1、不要哪一次聊的投机了,就把什么都告诉对方。 Don't tell each other everything about the speculation.

2、人生不一定大富大贵,只要兄弟在一起,干什么都好,吃什么都无所谓。 Life is not necessarily rich, as long as brothers together, do what is good, eat what does not matter.

3、友情,它到底是什么?他只是一种感情,一种收获。 Friendship, what is it? He is just a feeling, a harvest.

4、友谊是一棵针叶树,当你不尊重它,践踏它时,它就会竖起满身的刺来保护自己。 Friendship is a coniferous tree, when you do not respect it, trample on it, it will be covered with thorns to protect itself.

5、好朋友见过你所有的样子,也爱你所有的样子。 A good friend has seen all of you and loves all of you.


6、我给不了你许多感动,但我会一直陪着你。 I can not give you a lot of moved, but I will always accompany you.

7、我要的友情,只是简单干净,没有勾心斗角,没有欺骗,没有结束。 I want friendship, just simple and clean, no intrigue, no cheating, no end.

8、新朋友不知你的旧脾气,旧朋友不知你的新处境。 New friends don't know your old temper, old friends don't know your new situation.

9、有了朋友,生命才显出它全部的价值。 With friends, life shows its full value.

10、朋友一生一起走,谁先变胖谁是狗。 Friends go together all their lives, who gets fat first, who is a dog.


11、朋友不是先来的人或者认识最久的人,而是那个来了以后再也没有走的人。 A friend is not the one who comes first or the one who has known for the longest time, but the one who never leaves after coming.

12、朋友是身边那份充实;是忍不住时刻想拨的号码;是深夜长坐的那杯清茶。 A friend is the enrichment around you, the number you can't help dialing all the time, and the cup of tea you sit in the middle of the night.

13、真正的友谊,不是花言巧语,而是关键时候拉你的那只手。 True friendship is not rhetoric, but the hand that pulls you at the critical time.

14、越喜欢一个朋友,嘴就越毒,恨不得三百六十五天每天都趴在对方耳边不重样地羞辱对方。The more I like a friend, the more poisonous my mouth is. I wish I could lie in each other's ears every day for 365 days and humiliate each other.下面是为小编为大家整理的时候 有关友情的唯美句子英文希望大家喜欢。

15、身边有一个懂你的闺蜜,是很幸福的一件事。 It's a happy thing to have a friend who knows you.


16、靠的住的友谊是今生最温暖的外套。 Reliable friendship is the warmest coat in this life.