1、一生一世一双人,半醉半醒半浮生。 A lifetime of a man, half drunk and half awake.

2、世事洞明皆学问,人情练达即文章。 The world is full of knowledge, and practice is the essay.

3、人因愚蠢而善良,人因欲望而邪恶。 Man is good because of folly, and man is evil by desire.

4、人格的完善是本,财富的确立是末。 The perfection of personality is the foundation of wealth and the establishment of wealth is the end.

5、人生之路无坦途,走出困境天地宽。 There is no royal road to life.

6、人生最大的不幸,就是自己的无能。 The greatest unhappiness of life is its own incompetence.

7、你和我,从来就不是一个路上的人。 You and I have never been a man on the road.

8、你嫌我给的少,可那都是我的全部。 You don't think I gave you enough, but that's all I have.

9、你对我访问受限,我让你黑名单见。 You have limited access to me. I'll put you on the blacklist.

10、你是太阳会发光,我是飞蛾会扑火。 You are the sun and I am the moth.

11、你来我热情相拥,你走我坦然放手。 You come to me with enthusiasm, you walk me open.

12、你永远是独一无二的,谁还能取代? You are forever unique, who can replace?

13、你还年轻不要愁,未来还要笑着走。 You are still young and don't worry about it.

14、做事没有最好的,只求要是更好的。 There is no best thing to do, but only if it is better.

15、全是你的错,现在认错已经没用了。 It's all your fault. It's no use now.

16、剧情再美只是戏,歌词再美只是曲。 The plot is only a play, the lyrics are only beautiful.

17、动心容易痴心难,留情容易守情难。 It is easy to be tempted, and easy tokeep.

18、努力不一定成功,但放弃一定失败! Try not to succeed, but give up and fail!

19、单曲循环,原来听的是自己的心情。 The single cycle turns out to be in your own mood.

20、友情和爱情一样,都害怕有第三者。 Friendship, like love, is afraid of a third party.

21、只想要知道你的想法,却成了奢望。 Just want to knowwhat you think, but it's a dream.

22、只要你过得很好,什么都已不重要。 As long as you live well, nothing is important.

23、回忆就是旧时光,藏而不露的伤口。 Memories are the old days, the hidden wounds.

24、在你之前,我没有一件像样的心事。 Before you, I didn't have a proper thing to worry about.

25、在家我是乖乖女,出门我是霸道女。 I'm a good girl at home, I'm a bully.

26、在未来的日子,我希望有你的陪伴。 I hope to have your company in the future.

27、夕阳近似无限好,痴玩年少知美妙。 The setting sun is nearly infinite, and the youth know it well.

28、好姑娘像太阳,照到哪里,哪里亮。 A good girl shines like the sun.

29、如果没有遇见,是否真的不会结束? If not, is it really not going to end?

30、尊重每个让我们生活充满欢笑的人。 Respect everyone who makes us laugh.

31、左手的伤疤,是我送给青春的献礼。 The scar of my left hand is my gift to youth.

32、怎么可以这么累,毕竟我才十六岁。 How can I be so tired? After all I'm only sixteen.

33、愚者赚钱顾今天,智者赚钱思明天。 The fool makes his money and the wise man makes a profit.

34、成功是一个过程,并不是一个结果。 Success is a process, not a result.

35、我也曾彷徨无奈,愿时间给我答案。 I also have lost and helpless, may time give me the answer.

36、我们撑了好久,却输给了天长地久。 We lasted a long time, but lost to the everlasting.

37、我像个困兽,想念你就像想念*。 I am like a beast, I miss you like freedom.

38、我写过,最短的情诗,是你的名字。 I wrote the shortest love poem. It's your name.

39、我只要你一个,别的再好我也不要。 I only want you one, and I don't want anything else.

40、我和你手牵手,说要一起走到最后。 I'm holding hands with you, saying we're going to get to the end.

41、我哭得如此狼狈,嘶哑了我的眼泪。 I cried so discomfited that I hoarse my tears.

42、我已经死了,但心里还活着一个人。 I'm dead, but I'm still alive.

43、我心中的痛,又是你可以感知的。 The pain in my heart is again you can perceive.

44、我想你,但只是想你,而不打扰你。 I miss you, but I just miss you, without disturbing you.

45、我没有好的天分,但我比谁都认真。 I don't have a good talent, but I'm more serious than anyone.

46、我答应我自己,要赢到世界交给你。 I promise myself that I will win the world to you.

47、我能做到的最好,不是你要的刚好。 The best I can do is not what you want.

48、承载着太多记忆的声音,隐隐作痛。 The voice that carries too much memory, dull ache.

49、数钱数到手抽筋,睡觉睡到自然醒。 Count the money to get cramps and sleep until you wake up naturally.

50、早上起床没吃药,感觉自己可爱! I didn't get up in the morning and didn't take medicine.

51、时间没有等我,是你, Time has not waited for me, it is you, forgot to take me to go.

52、是你让我一个人醉,一个人心好痛。 You made me drunk, a pain in the heart.上一页12下一页

53、有人考试靠实力,有人考试靠视力。 Some people test by strength, others by sight.

54、没有起点和终点,没有方向和目标。 There is no beginning and end, no direction and no purpose.

55、爱一个人,不代表就要委屈了自己! Love a person, do not represent to want to injustice oneself!

56、爱一个爱得什么叫爱情都不认识了。 To love a love is not known.

57、现在的低调,只为了以后的更高调。 Now low-key, only for later higher.

58、真正的洒脱,永远只存在于歌词中。 True sprinkling, always exists only in the lyrics.

59、立志在坚不欲锐,成功在久不在速。 Ambition is not to be sharp, success is not fast.

60、等到红颜憔悴、它却依然如此完美。 When the look gaunt, it is still so perfect.

61、能和初恋走到最后,是最幸福的事! The happiest thing is that you can go to the end with your first love.

62、自坐窗前,历尽生前事,独忆离伤。 From sitting by the window, the memory of the whole life, the only memory of the injury.

63、自己的媳D哄着T着不G人@叫邸 Her daughter-in- law coaxed her not to be ashamed. This is called love.

64、草树知春不久归,百般红紫斗芳菲。 Grass tree zhi chun soon return, a hundred red purple fighting fangfei.

65、谁能爱你比我深,感情不能两头分。 Who can love you deeper than me, the feeling cannot two points.

66、贪不义之财易毁,信不忠之人多祸。 A dishonest man is liable to destruction.

67、赤着脚在曼陀罗旁、舞起的蓝纱裙。 The blue gauze skirt that barefoot in the mandala.

68、路见不平一声吼,吼完继续向前走。 The road saw injustice and roared ahead.

69、追逐着鹿的猎人看不到脚下的高山。 The hunter who chased the deer could not see the mountain under his feet.

70、隔着泪眼看世界,整个世界都在哭。 Seeing the world through tears, the whole world cries.

71、青年是我们的未来,是我们的希望。 Youth is our futureand our hope.

72、风力掀天浪打头,只须一笑不须愁。 The wind blows the waves, but only a smile does not worry.
