, hope e彼此珍惜来之不易的命运,分享生活的辛酸。您是最适合打伞的人。 I want to live in your heart, a live is a lifetime.

38、真爱不是随便说说,而是看你付出多少。爱情不是一张嘴,而是一辈子。 True love is not easy, but to see how much you pay. Love is not a mouth, but for a lifetime.

39、要记得我一直在思念你,不要哭泣,扬起你的头就要微笑。 Remember I have been thinking of you, don't cry, raise your head is about to smile.

40、请别怀疑我对你的爱,那不是年少轻狂,我知道那是我愿意陪你走过一生的勇气。 Please don't doubt my love for you, that's not dazed and confused, I know that I am willing to accompany you through life's courage.

41、难得晴,难得雨,难得生命里有你。 A rare fine, rare rain, rarely have you in life.
