1、一次次的背叛,叫我怎么再相信你。 Time and time again of betrayal, call I how believe you again.

2、不好意思。我的心碎脏了你的地方。 I'm sorry. My heart is dirty you place.

3、与其勉强,不如顺其自然更好一点。 Instead, let it be a little better.

4、两情若是久长时,又岂在朝朝暮暮。 If love between two long, and do exist.

5、人生总是很讽刺,一转身就是一世。 Life is ironic, turned around is a name.

6、人类与野兽相伴,痛苦与快乐并存。 And the beast human companions, pain and pleasure.

7、你到底喜欢我什么,我改还不成吗。 What do you exactly like me, I change not?

8、你懂我的,我对你从来都不会假装。 You know what I, I never pretended to you.

9、你曾经的温柔,如今我已看不懂。 Have you ever of gentle, now I don't understand.

10、你离我那么那远,隔着几座城市。 You stay away from me so that, across several cities.

11、俄喜欢做梦,而且是白天做的那种。 Like a dream, and it is the day to do that.

12、保重,这是你给我的最后一句话。 Take care of yourself, this is your last words to me.

13、再见了。我那么爱你一点也不遗憾。 Goodbye. I love you so don't regret.

14、分手应该是要先哭泣,还是先忘记? Separation should be to first cry, or forget?

15、勾搭什么的,都是技术性的问题。 Hook up with what of, is a technical problem.

16、即使、再苦、再累、始终自己承受。 Even if, again bitter, tired, always carry your again.

17、即使痛彻心扉也无所谓,自作自受。 Even if it doesn't matter has to meet stinging pain, self do, self have.

18、原来啊、大家都是一致的喜新厌旧。 Original ah, everyone is consistent with the cast.

19、取次花丛懒回顾,半缘修道半缘君。 Take flowers lazy review, half edge order half edge.

20、只有勇敢放手,自己才会变的更好。 Only the brave to let go, will only get better.

21、只要还有明天,今天永远是起跑线。 As long as there is tomorrow, today forever is starting line.

22、可不可以让我过得幸福点,快乐点? Could you let me to be happy, be happy?

23、叹息着谁又被伤了心,却还不清醒。 Sighed and who was hurt my heart, but is not clear.

24、同一首歌、单曲循环、反复听到死。 The same song, single cycle, hear death again and again.

25、喜欢不一定是爱,但爱一定是喜欢。 Like is not love, but love must be like.

26、回忆着快乐,分手像幻觉一样虚假。 Recall the happy, break up as false as hallucinations.

27、因为你看不见,所以我会说很想念。 Because you can't see, so I would say miss you.

28、夜深了、烟灭了、我的世界全黑了。 Of late, the cigarette, I all black in the world.

29、太卑微的我,是否配不上高傲的你? If too low, I don't deserve you proud?

30、女人的好,只有爱她的男人知道。 Women are good, only love her man to know.

31、女人,你心里的那个男人到底是谁。 Woman, the man who is in your heart.

32、妈妈说:吃饭不吃菜,省钱谈恋爱! Mother said: eat don't eat vegetables, save money to fall in love!

33、姐如此多娇,引无数美男竞折腰。 Elder sister so much jiao, countless men bow in homage.

34、容忍不需要天分,只要爱错一个人。 Tolerance does not need talent, as long as you love the wrong one.

35、宿命把我们纠缠在一起,至死不渝。 Destiny brought us intertwined, until I die.

36、就像是断尾求全,反反复复多少次。 Like a tail perfection, repeated many times.

37、希望掌握永恒,那必须控制现在。 Want to be familiar with the eternal, it must control now.

38、当人放弃所爱时,剩下的只是空白。 When people give up love, the rest is blank.

39、当初的誓言太完美,让相思化成灰。 At the beginning of the oath tooperfect, let the acacia turned to ash.

40、当我懂得珍惜的时候、你却消失了。 When I know how to cherish, but you have disappeared.

41、情感上付出的越多,就越难以割舍。 Emotional pay, the more the more difficult to give up.

42、想和你走在雨中,想要你牵我的手。 Want to and you walk in the rain, want you to hold my hand.

43、感情,的确不是用文字就能拘束的。 Feelings, do not use words can be inhibited.

44、我不要你想我,因为那样你会难受。 I don't you want to me, because then you will be upset.

45、我们的空间,彼此都没有访问权限。 Our space and have no access to each other.

46、我们都在假装,装做不在意的在乎。 We are all in the pretend, pretend don't care.

47、我怎么忘了,我们已经不再是我们。 How can I forget that we have no longer is us.

48、我把悲伤写在纸上,写断了笔尖。 I write the sad to write on the paper, broke the tip.

49、我放弃千百个,只为等待那一个。 I give up the hundreds, just to wait for that one.

50、我走我的阳关道,你过你的奈何桥。 I walk my highway, you have your helpless bridge.

51、拿开你的鼠标,不要对哥产生好奇。 Get your mouse, don't produce curiosity to the elder brother.

52、掩饰身上的伤、我依然那么美好。 Hide the hurt, I still so beautiful.

53、无名指的誓言,已成为一种等待。 The ring finger of the oath, has become a kind of waiting.

54、时间虽然在走,但是它忘记带走我。 Although in time, but its forget take me away.

55、曾经的,那份温柔带走了谁的心跳! Once, who took the tender heart!

56、有些时候不言语,并不代表不心疼。 Sometimes don't words, doesn't mean don't love dearly.

57、有时候坚持,要观众存在才有意义。 Sometimes insist, existence is only meaningful to audience.

58、每个无助的黑夜,眼泪吞噬我的脸。 Each helpless night, tears devour my face.

59、清脆的声音,伴着我的心一起跌碎。 Clear voice, together with my heart be broken.

60、渴望*,正如鱼离不开水一样。 The desire for freedom, as well as water is to fish.

61、爱情,是一味苦药。让我心痛如绞。 Love, is a bitter medicine. Let me heartache, such as ground.

62、现实社会中, In the realistic society, it is hard to be rational and love to meet.

63、理论再多,手下没有功夫是不行的。 Theory, more can't do without a kung fu.上一页12下一页 Looking at the chat record, tears fall hard.

64、皱着眉头的眼睛,谁看见谁的难过。 Frowning eyes, who saw the sad.


66、碎了一地的诺言,拼凑不回的昨天。 Broken a promise, put together back yesterday.

67、窗外寂寞的小雨,屋内感性的人儿。 Lonely light rain outside the window, the house perceptual person.

68、简简单单才是真,平平淡淡才是福。 He is a good, simple plain is blessing.

69、背叛虚伪的承诺,只为等一个过客。 Against false promise, only a passenger, etc.

70、说的是改邪归正,做的是死性不改! Said is right, do not change!

71、谁能说,谁只爱谁?谁不爱谁呢? Who can say, who only love who? Who doesn't love who?

72、谎言一直存在,信任只会换来背叛。 A lie, trust will only return for betrayal.

73、谎言,我要怎样才能再去相信你。 Lies, how can I believe you.

74、谢谢你,我的左手旁边你是的右手。 Thank you, my left hand side of your right hand.

75、蹲在角落,看着自己的年华消逝。 Crouching in the corner, looking at his time away.

76、这世界很爱我,音乐总能照亮我。 The world loved me, music can always illuminate me.

77、选择**式毁灭,只因怕你脏了手。 Choose suicide destruction, because be afraid of your dirty hands.

78、那年今日愁添愁,明日朝阳定多彩。 When sorrow worries tian today, tomorrow's sunrise is colorful.

79、阳光依然微暖,我们却被时间冲散。 Sun is still warm, but we have is time to break up.

80、风华是一指流砂,苍老是一段年华。 Elegance is a refers to flow sand, old is a period of time.
