1、不知道从什么时候开始,一个人,已经成了习惯。 I don't know when, a person, has become a habit.

2、你就是我心中的那首忐忑,总是让我惊心动魄。 You are the song in my heart, always let me thrill.


4、印象中的爱情好像,顶不住那时间,所以你弃权。 The impression of love seems, can not withstand that time, so you abstain.

5、女人千万不要为了感动,就把自己托付给一个人。 Women must not be moved, on their own entrusted to a person.


6、婚姻不幸福,不是因为缺乏爱,而是因为缺乏友谊。 Marriage is not happy because of lack of love, but because of lack of friendship.You are a ray of golden sunshine, gently evoking the flame of my youth.

7、对不起,我爱你真的好累了。让我休息一下。 Sorry, I love you. I'm really tired. Let me have a rest.

8、我习惯你走在我的身后、无论什么要求你全都记熟。 I am used to you walking behind me, no matter what request you all remember.

9、我只是想让你一直呆在我身边,是不是很自私。 I just want you to stay by my side, isn't it selfish.

10、断了联络,断了思念,最后的希望也变失望。 Broken contact, broken missing, the last hope also become disappointed.


11、时间是感情的克星,他能轻易撕破我们的爱。 Time is the enemy of feelings, he can easily tear our love.

12、最长情的陪伴就是早安和晚安,你都在我身旁。 The longest love of company is good morning and good night, you are by my side.

13、爱情是男人生命中的一部分,却是女人生命的全部。 Love is a part of a man's life, but it is the whole of a woman's life.

14、爱情,如果全靠漂亮来维持它的健康,定会夭折。 Love, if all depends on beauty to maintain its health, will die.

15、生是虚妄,跋涉无人之境,源自虚空的,终要重回虚空。Life is illusory, trekking through the void, which comes from the void, will eventually return to the void.下面是为小编为大家整理的时候友情句子英语翻译希望大家喜欢。


16、轮回之后才发现,原来你是我一直放不下的人。 After reincarnation, I found that you were the one I couldn't let go.