1、不要因为结束而哭泣,微笑吧,为你的曾经拥有。 Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened

2、不要轻易说爱,许下的承诺就是欠下的债! Don't say love, the promise is a debt owed!

3、与其在你不要的世界里,不如痛快把你忘记。 Instead of in the world that you do not, it is better to forget you.

4、为什么伤口那么痛,还要拿来挡锐利的伤悲。 Why so painful wounds, but also used to block sharp pain.

5、主动,是因为太在乎。不联系,是因为觉得自己多余。 Initiative, because too much care. Do not contact, because they feel redundant.

6、任回忆萦绕,凭思念灼烧。 Any memories haunted by thoughts of burning.

7、伤心痛苦难过又怎样。你始终不会回头你始终走了。 Sad sad sad. You will never look back, you will always go.

8、余音终究是余音,能循环不能重来。 It is sound and sound, can be re circulation.

9、你在身边,你是一切,你不在身边,一切是你。 You are by your side, you are everything, you are not around, everything is you.

10、你是我猜不到的不知所措,我是你想不到的无关痛痒。 I guess you are at a loss, I think you are of no importance.

11、你没想象中那么恋旧,回忆唤不回你的温柔。 You can't imagine so Lianjiu, calls no memories of your gentle.

12、其实他们都触动了我的心脏,温暖了我的心房。 In fact they touched my heart, warm my heart.

13、别让昨天在你伤口撒盐,没有什么是过不去的。 Don't let yesterday in your wound.

14、即使只是你最随便的问候 Even if you are the most casual greetings, will let me feel that you are too warm heart.

15、只怪自己太年轻,是人是狗没分清。 Blame yourself too young, is the dog did not distinguish.

16、听说,海水的味道咸咸的,和眼泪一样。 Heard that the salty taste salty, and tears.

17、回忆变成一支会飞的弓箭,却怎么也飞不到你身边。 A flying arrow into memory, but I can not fly to your side.

18、因为不懂什么是一辈子、所以很容易用一辈子来发誓。 Because I do not know what is a lifetime, it is easy to use a lifetime to swear.

19、在女人这个播放列表中,我只想选择你,然后单曲循环。 In the women's play list, I just want to pick you, and then the single cycle.

20、她说,我是一朵为爱情开花的仙人掌。 She said, I am a flower for the flowering of the cactus.

21、好男人,就是和媳妇吵架时,抱着必输的心态。 Good man, is the wife and wife, holding the mentality.

22、如果我是你的嫁妆,请随身携带好,男人。 If I were your dowry, please carry a good man.

23、尽管还不曾离开,我已对你朝思暮想! Not even left, I have you yearn day and night!

24、尽量做个优雅的女子。千万别做作,因为,做作的女人,不仅女人讨厌,男人更讨厌。 Try to be an elegant woman. Don't be artificial, because, the artificial woman, not only women hate, men more hate.

25、幸福的花儿,终究有一天陨落成泥滋润着悲伤。 Happy flowers, is a day after falling into the mud moistens sadness.

26、当你失去我的时候,你就会明白没有谁会像我这般对你。 When you lose me, you will know no one will be like me to you.

27、当知道她因为我忽冷忽热的温柔窝在被窝里流泪时,不由心酸一阵。允许我对她说句:对不起。 When she know because I stay in bed sometimes hot and sometimes cold gentle tears, not by a sad. Allow me to say a word to her: I'm sorry.

28、很相信能成就大爱,很相信能炫耀自己。 I am sure that I can achieve great love, I am sure to show off myself.

29、心里能装着一些时间带不走的淡淡悲伤,也是一种幸福。 Heart can hold some time to take away the light sadness, but also a kind of happiness.

30、想要留不能留全是空,想见面不能见才最痛。用微笑掩饰泪往下流,对你的爱总说不出口。 Want to leave can not stay is empty, want to meet can not see the most pain. Cover up with a smile tears flow down, always say no to your love.

31、我一直以为最糟糕的情况是你离开我其实最令我难过的是你不快乐。 I always thought the worst case is you leave me in fact most make me sad is you not happy.

32、我不知道我究竟有多爱你,我们从未谋面,我们只在电话里聊过,但我想,再听不到你的声音,我会失聪的。 I don't know how much I love you, we never met,我们只是通电话,但我想我听不到您的声音,我会充耳不闻。

33、我们缺少的不是机会,而是在机会面前将自己重新归零的勇气。 We are not the opportunity, but in the opportunity to return to their own zero courage.

34、我伤心,不是因为失去了你,而是因为,我的爱还在原地。 I am sad,not because of losing you, but because, my love is still in place.

35、我再多的解释,也只是你眼中的掩饰。 I have more explanation, it's just a cover up in your eyes.

36、我只想好好和一个人一直走下去。不管未来会遇到什么。 I just want to have a good, and a person has been going down. No matter what the future will meet.

37、我四处翻找我的幸福,竟然掉得不知不觉,像这季节一片片落叶。 I rummaged around my happiness, actually fell imperceptibly, like the season of a piece of the fallen leaves.

38、我就是喜欢你,喜欢到自己都害怕了。 I just like you, I like to be afraid of.

39、我想起你描述梦想天堂的样子,手指着远方画出一栋一栋房子。 I think of you describe the dream of heaven, the fingers of a house to draw a house.

40、我愿做一条鱼,任你红烧、白煮、清蒸,然后躺在你温柔的胃里。 I want to be a fish, you roast, boiled, steamed, then lying in your stomach.

41、我是你的过眼云烟,而你却是我的末世依存。 I am you and you are me as trassient as a fleeting cloud, eschatological dependence.

42、我直到现在才知道,世界上还有一种感情,竟然可以弄假成真。 I did not know till now, the world has a kind of feeling, can actually real.

43、我真的爱你,闭上眼,以为我能忘记,但流下的眼泪,却没有骗到自己。 I really love you, close my eyes, thinking that I could forget, but shed tears, but not lie to yourself.

44、或许是深知每段感情的持久不易,我不再轻易拿出心。 May be aware of each of the feelings of the lasting is not easy, I will not easily come up with heart.

45、执笔写下关于爱情如花的文字,却每一页都是伤痕。 Write about love is the text, but each page is.

46、放弃其实并不比坚持容易多少,只是比较方便而已。坚持其实并不比放弃困难多少,只是懒得改变而已。 To give up in fact is not easier than to adhere to the number, just more convenient. Adhere to the fact is not much more difficult than to give up, just too lazy to change it.

47、明明爱的很疼,却要执着的看着自己继续疼下去。 Obviously love is very painful, but it is a persistent looking at themselves continue to hurt.

48、是否有一个人,让你想到就会情不自禁的低下头然后沉默? Whether there is a person, so that you can not help but lower the head and then silence?

49、最珍贵的感情,从来不用被捧在手心里。 The most precious feelings, never be held in the palm of the hand.

50、最糟糕的感觉,莫过于不知道应该等待还是放弃。 The worst feeling, do not know should wait or give up.

51、最让一个女人骄傲的事情,莫过于拥有一个一心一意只爱她的靠谱爷们。 Let a woman the most proud thing, than having a reliable man only loves her undivided attention.

52、有些人注定是你生命里的癌症,而有些人只是一个喷嚏而已。 Some people are destined to be cancer in your life, and some people are just a sneeze.

53、有些人,有些事,记得就够,不需要刻意在乎。 Some people, some things, remember just enough, do not need to care about.

54、有些话,你不经意的说出口,我都会很认真的难过很久很久。 Some words, you don't expect to say, I will be very serious sad for a long time.

55、有人说怀念的不是旧的时光,而是住在时光里决口不提的爱。 Some people say that miss is not the old time, but in the breach in time not to mention love.

56、有时候,人们之所以哭泣,并不是因为软弱,而是因为他们坚强了太久。 Sometimes, people cry, not because they are weak, but because they have been strong for too long.

57、有时候,除了说再见,无路可走。 Sometimes, there is no way to say goodbye.

58、来不及再见不想听抱歉,回忆渐渐消失痕迹。 Too late to see you do notwant to regret, memories fade away.

59、没有结局的日记,渐成灰色的字迹,我爱的那个他在哪里。 There is no end of the diary, getting into the gray of the handwriting, I love that he was.

60、深到骨子里的爱,那是离不开。 Deep into the bones of love, that is cannot do without.

61、深夜听着旋律哭泣,我怕寂寞的黑。用音乐陪伴自己。 Listening to the melody of the night listening to the melody, I'm afraid of the dark black. Accompany with music.

62、爱情不是数着日子过去,它让每个日子都变得有意义。 Love is not a matter of counting the days. It makes every day.

63、爱是个动词。打开双腿,要先打开心门,而心门的钥匙,就是男人不安分的手。 Love is a verb. Open the legs to open the door, but the door key, is the man hands.

64、用嘴去阐述快乐,用手去抚慰伤口,用心去感受幸福。 Use the mouth to explain the happiness, with the hand to soothe the wound, heart to feel happy.

65、男孩子就应该咧嘴大笑,而不是嘟嘴卖萌。 The boys should not grin, duzui sell adorable.

66、真正的爱情通过一个人看到整个世界,而非为了一个人舍弃世界。 True love sees the whole world through one person, while not in the world.

67、眸那过往的曾经,原来只是一场游戏。 Eyes that past once, it is just a game.

68、离别,拉长了身影,身影,拉开了距离。 Departure, elongated figure, figure, opened the distance.

69、离开我就别安慰我要知道每一次缝补也会遭遇穿刺的痛。 Don't comfort me because each sewing has to meet stinging pain.

70、若我拿出我所有的无畏,带你走你是否愿意。 If I come up with all my courage and take you away if you want to.

71、莪对迩思念的力量,足以让花儿开了。 I miss you on the strength, enough to make the flowers.

72、说过的话,绝不说第二遍;放弃的人,绝不看第二眼! Said the words, not to say second times; give up the people, never look at the second eye!

73、请容许我小小的骄傲,因为有你这样的依靠。 Please allow me a little proud, because there is such a rely on you.

74、谁能给我一个肩膀,让我狠狠的哭。 Who can give me a shoulder, let me cry.

75、谢谢你伤到我体无完肤,让我看清虚假的爱情。 Thank you for hurting me let me see theQingxudong injured all over the body, false love.

76、财富能塑造永恒。永恒只是白纸。需要爱情去点缀。一切建立在金钱上。 Wealth can shape the eternal. Eternity is just a blank sheet of paper. Need love to ornament. Everything is built on money.

77、走了这么久,发现唯一靠的住的还是自己。 For so long, the only thing to do is to find a way to live.

78、身上的伤口再多再痛,都抵不过心上的一道伤痕。 The body of the wound more pain, and have arrived a scar on the heart.

79、阿妹坐船头,阿哥水粗鄙,快游快游,沙鱼在背面。 A boat, the elder brother of water vulgar, fast swimming fast swimming sharks in the back.

80、陪你笑,陪你累,我们相依偎,陪你走完一生有何不可。 Laugh with you, accompany you tired, we together, accompany you through life's.
