1、与你一见如故,是我今生最美丽的相遇。 It's the most beautiful meeting I've ever had with you.上一页12下一页 Is there such a person you want to see, but you can't see.

2、世界充满了我们相遇的机率,我们却始终无法相遇。 The world is full of chances that we will meet, but we will never meet.

3、你是我患得患失的梦,我是你可有可无的人。 You are my dream of gain and loss, I am your dispensable person.

4、喜欢一个人,会卑微到尘埃里,然后开出花来。 Like a person, will humble to the dust, and then flowers.

5、回忆是一座桥,却是通往寂寞的牢。 Memory is a bridge, but a * leading to loneliness.

6、回忆里有一条路,始终通往着曾经。 There is a way in memory, always leading to the past.

7、因为爱你,我想我和我的青春全部走样了。 Because I love you, I think my youth and I are all different.

8、如果不能对我倾尽一生,就别让我越陷越深。 If you can't devote your life to me, don't let me sink deeper and deeper.

9、当我想你的时候,你会不会也刚好正在想我。 When I think of you, will you just think of me?

10、思念是最温情的等待,陪伴是最长情的告白。 Missing is the most tender waiting, accompanying is the longest emotional confession.

11、思念能够让你流泪,思念也能够让人含笑。 Missing can make you cry, missing can also make people smile.

12、思念,是一种期待的煎熬,是一种幸福的惆怅! Missing, is a kind of expectation suffering, is a kind of happiness melancholy!

13、思念,是穿过山涧的风,回旋不已,无孔不入。 Missing is the wind passing through the mountain stream. It's endless and endless.

14、想念一个人,不需要语言,却需要的勇气。 Miss a person, do not need language, but need courage.

15、想念如果有声音,恐怕你早已震耳欲聋。 Miss if there is a voice, I'm afraid you're already deafening.

16、愿你是阳光,一生灿烂,光辉无限! May you be the sunshine, the life is splendid, the brilliance is infinite!

17、愿你的情深不再被辜负,愿你的情绪不再被束缚。 May your love never be let down, and your emotions never be bound again.

18、我以为酒可以灌死思念,谁知道思念学会了游泳。 I think wine can make me miss, who knows miss has learned to swim.

19、我们曾经相爱却无法让爱缠绵,坠落是苦涩的思念。 We used to love each other but couldn't let love linger. Falling is bitter missing.

20、我想我的思念是种病,久久不能痊愈。 I think my missing is a kind of disease, which can't be cured for a long time.

21、我的爱人,你到了那里,还能给我留恋的空间吗? My love, when you get there, can you give me space to linger?

22、把思念留给我,把*还给你。 Leave the missing to me and give back the freedom to you.

23、无论相隔多遥远,对你思念的心,永不停歇。 No matter how far apart, the heart of missing you will never stop.

24、有些人注定是等待别人的,有些人是注定被人等的。 Some people are doomed to wait for others, some people are doomed to be waited for.


26、没有你对我说晚安的夜里,我一夜难眠。 I can't sleep all night without you saying good night to me.

27、清晨,阳光擦干了我思念你的泪水。 In the morning, the sun dried my tears of missing you.

28、爱你,所以不想入睡,因为真实比梦境还要美丽。 Love you, so don't want to sleep, because the real is more beautiful than the dream.

29、爱情有两种姿态,一种是追逐,一种是等待。 Love has two kinds of posture, one is chasing, the other is waiting.

30、牵着我的手,闭着眼睛走你也不会迷路。 Take my hand and close your eyes. You won't get lost.

31、苍白的思念,一味的坚持,只是伤痕累累的结局。 Pale thoughts, blindly adhere to, is only the result of scars.

32、若不是情深似海,思念又怎会泛滥成灾。 If it's not for deep love, how can thoughts become a disaster?

33、那些没说出口的思念,都熬成了黑眼圈。 Those who did not say the missing, all boil into a black eye.

34、那些褪色的过往,想念,还在回忆中流浪。 Those faded past, miss, still wandering in the memory.
