1、一座城市再喧闹,没你,便是空城。一个角落再陌生,有你,便是个家。 A city noise again, didn't you, it is empty. A corner strange again, have you, is a family.

2、上线只因为你在,下线只因为你太久没有上线。 Online just because you are in, only because you're too long didn't online banking.

3、不管怎样的天气,只要尔在俄身边那就是最好的天气。 No matter what the weather, as long as in the side that is the best weather.

4、不管我怎么放荡不羁,但心里依旧有你。 No matter how much I Bohemian, but my heart still have you.

5、世界上最美妙的事情是当你拥抱着你爱的人时,他却把你抱得更紧。 Is the most wonderful thing in the world when you're hugging the person you love, but he held you more tightly.

6、世界就是个巨大的夹娃娃机,我站在玻璃外,却只想要一个你。 The world is a huge clip doll machine, I stand outside the glass, but I just want a you.

7、他让你心酸让你流泪,尽管这样他站在那里你还是会过去牵他的手。 He let you sad let you shed tears, even though this way, he stood there, you still can hold his hand in the past.

8、你总是把我的关心当成了理所当然,不管我又有多爱你,最后也会有疲惫的一天。 You always make me care for granted, no matter how much I love you, finally will also have a tired day.

9、你永远在那里等待着我,而我也将永远在那里守候着你。情人节愉快。 You will always be there waiting for me, and I will always be there for you. Happy valentine's day.

10、你要敢把以后的幸福都搁我身上赌,我就敢豁了命陪你到最后不让你输。 Do you want to dare to put after happiness all I bet on me, I would dare to clear the life to accompany you to the last won't let you lose.

11、你觉得我不爱你,可你不知道,我早已离不开你。 Do you think I do not love you, but you don't know, I already cannot leave you.

12、其实,没有一开始就是合适的两个人,都是经过时间的打磨,逐渐磨合舒适的。 In fact, no two people are right, is after the polishing of time, gradually in comfortable.

13、十句搭讪百句晚安千句闲聊万句废话只为那一天在婚礼殿堂上的那句我愿意。 Ten line hundred words of good night thousand chatting all sentences bullshit just for the day on the wedding hall that I'd love to.

14、即使你什么都没有了,我一直在你背后。 Even though you have nothing, I always behind you.

15、原来思念一个人是多么辛苦的事,连呼吸都快窒息了。 The original miss a person how hard a thing it is, even breathing is suffocating.

16、只要你站在我身边,我的眼里就看不到全世界。 As long as you stand by my side, my eyes can't see the world.

17、听说,注定在一起的人,不管绕多大一圈依然会回到彼此的身边。 Heard that are bound together, no matter how hard it is around a circle will still back to each other.

18、喜欢在和你在一起,手牵手的仰望着漫天星辰,轻声许愿,我们一辈子在一起。 Like to with you together,hand in hand looking up at the sky the stars, softly vow, we a lifetime together.

19、在没有遇到你以前,我从不知道思念的感觉以及爱的甜蜜,请答应我让这种感觉和你一起陪伴我一辈子! Before didn't meet you, I never know the feeling of missing and the sweetness of love, please allow me to make this kind of feeling with you accompany me all my life!上一页12下一页

20、在遇到你之前,我还不知道爱是什么。直到遇到你我才知道你就是我的爱! Before I met you, I also don't know what love is. It was not until met you I know you are the one I love!

21、多少次发誓不再想你,一缕风却搅起满腹思绪,笔尖上却流出:一万个思念。 How many times I swear no longer miss you, but a wisp of wind stirred up, full of thoughts, but out on the tip: ten thousand missing.

22、天空飘起雨,淋湿你的背影,为你努力我坚定,挂上一颗彩虹般的心。 Your shadow sky piaoqi the rain, get wet, I determined effort for you, put up a rainbow of heart.

23、如果有个她能为我付出一切,我必将为她倾尽所有。 If she can give everything for me, I will do everything we can for her.

24、如果那天我对你说,请不要走留下陪我,你会不会还是,放开手不回头。 If that day I said to you, please don't go, stay with me you will still, letting go does not return.

25、思念我的爱人,思念我的海,思念我们相恋的海边小筑。 Missing is my lover, my sea, we fell in love and missing small build of the sea.

26、想把自己唱给你听,趁现在年少如花。 Want to sing to you listen, while you young flower.

27、我一直不相信有真正的“幸福”,直到不久以后,我邂逅了你。亲爱的,情人节快乐。 I didn't think that I have the real "happiness", then I met you. Dear, happy valentine's day.

28、我一直都没发现你就在我身后,但我能感觉你带给我的温度。为了你,我学会回头。 I didn't find you always behind me, but I can feel the temperature you bring it to me. In order to you, I learn to turn back.

29、我亲爱的小孩,快快擦干你的泪珠,我愿意陪伴你走上回家的路。 My dear baby, dry your tears, I would like to accompany you on your way home.

30、我们穿过了,每一个城市的距离, We went through, every city in the distance, just to be together the life time, the most beautiful love.

31、我喜欢你买着我爱吃的,记着我忘记的,想着我想要的。 I like you to buy the I love to eat, remember I forget, thinking about what I want.

32、我喜欢你,我知道也许对你来说是一种困扰,所以我不敢打扰,可我还是喜欢你。 I like you, I know maybe that is a problem for you, so I dare not to bother, but I still like you.

33、我喜欢天空的颜色,风的味道,大海的深度和你的声音。 I like the color of the sky, the smell of the wind, the sea and the depth of your voice.

34、我想在情人节紧握你的手。亲爱的,情人节快乐。 I want to hold your hand on valentine's day. Dear, happy valentine's day.

35、我给不了你多少温暖,但有个词叫尽我所能。 I can't give you much warm, but there is a word called the best I could.

36、时间告诉我们,感情可以变淡,说过的话可以不算,爱过的人可以再换。 Tell us that the sentiment can become weak, say can not, love can change again.

37、有你陪伴在我身边我会很开心,我们永不分离。 Have you accompany in my side I will be very happy, we will never be separated.

38、每一天无法不想你,连闭上眼睛怎么都是你。喜欢一个人,是全世界最无法隐藏的事。 Can't think of you every day even close your eyes how are you. Like a person, is the world's most cannot be hidden.

39、若你眉眼曾为我停留半分,怎会看不见我深情如初。 For me to stay half points if your eyebrow eye, how can you see me deep feeling.

40、让我们一起为我们的未来做准备,好吗? Let us prepare for our future together, ok?

41、让爱经得起流年,平平淡淡之中的携手与快乐,才是最完美。 Let love withstand time, hand in hand with happiness of plain, is the most perfect.
