1、“稳妥”之船从未能从岸边走远。 "Safe" boat never gone far from the shore.

2、一个人如果不能从内心去原谅别人,那他就永远不会心安理得。 If a person can't from the heart to forgive others, that he will never feel at ease.

3、世上本来没有美女,追求的人多了自然就成了美女。 There were no girls, the pursuit of more people have naturally become the beauty.

4、世上真不知道有多少能成就功业的人,都因把难得的时间轻轻放过以致默默无闻了。 The world really don't know how many people can be a winner, because of the rare time lightly so that the unknown.上一页12下一页

5、人之所以痛苦,在于追求错误的东西。 People are suffering, lies in the pursuit of the wrong things.

6、人生亦可燃烧,亦可腐败,我愿燃烧,耗尽所有的光芒。 Life can be burning, may also corrupt, I would like to burn, run out of light.

7、人生有几件绝对不能失去的东西;自制的力量,冷静的头脑,希望和信心。 Life has a few absolutely can't lose. The power of the homemade, a cool head, hope and confidence.

8、人生的胜者决不会在挫折面前失去勇气。 The winner of life never lose courage in the face of a setback. In any situation, can't play with others, people will be playing.

9、以后的路谁也不清楚,只有慢慢去探索。 Later road who also don't know, only slowly to explore.

10、你缺少的不是金钱,而是能力,经验和机会。 What you lack is not money, but the ability, experience and opportunity.

11、你要哭,就好好的哭一场。但是,结束以后,就再也不要想起,再也不要哭泣。 You want to cry, a good cry. After, however, is never remind of, don't cry.

12、做自己喜欢做的事,你的生活就不再有工作。 Do what you love, your life will no longer have a job.

13、再忙,也要照顾好自己,朋友虽不常联系,却一直惦念。 Again busy, also want to take care of yourself, my friend,though not often contact, but always miss.


15、大树紧紧地抓住土地,像人类紧紧地抓住爱情。 The tree firmlyseize the land, like human clutched love.

16、好心情才会有好风景,好眼光才会有好发现,好思考才会有好主意。 Good mood will have good scenery, good vision will have a good find, good thinking will have a good idea.

17、如果你想得到,你就会得到,你所需要付出的只是行动。 If you want, you will get, what you need to pay is action.

18、工作过分轻松随意的人,无论从事任何领域的工作都不可能获得真正的成功。 Too casual work, no matter in any field of work may not get real success.

19、当你将信心放在自己身上时,你将永远充满力量。 When you put faith in yourself, you will always be full of power.

20、当你看到一个没有右手的人,就不会抱怨你右手上的哪个胎记了。 When you see a person without right, don't complain about you on the right hand which birthmark.

21、忘记失败的疼苦,铭记失败的原因。 Forget the pain of bitter failure, to remember the cause of the failure.

22、我们有什么好怕的,我们来到这个世界上就没打算活着回去! We have what good afraid of, we came to this world don't mean to back alive!

23、我愿做人梯让年秦人踏着我的肩膀攀登科学**。 I wish to be a ladder for years qin people stepping on my shoulder to climb scientific peak.

24、我生为真理生,死为真理死,除了真理,没有我自己的东西。 I was born to the truth, die die for the truth, in addition to the truth, not my own.

25、我相信,只要你认真思考,这道题你一定能做出来! I believe that as long as you think seriously about, the problem is you can make it!

26、挫折经历的太少,所以总是把一些琐碎的小事看的太重。 Frustrating experience too little, so always put too much weight on some trivial things.

27、收拾起心情,继续走吧,错过花,你将收获雨,错过这一个,你才会遇到下一个。 Pack up the mood, continue to go, miss flower, you will harvest rain, missed this one, you will meet the next.

28、敢于面对困境的人,生命因此坚强;敢于挑战逆境的人,生命因此茁壮。 Who dares to face the dilemma, life so strong; Who dares to challenge adversity, life so strong.

29、无知的焦虑从来都是错的,而过于忙碌的人一定会迷失方向。 Ignorance of anxiety is always wrong, and too busy people will be lost.

30、智者创造机会,强者把握机会,弱者等待机会。 The wise create opportunities, the strong grasp the opportunity, the weak wait for opportunities.

31、有人向你索取东西,微笑着望向他。 Someone ask you for something, looked at him with a smile.

32、滴水穿石,不是因其力量,而是因其坚韧不拔锲而不舍。 Constant dropping wears away a stone, not because of its power, but because of its strong perseverance.

33、漂亮只能为别人提供眼福,却不一定换到幸福。 Beautiful can only provide pleasure to others, but not necessarily in happiness.

34、理想不是一只细磁碗,破碎了不有锔补;理想是朵花,谢落了可以重新开放。 Ideal is not a fine magnetic bowl, broken not curium fill; Ideal is a flower, x can be reopened.

35、真正的孤独不是一个人寂寞, The real loneliness is not a person lonely, but lost self in the endless noise.

36、积极者相信只有推动自己才能推动世界,只要推动自己就能推动世界。 Activists believe that only promote itself to push the world, as long as impels oneself can push the world.

37、美好的一天,上帝不会就这样给你,需要自己去创造。 It's a nice day, god will not give you like this, need oneself to create.

38、能使愚蠢的人学会一点东西的,并不是言辞,而是厄运。 The man who can make stupid to learn something, not words, but bad luck.

39、莫怨时间够不够,莫叹机会有没有,自古成功靠努力,何必坐着等白头。 Don't complain time is enough, don't sigh a chance ever, success depends on hard since ancient times, why sit hoary head, etc.

40、谁的思想最丰富,感情最纯正,行为最高尚,谁的生活就最充实。 Who thought the most abundant, the most pure emotion, behavior is the most noble, who had the most fulfilling life.

41、这个事实的真-相,你要看破,你从此以后,这一切恩恩怨怨要把它舍弃。 It really - phase, to he who sees through you and you from then on, it describe to abandon it.

42、这辈子我们需要一见钟情很多人,两情相悦一些人,然后白头偕老一个人。 We need to fall in love at first sight in my life a lot of people, some two of a kind, and then grow old together.

43、青春是有限的,智慧是无穷的,趁短的青春,去学习无穷的智慧。 Youth is limited, wisdom is boundless, while short youth, to learn to infinite wisdom.
