1、不好意思,天生傲骨的我怎能服输。 I'm sorry, how can I admit defeat.

2、不是每个人,都可以在我心里兴风作浪。 Not everyone can make waves in my heart.

3、不要对我说对不起,因为我们没关系。 Don't say sorry to me, because we are OK.

4、人生九局,要么出众,要么出局。 Nine games of life, either outstanding or out.

5、低调不代表脾气好,只是不想与狗置气。 Low key doesn't mean good temper, just don't want to be angry with the dog.

6、低质量的恋爱,不如高质量的单身。 Low quality love is not as good as high quality single.

7、住在我心里,你交房租了吗你。 Living in my heart, have you paid the rent.

8、你不要再回来了,我已经没有力气讨好。 Don't come back, I have no strength to please.

9、你与世界握手言和,是为了生活。 You make peace with the world for life.

10、你我之间除了恋爱,谈不了别的。 You and I can't talk about anything but love.

11、你的敷衍这么明显,我怎么可能看不见。 Your perfunctory manner is so obvious that I can't see it.

12、你的新欢,不照样是别人的破鞋。 Your new love is not the same as other people's shoes.

13、你的薄情错过了我的深情,后悔的是你。 You miss my affectionate, regret is you.

14、你要伤我就尽管来伤,我有各种坚强。 If you want to hurt me, just hurt me. I have all kinds of strong.

15、你那同情似的爱情,劳资我不稀罕。 Your sympathetic love is not rare to me.

16、你随手复制的温柔,对几个人有过粘贴。 You copy the gentle, have pasted to several people.

17、其实我很有个性,只是不想签名。 In fact, I have personality, just don't want to sign.

18、别在姐面前卖弄单纯,姐复杂得很。 Don't show off your simplicity in front of your sister. She is very complicated.

19、别在我的坟前哭,脏了我的轮回路。 Don't cry in front of my grave, dirty my samsara road.

20、别太注重长相,能力没写在脸上。 Don't pay too much attention to appearance, ability is not written on the face.

21、别把我给你的尊重,当成你放肆的资本。 Don't take the respect I give you as your presumptuous capital.

22、别跟姐说白头偕老,姐要永远黑发飘飘。 Don't tell my sister to grow old together. My sister should always have black hair.

23、劳资现在连自己都不爱,拿什么去爱你。 The labor and capital don't even love themselves now. What can they do to love you.

24、千万不要低头,双下巴好明显啊。 Don't bow your head. Your chin is so obvious.

25、变了心的爱人就像狗,谁有本事谁牵走。 A changed heart is like a dog, who has the ability to lead.

26、哭卟出的泪,只能硬生生地憋回去。 Tears can only be stifled back.

27、好时勿说尽秘密,恼时勿言及隐私。 Don't tell all secrets when you are good, and don't talk about privacy when you are angry.

28、好看的皮囊嫌你丑,有趣的灵魂嫌你俗。 A good-looking skin thinks you ugly, and an interesting soul dislikes you vulgar.

29、如果有一天我变了,记住是拜你所赐。 If one day I change, remember it is because of you.

30、姐不是绿茶,没有再来一瓶的机会。 Sister is not green tea. I don't have a chance to have another bottle.

31、孩子把玩具当朋友,成人把朋友当玩具! Children regard toys as their friends, and adults treat their friends as toys!

32、宁愿笑着流泪,也不哭着说后悔。 I would rather laugh and cry than cry and say regret.

33、安静的日子,也可以把无聊过成诗。 In quiet days, boredom can be turned into poetry.

34、小女子不才,没能一嘴巴子亲死公子。 I'm not talented. I can't kiss you to death.

35、小小的我,用世俗的眼看穿一切。 Little me, see through everything with secular eyes.

36、幸亏长的丑,没经历各位的爱恨情仇。 Thanks to the ugliness, I didn't experience your love and hate.

37、很可怕的是有牛,在对着你弹琴。 It's terrible that a cow is playing the piano at you.

38、感情不会剧终,一个人情愿才会剧终。 Love can't end the play, only when one is willing to.

39、我不是你的玩具,不要以为我好揉捏。 I'm not your toy. Don't think I'm easy to knead.

40、我不是最好的,却也是你再也遇不到的。 I'm not the best, but you'll never meet me again.

41、我不是看不起你,而是压根就懒得看你。 I don't look down on you, but I don't want to look at you at all.

42、我不苛求谁喜欢,也轮不到谁讨厌。 I don't ask who likes it, and I can't hate anyone.

43、我也曾很用心,只是后来失去了热情。 I used to be very attentive, but later I lost my enthusiasm.

44、我们都要面向太阳,骄傲的活着。 We all have to face the sun and live with pride.

45、我并不大方,我的喜欢需要回应。 I'm not generous. I need to respond to what I like.

46、我很有原则,原则就是看心情啊。 I have a lot of principles. The principle is to see the mood.

47、我是喜欢你,但我不能一辈子不要脸。 I like you, but I can't be shameless all my life.

48、我欣赏你的直言不讳,但请管好你的嘴。 I appreciate your frankness, but please mind your mouth.

49、我活得也不容易,别让我迁就你。 It's not easy for me to live. Don't let me indulge you.

50、我浪不浪关你什么事,谁稀罕你给的家。 It's none of your business whether I wave or not. Who needs your home.

51、我的爱即使再廉价,也轮不到为你打折。 Even if my love is cheap, it can't be discounted for you.

52、我的骄傲,不容侵犯,这是女王范! My pride, inviolable, this is queen fan!

53、我长得很耐看,你需要耐心的看。 I'm very long-looking, you need to be patient.

54、我需要的是指点,不是指指点点。 What I need is guidance, not pointing.

55、我高傲的指着心脏对你说:这换人了! I pointed to the heart arrogantly and said to you: this replacement!

56、承合的结局,只是唱了出萍水相逢。 Chenghe's ending is just a chance encounter.

57、抢得走的东西,原本就不属于你。 The stolen things don't belong to you.

58、持我的风格,我活在我的时间。 With my style, I live in my time.

59、散散心,败败火,照照镜子还是我。 Relax, lose, look in the mirror or me.

60、既然你说我是*,那就*千年吧! Since you say that I am a disaster, it is a disaster for thousands of years!

61、既然过往已成殇,愿你来日不负好时光。 Since the past has become a war, I wish you a good time in the future.

62、时光逼着我坚强,以微笑付之所有的伤。 Time forced me to be strong, with a smile to pay all the injuries.

63、星光不问赶路人,时光不负有心人。 The star does not ask the passer-by, time does not lose the heart of the people.

64、昨天已经成为历史,何必再去纠结? Yesterday has become history, why bother again?

65、是你太过平庸,不配做我的英雄。 You are too mediocre to be my hero. 霸气高冷到爆的句子英文

66、此情无计可消除,才下眉头,却上心头。 This situation can not be eliminated, only under the brow, but on the heart.

67、求人不如求己,何必看人眼色。 It's better to ask for others than yourself. Why look at others.

68、热水治不了百病,情话过不了一生。 Hot water can't cure all kinds of diseases, love words can't live a lifetime.

69、用不着你来喜欢,更轮不到你来讨厌。 You don't need to like it or hate it.

70、男人的实力,就是你兜里的人民币。 The strength of a man is the RMB in your pocket.

71、终于明白,快乐是共享,苦难是自抗。 Finally understand that happiness is sharing, suffering is self resistance.

72、给我未来的婆婆一个差评,发货太慢。 Give my future mother-in-law a bad comment, delivery is too slow.

73、苦尽甘来,可苦不会尽,你也不会来。 It's good to have a hard time, but it won't end, and you won't come either.

74、请宽恕我眼光太浅,错把贱人当友人。 Please forgive me for being too shallow and mistaking a slut as a friend.

75、路还长,别太狂,以后指不定谁辉煌。 The road is still long. Don't be too crazy. Who will be brilliant in the future.

76、过好自己的生活,该来的,都在路上。Live a good life, should come, all on the road.

77、这一路走丢了很多人,但我不敢停下来。 I lost a lot of people along the way, but I didn't dare to stop.

78、连自己都睡不好,还怎么去睡别人。 Even if you can't sleep well, how can you sleep with others.

79、道理我都懂,只是风好巧,雨也不小。 I understand the truth, but the wind is good and the rain is not small.

80、陪你一起等红灯,陪我一起闯绿灯。 Wait for the red light with you, run the green light with me.

81、高冷是一个网络词语,一般解释是高贵冷艳。但是也有一种不常见的用法,这时它的意思是孤高冷傲,带有一定的古典色彩,有时可能会有些懒懒的感觉。以下是小编整理了关于2020霸气高冷英语个性签名,一起来看看吧! 霸气高冷英语语录短语