1、一人违章,众人遭殃。 One is against the rules, and the people suffer.

2、一点不差,差一点不行。 It's not bad. It's not good.

3、上有老,下有小,出了事故不得了。 There are old, small, and no accident.

4、不懂莫逞能,事故不上门。 Don't know not Chengneng, accidents do not come.

5、不求作多,只求作安。 Do not ask for much, only to be safe.

6、严格质量,优良出品。 Strict quality and excellent quality.

7、事故猛于虎,安全贵如金。 The accident fiercer than tigers, such as Kim Ann quangui.

8、人人讲安全,家家保平安。 Everyone speaks safety, and home is safe.

9、人人遵章守纪,确保安全第一。 Everyone zunzhangshouji, to ensure the safety of the first.

10、人车相礼让,生命有保障。 Let life be master of ceremonies of people and vehicles, security.

11、今日注意安全,节日合家团圆。 Today, pay attention to safety, holiday family reunion.

12、以人为本,安全第一。 People oriented, safety first.

13、你的安全,是全家的欣慰。 Your safety is the joy of the whole family.

14、共守交通法规,同享一片安宁。 Keep the traffic rules, sharing apeace.

15、关爱生命,遵章守法。 Love life, obey the law and obey the law.

16、内强职工素质,外树交通形象。 The quality of the staff is strong, and the traffic image of the outside trees.

17、制度不全,事故难免。 The system is not complete, and the accident is unavoidable.

18、劳动创造财富,安全带来幸福。 Labor creates wealth, and security brings happiness.

19、只有预防万一,才能万无一失。 Only in case of prevention can it be lost.

20、只有麻痹吃亏,没有警惕上当。 Only paralyzed, no vigilance.

21、奉献在岗位,满意在交通。 Dedication to the post, satisfaction in the traffic.

22、宁绕百步远,不抢一步险。 Rather than take a hundred steps, do not take one step.

23、安不可忘危,治不可忘乱。 Do not forget to be in danger.

24、安全三个宝、上班莫忘了。 Security treasure, don't forget to work.

25、安全三个宝,上班莫忘了。 Security treasure, don't forget to work.

26、安全不离口,规章不离手。 Security does not leave the mouth, the rules do not leave.

27、安全为了生产,生产必须安全。 Safety in order to produce, production must be safe.

28、安全人人抓,幸福千万家。 Everyone is safe and happy.

29、安全就是生命,责任重于泰山。 Safety is the life and responsibility weightier than Mount Tai.

30、安全施工,拥抱平安。 Safe construction, embrace peace.

31、安全相伴,亲人在盼。 The security is accompanied, the relatives are looking forward to it.

32、安全知识,让你化险为夷。 Safety knowledge, let you change danger into safety.

33、安全第一、质量为本。 Safety first and quality based.

34、安全责任,重在落实。 The responsibility for security is to be carried out again.

35、安全遵守纪律,确保安全第一。 Safety and discipline to ensure safety first.

36、安规是个宝,安全离不了。 Safety rules are a treasure, and security can't be done.

37、小心无大错 Be careful not to make a big mistake, and to be careless.

38、居安思危,常备不懈。 Danger, keep to the concept of all-time preparedness.

39、居安思危,警钟常鸣。 Danger, jingzhongchangming.

40、工作勤为先,万事平安首。 Work is the first and everything is safe.

41、*松一寸,职工松一尺。 A cadre is one inch loose and a worker is one foot loose.

42、库房管理要规范,易燃易爆莫乱放。 Warehouse management must be standardized, flammable and explosive place mo.

43、心头常亮安全灯,平安生活伴人生。 A safe and safe lamp, a safe life with life.

44、快速诚可贵,生命价更高。 Fast and sincere, the price of life is higher.

45、患生于所忽,祸发于细微。 When you are born at the end of the day, misfortune goes to fine.

46、打工千日苦,不酿一时祸。 Work for a thousand days, not brew a disaster.

47、投入不可少,防范最重要。 Investment can not be less, the most important.

48、搞好质量教育、增强质量意识。 We should do well in quality education and improve quality consciousness.上一页12下一页 Scientific management and meticulous construction.

49、智者成规范,遇者盲目干。 A wise man becomes a standard and a blind man.

50、杜绝违章,珍惜生命。 Put an end to the violation and cherish life.

51、构建和谐社会,坚持安全发展。 To build a harmonious society and adhere to the safe development.

52、树名牌意识,创精品工程。 The consciousness of the famous brand name of the tree, create the fine quality project.

53、正确使用它、事故就少了。 The correct use of it, the accident is less.

54、气泄于针孔,祸始于违章。 Gas is out of the pinhole, and misfortune begins with a violation.

55、治病要早,除患要细。 It is early to cure the disease, except to be fine.

56、消防通道似血管,堵了通道全瘫痪。 The fire channel is like blood vessel, and the passageway is completely paralyzed.

57、生产再忙,安全不忘。 Production is busy, safety is not forgotten.

58、生活中最珍贵的是什么,是平安。 What is the most precious in life is peace.

59、疾病从口入,事故由松出。 The disease comes from the mouth and the accident is loose.

60、百年大计,质量第一。 The important project, quality first.

61、礼让三先,路畅民安。 Comity three first, Lu Chang min.

62、礼让礼让,人车无恙。 Courteous comity, car.


64、科学管理,施工规范。 Scientific management and construction specification.

65、细小漏洞不补,事故洪流难堵。 Small loopholes do not fill up, and the accident flood is difficult to plug.

66、读安全书,做安全人。 Read the book of safety and be a safe man.

67、贪一时之快,危险跟着来。 Joie de vivre, dangerous to follow.

68、超载超速,危机四伏。 Overloading and exceeding the speed of danger.

69、路无规不畅,国无法不宁。 The road is not smooth, the country can not be restless.

70、逞一时之勇,得一世之悔。 Impulsive Yong, a regret.

71、遵守交通法规,上路绝不吃亏。 Abide by traffic laws and regulations and do not suffer losses on the road.

72、遵章守纪光荣,违章违纪可耻。 Zunzhangshouji glorious, shameful violation.

73、酒后驾车,拿命**。 Drunk driving, gamble with life.

74、采取措施,防患于未然。 Take measures to prevent it.

75、铲除杂草要趁小,整改隐患要趁早。 Weed out to take advantage of the small, hidden rectification should be as early as possible.

76、隐患不除根,事故根连根。 Trouble is not the root, roots of the accident.

77、隐患猛如虎,时刻要清除。 The hidden danger is like a tiger, and it must be cleared at all times.

78、驾车最高守则,让一点就通。 The highest point is to drive code.

79、骄傲源于浅薄,鲁莽出自无知。 Pride comes from shallow, rashness from ignorance.

80、高高兴兴上学,平平安安回家。 Go to school happily and go home peacefully.
