1、一入宫墙深似海,从此萧郎是路人。 As soon as he entered the palace wall, it was as deep as the sea. From then on, Xiao Lang was a passer-by.
2、一怒则诸侯惧,安居则天下息。 If you are angry, you will be afraid. If you live in peace, you will rest in the world.
3、一朝梦醒,一朝镜碎,一步天涯,一步前尘。 Once you wake up, once the mirror is broken, once you step into the world, once you step into the past.
4、一笔一画一离殇,一诗一词一多愁。 A painting from the war, a poem, a word more sorrow.
5、一辈子不长,我愿意和你将错就错。 Life is not long, I am willing to make mistakes with you.
6、三生有幸遇见你,纵是悲凉也是情。 I'm lucky to meet you, even if it's sad and sad.
7、不可能的事情是想出来的,可能的事情是做出来的。 The impossible is thought out, the possible is done.
8、世界这么大,很高兴与你相遇。 The world is so big. I'm glad to meet you.
9、为君沉醉又何妨,只怕酒醒时候断人肠。 It's no harm to be drunk for you. I'm afraid I'll be heartbroken when I wake up.
10、人生四季,不过是春去秋来的距离。 The four seasons of life are just the distance between spring and autumn.
11、人间纵有百媚千红,唯独你是情之所终。 There are thousands of beauties in the world, but you are the end of love.
12、以为远方很美,却不知道那里并不适合你。 I think the distance is beautiful, but I don't know it's not suitable for you.
13、以你之姓,冠我之名。 put your name under my family name.
14、任他凡事清浊,为你一笑见轮回甘堕。 Let him everything clear, for you a smile see reincarnation sweet fall.
15、但愿日子清净,抬头遇见满是柔情。 I hope the day is clean, and the head is full of tenderness.
16、你与清风明月一样,都是我的小宝藏。 You are my little treasure like the clear wind and bright moon.
17、你在尘世中辗转了千百年,却只让我看你一眼。 You've been in this world for thousands of years, but I just want to see you.
18、你无星辰昨夜的故事,我有风露中宵的病酒。 You have no star last night's story, I have the sick wine in the middle of the night.
19、你未必光芒万丈,但始终温暖有光。 You may not be brilliant, but you are always warm and bright.
20、你眼里泛起山河,碧浪里却不是我。 You see mountains and rivers in your eyes, but it's not me in the blue waves.
21、你等我朱砂桃夭,粉黛素描,许我泼墨古谣可好? You wait for my cinnabar Taoyao, pink and black sketch, may I splash ink on the ancient ballad?
22、你等的不是那个还没出现的人,而是忘不掉的人。 What you are waiting for is not the one who hasn't appeared, but the one who can't be forgotten.
23、你要做个可爱的姑娘,不烦世事,满心欢喜。 You want to be a lovely girl, don't bother the world, full of joy.
24、其实早就跟你表白过了,在看你的每一个眼神里。 In fact, I've already told you, in every look at you.
25、再美好也经不住遗忘,再悲伤也抵不过时间。 No matter how beautiful it is, it can't stand forgetting. No matter how sad it is, it can't stand time.
26、剧情再美只是戏,歌词再好只是曲。 No matter how beautiful the plot is, it's just a play; no matter how good the lyrics are, it's just a song.
27、千锤万凿出深山,烈火焚烧若等闲。 Thousands of hammers chisel out the mountains, and the fire burns like idleness.
28、半世飘摇半世空,寒风漫卷落残红。 Half a life of fluttering, half a life of empty, cold wind rolling down residual red.
29、原来年少情深,走到最后,还是能相看两厌。 It turned out that young love, go to the end, or can look at two tired.
30、只要我在,拼死给你一方碧海蓝天。 As long as I'm here, I'll give you blue sea and blue sky.
31、听说现在结婚很便宜,走,咱们结婚去,我请你! It's said that it's cheap to get married now. Let's get married. I'll invite you!
32、好听的歌不怕老,值得的人多久我都愿意等。 Good songs are not afraid of being old. I am willing to wait for those who are worth it.
33、好读书,不求甚解。每有会意,便欣然忘食。 Good at reading without understanding. Every time you know something, you forget to eat.
34、如海如风如流水,伴汝伴吾伴此生。 Such as the sea, such as the wind, such as water, with you accompany me with this life.
35、害怕孤单,和你的暧昧,让我分不清那所谓的情。 Afraid of loneliness, and your ambiguity, let me not distinguish the so-called love.
36、小山迤逦盼君顾,照花前后双鹧鸪。 The hills are winding, looking forward to your care, and the two partridges are shining before and after the flowers.
37、尽日无人看微雨,鸳鸯相对浴红衣。 No one will watch the light rain all day, and mandarin ducks will bathe in red clothes.
38、希望我们都能慢慢变成更好的自己。早安! I hope we can all become better ourselves. good morning!
39、希望能像个孩子,永远陪伴你左右。 Hope to be like a child, always accompany you around.
40、庭轩寂寞近清明,残花中酒,又是去年病。 Tingxuan lonely near Qingming, flowers in the wine, is sick last year.
41、弹指一瞬间,看尽繁华。繁华,只一眼,便是天涯。 In a flash, you can see the prosperity. Prosperity, just a glance, is the end of the world.
42、当你出现之后,其他的人都变成了将就。 When you show up, the rest of the people are going to make do with it.
43、愿郎摘花连叶摘,到死心头不肯离。 May Lang pick flowers and leaves, and he will not leave until he dies.
44、我不是我你转身一走苏州里的不是我。 I'm not me. When you turn around, it's not me in Suzhou.
45、我们是平行的铁轨,除非发生事故,否则不会错位。 We are parallel tracks and will not be dislocated unless there is an accident.
46、我们曾经那么好,现在却连声问候,都怕是打扰。 We used to be so good, but now even greetings, are afraid to disturb.
47、我想作诗,写雨,写夜的相思,写你,写不出。 I want to write poetry, write rain, write Acacia at night, write you, can't write.
48、我想要给你珍惜,但是你却看不上眼。 I want to give you treasure, but you look down on it.
49、我愿一直陪着你,直到心电图上的小山变成大海。 I would like to accompany you until the hill on the ECG becomes the sea.
50、我是你触手可得的也是你遥不可及的。 I'm within your reach and beyond your reach.
51、我欲云飞风起,一纵山河万里,直向月中去。 I want the clouds to fly, the wind to rise, the mountains and rivers to go straight to the middle of the month.
52、我等江南天青时,君可有寄玉帛书? When we are young in the south of the Yangtze River, will you send us some jade and silk books?
53、我追你,可是有精卫填海的毅力。 I pursue you, but I have the will to reclaim the sea.
54、接受自己的普通,然后全力以赴的出众。 Accept their own ordinary, and then go all out outstanding.
55、日午画船桥下过,衣香人影太匆匆。 In the afternoon, I painted under the boat bridge. I was in a hurry.
56、时光如水,总是无言。 Time is like water, always speechless.
57、普天之下,万物如尘,唯汝是吾心头之珠。 All things in the world are like dust, but you are the Pearl of my heart.
58、曾经以为我们会爱很久很久,世界末日也不分离。 Once thought we would love for a long time, the end of the world is not separated.
59、最后的最后,我还是没有抓住你给的温柔。 In the end, I still didn't catch the tenderness you gave me.
60、最美不是灯火阑珊,而是与你一起度过的漫漫长夜。 The most beautiful is not the dim lights, but the long night spent with you.
61、有些事情本身我们无法控制,只好控制自己。 Some things are beyond our control, so we have to control ourselves.
62、极度危险人物,沾上死,碰见亡。 Extremely dangerous people, touch death, meet death.
63、桃李开尽韶华,不若你嫣然一笑。 Peaches and plums are in full bloom, if you don't smile.
64、没有曾经的花前月下,何来今时的思君天涯。 There is no flower before the moon, how to think of the end of the world.
65、活着,只是为了与你相遇。 Live, just to meet you.
66、爱恨纠葛不过浮生一梦,是谁又在醒后泣不成声。 Love hate entanglement but floating a dream, who is crying after waking up.
67、独上江楼思渺然,月光如水水如天。 When I go to the river alone, I can't think about it. The moon is like water and the sky is like water.
68、看着你慢慢走向她,只留给我壹个背影。 Looking at you slowly toward her, leaving me only a back.
69、种如是因,收如是果,一切唯心造。 If the seed is the cause, if the harvest is the result, everything is made by the mind.
70、笑我低声下气百般追逐,却惹你擦肩而过不屑一顾。 Laugh at my low voice, all kinds of pursuit, but make you pass by, disdain.
71、笑靥如花把酒吟,点绛红唇胭脂瘦。 Dimples such as flowers, wine chant, point crimson lips Rouge thin.
72、纵是风月千年,万里*,也不及与你对视的瞬间。 Even if the wind and moon for thousands of years, thousands of miles of rivers and mountains, it is not as good as the moment of looking at you.
73、耕夫召募爱楼船,春草青青万项田。 The ploughman recruits the love building boat, the spring grass is green, ten thousand fields.
74、肠已断,泪难收。相思重上小红楼。 The intestines are broken and tears are hard to collect. Acacia back to the little red chamber.
75、苍白的年少,我们用无知来掩饰青春。 Pale youth, we use ignorance to cover up youth.
76、落日弥漫的橘,天边透亮的星。 Orange in the setting sun, stars in the sky.
77、试玉要烧三日满,辨材须待七年期。 It takes three days to test the jade and seven years to identify the material.
78、语言很多时候都很虚假,一起经历的事情才最真实。 Most of the time, the language is very false, and the things we experience together are the most real.
79、走过山河走过你,余生不敢再落笔。 Walking through mountains and rivers, walking through you, I dare not write for the rest of my life.
80、软风吹过窗纱,心期便隔天涯。 Soft wind blowing through the window screen, heart will be separated from the end of the world.
81、马路很湿,好像有人哭得很伤心。 The road is very wet, as if someone is crying very sad.
82、高山仰止,景行行止。虽不能至,心向往之。 The scenery stops when the mountains are high. Although we can't reach it, we are willing to move forward.