

3、2010已远,2021即将到来,不念过去,未来可期。 2010 is far away, and 2021 is coming. Don't think about the past, and the future can be expected.

4、2020就要走了,祝愿2021一切都好,新的一年,新的开始。2021加油! 2020 is about to go. I wish 2021 all the best, a new year and a new beginning. 2021 come on!

5、2020已渐行渐远,2021则渐行渐近了。 2020 is far away and 2021 is approaching.

6、2020年就要逝去,每天一个小目标,2021迎接新的自己。加油。 The year 2020 is about to pass, with a small goal every day, 2021 to meet a new self. come on.

7、2021年仍需负重前行,加油加油! In 2021, we still need to carry on the load. Come on!

8、2021年你要早点起床,不要耽误大家迈进小康。 In 2021, you should get up early and don't delay everyone to step into a well-off society.

9、一切都会变好,超好,爆好,无敌好。 Everything will be better, super good, explosion good, invincible good.

10、一切都充满新的希望,新的憧憬。 Everything is full of new hope, new vision.

11、不乱于心不困于情,不畏将来不念过往。 Do not be confused in the heart, not trapped in feelings, not afraid of the future, do not read the past.

12、不要徘徊,不要犹豫,做更好的自己。 Don't linger, don't hesitate, be better yourself.

13、为了更加美好的明天,一起加油。 For a better tomorrow, let's go together.

14、今日的熬夜,是对新年的敬重。 Staying up late today is a respect for the new year.

15、他日他日不可留,愿你此生无忧愁。 Do not stay in the future. May you have no sorrow in this life.

16、他说陪我跨年,却转身去玩游戏。 He said to accompany me for the new year, but turned to play games.

17、你好!愿时光不老,许故人不散。 Hello 2021! May time not be old and old friends may not be scattered.

18、你平等对待孩子,他就懂事了!你平等对待下属,他就敢于负责! 2021, you treat children equally, he will be sensible! If you treat subordinates equally, they dare to be responsible!

19、你腿太短跨不了年,这是我听过最残忍的话。 Your legs are too short to cross the new year. That's the cruelest thing I've ever heard.

20、你说2021要重新开始,好,兄弟,我陪你从头再来。 You said 2021 should start again. OK, brother, I will accompany you to start all over again.

21、别跟我炫耀压岁钱,除非你请客。 Don't show me lucky money unless you treat me.

22、压岁钱不是放我手上的吗,怎么最后在妈妈兜里? Don't you put the lucky money in my hand? How did it end up in my mother's pocket?

23、只有先改变自己的态度,才能改变人生的高度。 Only by changing one's attitude can we change the height of life.

24、唯愿你,常开心,常欣喜,有趣有盼,无灾无难。 Only wish you, often happy, often happy, interesting, hope, disaster free.

25、回家的路又短又长,短的是距离,长的是心情。 The way home is short and long, the short is the distance, the long is the mood.

26、多希望你无人问津,只我一人宠你。 I hope no one cares about you. I'm the only one who spoils you.

27、尽管是昏昏沉沉又一年,仍期待柳暗花明又一村。 Although it is another year, I still look forward to another village.

28、岁岁长欢愉,年年皆胜意。 Every year you are happy, you will win every year.

29、希望新的一年,三餐四季、温暖有趣。 I hope the new year, three meals, four seasons, warm and interesting.

30、希望过年你能拿着一堆红包砸向我的脸,就是要这么简单粗暴的友情。 I hope you can take a pile of red envelopes to my face in the new year, that is to say, simple and crude friendship.

31、开局大旺,走势如虹! The beginning is prosperous and the trend is like a rainbow!

32、往事清零,万事胜意。 All things win when the past is cleared.

33、往后的日子是崭新的,谁也不许回头看了。 The days ahead are brand new, and no one is allowed to look back.

34、忘掉昨天,开始我们今天新的生活吧。 Forget yesterday and start a new life today.

35、恭祝您的事业蒸蒸日上,新年更有新气象! I wish you a prosperous career and a new year!

36、愿你余生前程似锦平安喜乐,万事胜意未来可期。2020再见,2021你好。 May you have a bright future for the rest of your life, peace and happiness. Everything will win and the future can be expected. Goodbye 2020, hello 20

37、愿你又瘦又好看,有钱还可爱。 May you be thin and beautiful, rich and lovely.

38、愿你夜里有灯,梦里有人,喜乐平安,得偿所愿。 May you have a lamp at night and someone in your dream. Have joy and peace and fulfill your wish.

39、愿你想得到的都得到,得不到的都释怀。 What you don't want to get.

40、愿你眼中常有光,愿你能活成你想要的样子。 May there always be light in your eyes, and may you live as you want.

41、愿您在心的一年,星罗棋布,步步高升! Wish you a year in the heart, dotted, step by step!

42、愿新春已后,吉吉利利。 May the New Year be over, gillilly.

43、所求皆吾愿所行化坦途,多喜乐常安宁。 All I ask for is what I wish to do. How happy and peaceful I am.

44、所求皆如愿,所得皆坦荡。 What you ask for is what you want, and what you get is magnanimous.The new year, mood, life are as brilliant as fireworks.

45、抹去悲伤痕迹,迎接新的欢喜。 Erase the trace of sadness and welcome new joy.

46、新年快乐,2021万事顺遂。 Happy new year and everything goes well in 20

47、新年来临,送你好心情。 New year's coming, send you a good mood.

48、新年的鞭炮再响,也没我想你那么想。 New year's firecrackers ring again, also do not think you think so.

49、新年过后,新的一年,生活往前,故事继续。 After the new year, the new year, life goes forward, the story continues.

50、新的一年好运爆棚,愿望通通实现,加油。 Good luck in the new year, wish all come true, come on.


52、新的一年,新的开始;心的祝福,新的起点。 A new year, a new beginning; the blessing of the heart, a new starting point.

53、新的一年,有我陪伴;新的一年,幸福无边。 The new year, with my company; the new year, happiness is boundless.

54、新的一年,让我们追逐梦想,乘风而行,辽阔人生。 In the new year, let's pursue our dreams, take advantage of the wind and live a broad life.

55、早上好,2020年最后一天来啦,愿家人朋友2021每一天比现在更快乐。 Good morning, the last day of 2020 is coming. May every day of 2021 be happier than now.

56、晚上陪你的人很重要,从走到,从一生走到一世! The person who accompany you at night is very important, from walk to, from life to life!

57、祝你财气冲天、财运亨通! I wish you fortune and prosperity!

58、祝各位红红火火,顺顺利利,大吉大利,财运滚滚! I wish you prosperity, good luck and good fortune!

59、祝愿我们公司在2021年再创辉煌,越来越好!早日实现勃达企业目标! I wish our company a brilliant future in 2021, better and better! Early realization of Boda enterprise target!

60、积极努力心气盛,意气风发精神足。 Active efforts, high spirited, full of spirit.

61、站在新起点,迎接新挑战,创造新成绩。 New challenges and new achievements.

62、遗憾的事和人,明年就别再想起了。 Sorry things and people, don't think about them next year.