1、一把年纪还这么可爱我真是个罪人。 I'm such a sinner at such a lovely age.

2、上生活的贼船,做快乐的海盗。 Go on the pirate ship of life and be a happy pirate.

3、人之初性本善,不想上班怎么办。 People are good at first. What if they don't want to go to work.

4、人在做天在看,我做事要你管。 People are doing things and the sky is watching. I want you to take care of my work.

5、人生就像卫生纸,没事尽量少扯。 Life is like toilet paper. Try not to pull it if you have nothing to do.

6、人生建议:养一只可爱的我。 Life advice: raise a lovely me.

7、人生理想:养一只可爱的你。 Life ideal: raise a lovely you.

8、今天天气好,好适合结婚。 It's a fine day for marriage.

9、今天天气真好,想吃香辣鸡煲。 It's a nice day today. I want to eat spicy chicken pot.

10、今天我请客,请你热爱生活。 Today is my treat. Please love life.

11、你一定要和她好好走下去,我坐车。 You must go down with her and I'll take the bus.

12、你不是胖,你是可爱到膨胀!! You are not fat, you are cute to expand!!

13、你头发乱了噢。 Your hair is messy.

14、你就委屈点,栽在我手里行不行。 Just be aggrieved and plant it in my hand.

15、你就是盛开着的,漫山遍野的温柔。 You are in full bloom, gentle all over the mountains.

16、你早起我早起,明天我们在一起。 You get up early, I get up early, and we'll be together tomorrow.

17、你是一个憨憨,天天不吃早餐。 You are a simple person who doesn't eat breakfast every day.

18、你是年少的欢喜,倒过来念。 You are the joy of youth. Read it backwards.

19、你若撒野,今生我把酒奉陪。 If you go wild, I'll drink with you this life.

20、你说的很对,不过我不听。 You're right, but I won't listen.

21、做够了小仙女,想做你的宝贝。 Enough fairy, want to be your baby.

22、做我的小公猪,天天吃猪饲料。 Be my little boar and eat pig feed every day.

23、偶尔会撒娇,但我还是你爸爸。 Occasionally act like a spoiled child, but I'm still your father.

24、像我这种人才,到哪都吃的开。 People like me can eat anywhere.

25、冬天不端奶茶杯,孤苦一生没人追。 In winter, no one pursues the improper milk tea cup in a lonely life.

26、向神灵许愿让你做我的小熊。 Make a wish to the gods to make you my little bear.

27、唐僧再厉害,也不过是个耍猴的。 No matter how powerful Tang monk is, he is just a monkey.

28、喜欢我的人多了,你算老大。 Many people like me. You're the boss.

29、嘴是用来亲的,不是用来吵架的。 The mouth is for kissing, not for quarreling.

30、因为你,我的心脏总是忙个不停。 Because of you, my heart is always busy.

31、处对象冲我来,找别人算什么本事。 It's no skill to find someone else.

32、夏天很温柔,你也是。 Summer is very gentle, so are you.

33、女为悦己者容,我为自己荣。 I'm proud of myself.

34、孤独久了,感觉自己都有了仙气。 Lonely for a long time, I feel immortal.

35、对象没有不要紧,奶茶不喝会伤心。 It doesn't matter if you don't have an object. If you don't drink milk tea, you will be sad.

36、小猫在午睡,地球在转圈。 The kitten is taking a nap and the earth is circling.

37、少女心有一吨重。 A girl's heart weighs a ton.

38、希望所有的事都像长胖一样简单。 I hope everything is as simple as getting fat.

39、带我走吧,我很好养的。 Take me away. I'm fine.

40、当初就不该下凡找盖世英雄。 You shouldn't have come down to earth to find heroes.

41、心动就是:完了完了完了。 The heart is: it's over.

42、想嫁给你,然后收点彩礼费。 I want to marry you and charge some bride price.

43、我一路撒着星星,奔向你。 I scattered stars all the way to you.

44、我们又不熟,叫我小仙女就好了。 We don't know each other well. Just call me fairy.

45、我将一山冬雪,都藏进看你的眼睛。 I hide a mountain of winter snow and look into your eyes.

46、我怀疑你喜欢我,但我没有证据。 I doubt you like me, but I have no evidence.

47、我是一名饼干,想吃小熊保安。 I'm a cookie. I want to eat bear security.

48、我是可爱的小姑娘,你是可爱。 I am a lovely little girl, you are lovely.

49、我曾踏月而来,只因你在山中。 I came to the moon because you were in the mountains.

50、我的抱枕坏了,又没钱买新的。 My pillow is broken and I have no money to buy a new one.

51、我这不是胖,是可爱到膨胀。 I'm not fat, but cute to swell.

52、时间得意,春风嘉许,我遇上你。 Time is proud, spring breeze praises, I met you.

53、月亮睡了你不睡,你是秃头小宝贝。 If you don't sleep when the moon sleeps, you are a bald baby.

54、本人丰富,无法简介。 I am too rich to introduce myself.

55、横扫饥饿,做回自己。 Sweep away hunger and be yourself.

56、每天醒来的第一件事就是,想睡觉。 The first thing I wake up every day is that I want to sleep.

57、汇报一下,今天也喜欢你哦。 I like you today, too.

58、没心没肺,活着不累。 Heartless, not tired to live.

59、没有不醒的梦,只有不想醒的人。 There are no dreams that don't wake up, only those who don't want to wake up.

60、生活很讨厌,还好我很可爱。 Life is annoying. Fortunately, I'm cute.

61、秋天适合想念,更适合见面。 Autumn is suitable for missing and meeting.

62、笨蛋才恋爱,我好想当笨蛋啊。 Fools fall in love. I really want to be fools.

63、美女眼前过,不泡是罪过。 It's a sin not to soak in front of a beautiful woman.

64、老骥伏枥,志在千里。 An old horse has a great ambition.

65、脖子真可爱,顶着一张猪脑袋。 It's a lovely neck with a pig's head.

66、英雄不问出处,恋爱找我速度。 Heroes don't ask the source, love finds me fast.

67、解不开的心结,那就打个蝴蝶结吧。 If you can't untie your heart knot, tie a bow.

68、记得走路带风,更要抬头挺胸。 Remember to walk with wind, but also raise your head and keep your chest high.

69、说那么多暗语也敌不过,我喜欢你。 I can't beat saying so many secret words. I like you.

70、这不是痘痘,这是我可爱的冒泡。 This is not acne, this is my lovely bubble.

71、遇见你时,空气都是甜的。 When I meet you, the air is sweet.