1、一个女人若在你面前装模作样,就表示她已经很喜欢你了。 If a woman in front of you pretend, you said she is very like you.

2、一个成功的男人的背后总有一个懂事贤惠的女人。 Behind a successful man, there is always a sensible and wonderful woman.

3、不相信爱情的人会比平常人容易不快乐。 People who do not believe in love will be easier than normal not happy.

4、不要去看那个伤口,它有一天会结疤的,疤痕不褪,可它不会再痛。 Don't go to see the wound, it will someday become scarred, scars don't faded, but it won't pain.

5、为什么要知道对方的秘密呢?世上最黑暗的地方,是一个人的心底。 Why do you want to know each other's secret? In the world the most dark place, it is a person's heart.

6、亲爱的,我只是转身并不是怨你。 Dear, I just turned around and not blame you.

7、以前觉得你善解人意,现在觉得你合我心意,以后我们要合心合意。 Think you considerate before, now feel I liking you, later we be of the mind.

8、以后你会不经意地想起我,请别忘记我曾那样深深地爱过你。 Later you will inadvertently think of me, please don't forget I have loved you deeply.

9、你住进我心里面,告诉我什么是思念。 You live in my heart, tell me what is missing.

10、你我已经生疏了,生疏的连我的输入法都不认识你了。 I have been out of practice, you don't even know my input method with the new you.

11、假如有一天我们不在一起了,也要像在一起一样。 If one day we are not together, also like together.

12、其实我没有那么坚强,只是像多数人一样学会了伪装。 In fact, I didn't so strong, just like most people learned to disguise.

13、只有一个人愿意等,另一个人才愿意出现。 Only a person is willing to wait for, another talent to appear.

14、喷泉的水堵不死,爱情的火扑不灭。 The fountain water block dies, the fire of love not out.

15、女人的一生就是一部爱情的历史。 A woman's life is a history of love.

16、如果你相信命,那么一切的偶然都是注定。如果你不相信命,那么一切的注定都是偶然。 If you believe in life, then all accidentally is doomed. If you don't believe in life, then all the doomed are accidental.

17、如果失去了你的爱,我在这世界上,就象失去了灵魂的空壳,再也找不到家。 If you lost your love, I am in this world, like lost soul shell, can't find a home.

18、如果石头也会流泪的话,我想做一颗顽石靠在你心里哭泣,至少,还可以感受到你的温度。 If the stone will tears, I want to do a stone on your heart cry, at least, still can feel your temperature.上一页12下一页

19、山高不如男人的志气高,水深不如女人的爱情深。 Mountain higher than a man's ambition, love deep water depth as well as women.

20、思恋一个人的滋味就像喝了一大杯冰水,然后用很长很长的时间流成热泪。 Thoughts of a person's taste like todrink a large glass of ice water, then use a long time into tears.

21、总有一些人,原本只是生命的过客,后来却成了记忆的常客。 There are always some people, just life of the traveler, then became a regularmemory.

22、愿意首先放弃共同拥有的东西的那个人,是两个人之中爱的较深的一个。 The man who is willing to give up the jointly owned first thing, is two people love the darker one.

23、我不介意你骗我,我介意的是你的谎话骗不了我。 I don't mind if you lie to me, my mind is your lies can't cheat me.

24、我们的青春就这样,开始疯狂的逃,最后拼命的找。 Our youth in this way, start crazy escape, finally try very hard to find.

25、我做的一切都是默默的,有苦有甜,更多的是自己咀嚼心痛。 Everything I do is silently, bitter sweet, more is their chewing heartache.

26、我生命里的温暖就那么多,我全部给了你,但是你离开了我,你叫我以后怎么再对别人笑。 In the warmth of my life and so much, I all give you, but you leave me, you call I how after again to others laugh.

27、我蹲下来抚摸着自己的影子说:对不起让你受委屈了。 I squat down down stroked his shadow said: I'm sorry to have kept you be wronged.

28、无论你把爱情看得多么的复杂或简单,在爱情的世界里,单单有爱情是不够的。 No matter how much you love see more complex or simple, in the world of love, only love is not enough.

29、既然爱,为什么不说出口, Since love, why not export, some things lost, never to come back.

30、曾经以为,拥有是不容易的;后来才知道,原来舍弃更难。 Used to think, it is not easy to have; Afterwards just know, originally it is harder to give up.

31、有一天你能到我的心里去,你会看到那里全是你给的伤悲。 One day you can to my heart, you will see where are all your sorrow.

32、有些事,只能一个人做。有些关,只能一个人过。有些路,只能一个人走。 Some things, can only be a person to do. Some close, only a person lead. Some road, only a person walk.

33、没有不可原谅的错误,只有无法挽回的人。 Not unforgivable mistake, only cannot be redeemed.

34、没有人陪你走一辈子,所以你要适应孤独,没有人会帮你一辈子,所以你要奋斗一生。 No one to accompany you go for a lifetime, so you have to adapt to loneliness, no one will help you a lifetime, so you have to struggle for life.

35、没有初恋的人生是不完整的,没有痛苦的爱情是不深刻的。 No love life is incomplete, no pain of love is not deep.

36、热恋时,再夸张的谎言都能听成是情话;结婚后,再认真的情话只会当成是废话。 Madly in love hour, exaggerated lies can hear again as a line; More seriously after marriage love word will only as nonsense.

37、爱一回,伤一回,不爱不后悔! Love once, hurt once, not love don't regret!

38、爱情付报酬,劳苦也轻松。 Love to pay the remuneration, labor also easy.

39、爱情可以使弱者变得勇敢。 Love can make the weak to become so.

40、爱情在动静之间:缘分在聚散之间。 Love in action between: fate between accumulation and dispersion.

41、爱情把我拽向这边,而理智却要把我拉向那边。 Love to drag me to the side, and the reason is to pull me to the side.

42、爱情,是自身的圆满,我不再缺少些什么了。 Love, is own complete, I no longer what is lack.

43、甜蜜的吻,但为何在争吵时,却要用接吻的嘴互相伤害呢? Sweet kiss, but why in quarrel, but will use kissing mouth hurt each other?

44、真正的爱情不仅要求相爱,而且要求相互洞察对方的内心世界。 True love requires not only love each other, and it requires insight into each other's inner world.

45、美丽的谎言往往比**更伤人,**的伤可以痊愈,心里的伤却无药可治。 Beautiful lies hurt you more often than violence, physical injury can recover, the in the mind of the wound is no cure.

46、脸上的快乐,别人看得到。心里的痛又有谁能感觉到。 Onthe face of the happy, others see. In the mind of pain and who can feel it.

47、草率地结了婚已经是错了,再也不要草率地去离婚。先试试看,真的不行再离也不迟。 Hastily married is wrong, don't hastily to divorce. First try, really can't again is not late.

48、这一生,他爱过的人,原来她是最爱,是最疼,是永远的刺青,是永远的那朵最初的莲花。 This life, he loved the people, she is love, is the most painful, is forever of tattoo, is that the original lotus forever.

49、遇到你曾偷偷喜欢过的人时,要祝他幸福,因为你不是正希望他幸福快乐吗? Met you ever secretly love the person, to wish him happiness, because you are not hope he happiness?

50、那些最终会让你陷进去的,一开始总是美好。 Those who will eventually let you sink in, the beginning is always beautiful.
