1、一伞一笑风正暖,叶随秋去不知寒。 An umbrella and a smile, the wind is warm, leaves go with autumn, I do not know the cold.

2、一句对不起,太沉重!我承担不起。 A sorry, too heavy! I can't afford it.

3、一寸相思千万绪,人间没个安排处。 An inch of Acacia, thousands of thoughts, there is no arrangement in the world.

4、不争,不抢,不管不顾,不理不闹。 Do not fight, do not rob, ignore, ignore, do not make trouble.

5、不好意思,我的心碎脏了你的地方。 I'm sorry, my heartbreak has dirty your place.

6、不求大富大贵,但求父母身体健康。 Do not seek wealth, but parents health.

7、不被重重的击倒又怎么能华丽的站起。 How can you stand up magnificently without being knocked down.

8、世间所有不尽人意之事,全靠硬扛。 All the unsatisfactory things in the world depend on hard shoulder.

9、人生就像蜡烛,从头到尾都充满光明。 Life is like a candle, full of light from beginning to end.

10、你真是一个不懂爱,也不会爱的人。 You are a person who doesn't know love and can't love.

11、你说暮色醉人,我就陪你看尽黄昏。 You say the dusk is intoxicating, I will accompany you to see the dusk.

12、侬放纸鸢晴空照,纸鸢向云欲绳断。 The paper kite is shining in the clear sky, and the kite is breaking to the clouds.

13、偶尔有点小情绪,为了引起你注意。 Occasionally a little bit emotional, in order to get your attention.

14、其实我一直在你身边,从来不曾走远。 In fact, I have always been by your side, never gone far.

15、别在最能吃苦的年纪,选择了安逸。 Don't choose ease at the age when you can bear hardships most.

16、原恚爱情不是离得开,就能不爱的。 Originally, love is not separated, can not love.

17、只要心中有课,走在哪里都不算逃课。 As long as you have a class in your heart, it's not truant to go anywhere.

18、喜欢是淡淡的爱;爱是深深的喜欢! Love is a subtle love; love is a deep love!

19、夜深了、烟灭了、我的世界全黑了。 It's late at night, the smoke is out, my world is dark.

20、如果时光可以倒流,谁在回忆里等迩。 If time can go back, who is waiting for you in memory.

21、如果要飞得高,就该把地平线忘掉。 If you want to fly high, forget the horizon.

22、密密麻麻的文字,写不出任何感情。 Dense text, can not write any feelings.

23、对人总是圣如佛,对己总是堕如魔。 He is always as holy as Buddha to human beings and as devil to himself.

24、将生命承担不起的难过,放手给我! Life can not afford to bear the sad, let me go!

25、就算我再怎么在意你你还是在在意她。 No matter how much I care about you, you still care about her.

26、就算重来又怎样,结果还是没结果。 Even if it's all over again, there's no result.

27、幸福就像是扯淡,越扯就变的越淡。 Happiness is like bullshit. The more you pull, the more you will become.

28、幸福是健康长寿,幸福是事事顺心。 Happiness is health and longevity, happiness is everything goes well.

29、快乐不在于事情,而在于我们自己。 Happiness is not in things, but in ourselves.

30、想你时我就是一颗山楂,脸红又心酸。 When I miss you, I am a hawthorn, blushing and sad.

31、我不会因为别人的一句话就放弃他。 I won't give up on someone else's words.

32、我们渴望成功,首先要志在成功。 We long for success, first of all, we must aim at success.

33、我们还未配好剑,出门便已经是江湖。 We haven't got a good sword yet. We will be in the world when we go out.

34、我活得也不容易,没必要讨你开心。 It's not easy for me to live. There's no need to please you.

35、所有闲愁牢骚,在举杯中灰飞烟灭。 All the idle worries and complaints go up in the cup.

36、既然没有了以后,何必再记住曾经。 Since there is no need to remember the past.

37、春风不知愁滋味,柳絮无心到处飞。 Spring wind does not know the taste of sorrow, catkins have no intention to fly everywhere.

38、春风得意马蹄疾,一日看尽长安花。 Happy, horseshoe disease, a day to see all Chang'an flowers.

39、最后原来是我错了,爱情不能当饭吃。 Finally, it turned out that I was wrong. Love can't be eaten as a meal.

40、最爱你的方式、就是让你找到所爱。 The way to love you most is to let you find what you love.

41、死犹未肯输心去,贫亦其能奈我何! Death is not willing to lose heart, poverty can also help me!

42、没有你我过得不好,你快回来好不好? I'm not doing well without you. Would you like to come back soon?

43、滚了就别再回来,我不是收破烂的。 Don't come back when you get out of here. I'm not a rag collector.

44、爱情还没有来到,日子是无忧无虑的。 Love has not come, the day is carefree.

45、爱是你我,心中说不完的孤单心事。 Love is you and me, the heart can not say the end of the lonely heart.

46、爱是我竖起防备,你却还是拥抱我。 Love is my defense, but you still embrace me.

47、爱过才知痛滋味,痛过才知情可贵。 Love to know the taste of pain, pain to know how valuable.

48、生活不会重来,这正是它美好的原因。 Life doesn't come back, and that's why it's wonderful.

49、男人有你在我身。我什麽都不怕。 Men have you by my side. I'm not afraid of anything.

50、百禽之中你为首,千王之中我为尊。 You are the first among the birds, and I am the most respected among the thousands of kings.

51、秋夜里,落叶彷徨,落在谁的心上? Autumn night, fallen leaves hesitating, fall on whose heart?

52、草若无心不发芽,人若无心不发达。 If the grass does not sprout without intention, people will not be developed.

53、要么你走,要么我走,要么一起走。 Either you go, or I go, or we go together.

54、说的是改邪归正,做的是死性不改! What we say is to correct the evil, and what we do is to persevere!

55、诶,谈恋爱的时候喝白开水都是甜的。 Ah, it's sweet to drink boiled water when you are in love.

56、谁让谁红了眼眶,谁又能笑着原谅。 Who let who red eyes, who can smile to forgive.

57、这一刻,才醒悟我们的爱多么脆弱。 At this moment, we realize how fragile our love is.

58、逆着光A从来只是过去,而不是未来。 Against the light is always the past, not the future.

59、那些都是很好很好的,可是我不喜欢。 Those are very good, very good, but I don't like them.

60、默叹昔者何芬芳,只憎今朝带老愁。 Silent sigh how fragrant the past, only hate the present with old worry.