1、不曾忘你训斥的面颜,不曾忘你手中的竹鞭,小时候,实在无法认同你的苛严,现如今,才懂得严即是爱的表现,父亲节前,献上祝愿:爸爸,身体康健! Never forget you scold face yan, never forget your hands ZhuBian, when I was a child, can't really agree with your demanding, and these days, only know yan is the expression of love, father's day, may wish: dad, the body is healthy!

2、为了娃,整天洗刷刷;忙啊忙,眉毛胡子一把抓。尿不湿,颈上挂。小围裙,腰间搭,嘴里还在笑哈哈。为了下一代,这苦算个啥?父亲节恭贺你,超级奶爸! In order to Eva, all day to wash brush; Busy busy, eyebrows all classes. Diapers, hung round his neck. Small apron, the waist, his mouth still laugh. For the next generation, this bitter is a what? Congratulations on your father's day, super milk dad!

3、今天父亲节,祝你找个情侣—取个妻子;养好身子—生个孩子;请个财神—挣些票子;把握时机—买幢房子;保持心情—开个车子。请笑纳! Today is father's day, wish you find a couple - take a wife; Keep good body, have a baby; Please god of wealth - earn some money; Timing - buy a house; Keep the mood - a car. Please take it!

4、你把艰难战胜,却曾为我哭泣过;你把风霜喝退,却曾为我揪心;你把困苦斩断,却曾为我整夜难眠。爸爸,是你的守护伴我成为,愿你节日快乐。 You have win over, but ever cry for me; You have weathered a refund, but for my heart; You put the poor cut off, but had a sleepless night for me. Dad, it is your guardian accompany me to be, I wish you a happy holiday.

5、冷峻的面庞,是深藏的爱;严厉的责罚,是苛刻的爱;期盼的目光,是浇灌的爱;牵挂的眼神,是慈祥的爱。走过四季,难忘父亲的爱。爸爸,父亲节快乐! Cold face, is the deep love; Severe punishment is harsh love; Looking forward to the eyes, it is watered love; Look in the eyes, love is kind. Through the four seasons, father's love. Dad, happy father's day!

6、固然您不等闲披露,但我知道您一直都在关心着我。固然我从不说什么,但您知道我一直都很在乎您。谢谢您,爸爸!祝您父亲节快乐! Is you don't neglect to disclose, but I know that you have been concerned about me. Is what I never said, but you know I'm always very care about you. Thank you, dad! I wish you a happy father's day!

7、小时候,我在您的肩头,乖小孩,跟在您的后头,您认真,笨拙给我梳头,长大后,您把我放在心头,我的爱,已经到了骨子头,我们的感情永远不会到尽头。爸爸,父亲节快乐! When I was young, I am on your shoulders, lovely children, and in your midst, you seriously, clumsy give I comb my hair, grow up, you put me in my heart, my love, have to frame head, our feelings will never end. Dad, happy father's day!上一页12下一页

8、年少轻狂的我,总以为世界上没有父爱,只到读出它含蓄的底蕴,我的心才真切的感动,感动于父爱的真诚与伟大。父亲节至,祝爸爸平安、健康。 Dazed and confused, I always thought that without a father in the world, to read it only implicit richness, my mind was really touched, moved by the father loves the sincerity and great. To a father's day, I wish dad safe and healthy.

9、您是家里的顶梁柱,但偶尔也客串一把“家庭煮夫”;您是顶天立地的大丈夫,但也常常扮演着“贤夫良父”。哈哈,今天是您的节日,我的老爸,祝您父亲节开心快乐呦! You are a mainstay of our home, but occasionally guest a "family husband"; You a true man's indomitable spirit, but also often play a "good husband good father". Ha ha, today is you of festival, my dad, happy father's day to you!

10、您的臂膀,是家庭的脊梁;您的胸膛,是温馨的港湾;您的付出,是无私的奉献;您的慈爱,是幸福的甘露。爸爸节,感谢爸爸,祝爸爸身体健康,永远开心! Your arms, is the backbone of the family; Your chest is warm harbor; You pay, is selfless dedication; Your love is the nectar of happiness. Father day, thank you father, I wish dad healthy body, happy forever!

11、愿您在生活中:十分热情,九分优雅,八分聪慧,七分敏锐,六分风趣,五分温柔,四个密友,三分豪放,二分含蓄,一分浪漫,祝父亲节快乐! To you in the life, very enthusiastic, nine points, eight intelligence, seven points, six points funny, gentle, five points four close friends, three points, uninhibited, binary implicative, a romantic, happy father's day!

12、我的优秀,来自于您的优秀;我的成就,离不开您的成就。不管我走到哪里, I good, from your best; My achievement, cannot leave your achievements. No matter where I go, veins are passing on your genes. Dad festival arrived, as your best work, would like to wish you a happy happy!

13、我的顽皮你包容,给我永远的笑脸;我的过错你指出,给我不变的指引;我的撒娇你接受,给我温暖的幸福。爸爸,我爱你,今天是你的节日,愿你健康快乐。 I naughty, you give me forever smiling face; My fault, points out that you give me constant guidance; I spoiled you accept, give me warm happiness. I love you, dad, today is you of festival, I wish you a happy and healthy.

14、我胆怯的时候,您握紧我的双手给我鼓励;我犯错的时候,您凝视我的双眼给我警示;我失败的时候,您拍拍我的双肩给我安慰。谢谢您,亲爱的爸爸,父亲节快乐! I'm afraid, you hold my hand to give me encouragement; When I make mistakes, you stare at my eyes give me warning; When I failed, patted me on the shoulders, you give me comfort. Thank you, my dear father, happy father's day!

15、收集最美的霞光,愿父亲岁岁安康;捕获最柔的清风,愿父亲夜夜好梦;摘下最亮的星星,愿父亲天天开心。若说母爱比海深,那么父爱比山重,父亲节快乐! Collection is the most beautiful chariot, wish fatheralways flourish. Capture the gentle breeze, let father and night dream; Remove the brightest star, wish father happy every day. If a mother's love than the sea deep, so the father loves the heavier than mountain, happy father's day!

16、敬一碗茶,祝父亲永葆青春年华。斟一杯酒,祝父亲健康长寿。献一束花,祝父亲天天笑哈哈。唱一首歌,祝父亲年年乐呵呵。父亲节快乐! A bowl of tea, I wish father eternal youth. Pour a cup of wine, I wish my father health and longevity. Offered a bunch of flowers, wish father laugh every day. Sing a song, I wish my father happy every year. Happy father's day!

17、无论任何时候,我的祝福都是你最好的殊效药,它无色素更不需防腐剂,不会过时,服用后会时时刻刻地泛起好运!祝父亲节快乐。 Regardless any time, I wish you are the best medicine, the illustration of it no more without preservatives, pigment is never out of season, after take good luck will always flush! Happy father's day.

18、时光如梭眨眼之间,我不再是少年郎,你已是白发翁,沧桑的岁月里,你以为我愁白了头,累弯了腰,我无以回报,唯有感恩,父亲节到,祝愿父亲您健康平安,开心快乐! Time flies, blink of an eye, I am no longer a young lang, you already is Bai Faweng, the years vicissitudes of life, you think I want white head, tired bent the waist, I repay you, only gratitude to the father's day, wish your father healthy peace, happy to be joyful!

19、是您给了我生命,是您抚育我成长,是您教会我责任,是您让我知道怎样去担当。爸爸,您是我的榜样,我要像您一样勇敢刚强。爸爸节到了,祝您快乐安康! Is that you gave me life, is you raise I grow up, is you taught me responsibility, is you let me know how to play. Dad, you are my role model, I like your brave and strong. Dad festival arrived, wish you happy peace!

20、曾经喝酒唱K好不快意,如今围裙灶台唉声叹气,昔日昏天黑地朋友欢聚,转眼怀抱儿女嗷嗷的啼,初为人父喜忧并蒂,甭管三七二十一,父亲节快乐是必须! Used to drink to sing K very pleased, now apron hearth to lament, very dark past friends, suddenly embrace children ao the crow, fatherhood BingDi happy care, don't tube one, happy father's day is a must!

21、有一种严厉叫关怀,有一种打骂叫爱戴,有一种苛刻叫付出,有一种遣责叫真爱!这就是父爱,让我受益未来!祝父亲节日快乐! There is a tough call care, there is a kind of beat and scold is love, there is a tough call, there is a condemnation through love! This is a father, let me benefit in the future! I wish my father a happy holiday!

22、有种爱叫无私,从不计较付出。有种爱叫伟大,从不祈求回报。这就是父母对子女的爱。父亲节到了,我祝愿,爸爸,节日快乐! There is a love is selfless, regardless of his pay. There is a love called great, never pray to return. This is the parents love for her children. The father's day, I wish, dad, festival happiness!

23、父亲一座山,我们坐山巅。山巅风景好,别把父累倒。父亲要孝敬,钱财不一定。常把家来看,父笑脸上现。有朝我成山,父亲得清闲。我有两个肩,爷孙坐两边。 Father a mountain, we take the hill. The mountain scenery is good, don't pour the father tired. Father to obey, money does not necessarily. Often the home, father is smiling face. A mountain toward me, father was at leisure. I have two shoulders, ye sun sat on both sides.

24、父亲是苍劲的青松,面对生活不畏严寒;父亲是巍峨的高山,面对困难巍然屹立;父亲是辽阔的大海,面对过错容纳百川。在父亲节这个特别的日子里,愿父亲快乐! Father is vigorous green pines, in the face of life have been braving freezing temperatures; A father is a majestic mountains, in the face of difficulties stand tall; Father is a vast sea, facing the accommodate bacc the fault. On this special day, father's day wish father happy!

25、父亲的呵护让你现在可爱,父亲的教诲让你长大不坏,父亲的照料让你长得很帅,父亲的榜样让你心有关怀。父亲节快到了,祝福所有父亲节健康快乐! Father care make you lovely, now his father's teachings let you grow up is not bad, father care let you grow so handsome, father's example let your caring heart. Father's day is coming, wish all healthy and happy father's day!

26、父亲的肩膀是儿女的依靠,父亲的言行是儿女的榜样;父亲节来了,用任何言语也不能表达对父亲的爱,用任何物品也不能报答父亲的付出,只希望父亲开开心心度晚年! His father's shoulders is children to rely on, father's words and deeds is an example to children; Father's day is coming, with any words can't express love for father, with any items cannot repay his father's pay, only wish father happy old age!

27、父亲节到了,愿六月灿烂阳光永远照耀父亲慈祥的笑脸,愿六月绵绵细雨永远滋润父亲宽广的心田,愿儿女的孝心让父亲颐养天年! Father's day is coming, may June sunshine always shine on father's kind smile, let the drizzle moist father always in June the broad heart, let children's filial piety let father age care!

28、父亲节到了,送父亲健康拐杖,和父亲分分秒秒相伴;送父亲快乐围巾,让父亲幸福常围绕;送父亲长寿蛋糕,愿父亲吃下去,福寿安康,平安吉祥。父亲,节日快乐! Father's day is coming, send my father health crutch, and his father accompanied by every minute, Send father happy scarf, let father happy often around; Send father longevity of cake, let father eat, longevity and health, good luck. Father, festival happiness!

29、父亲节到,愿父亲:多一些开心,少一些烦心;多一些健康,少一些痛苦;多一些平安,少一些霉运;祝父亲,永远平安,永远健康,永远幸福。 To the father's day, wish father: some more happy, less worry; Less healthy, more painful; Some peace more and some less bad luck; I wish my father will never be peace, health, happiness forever.

30、父亲节将到,短信祝福送。祝您身体好,耳清目明身康健;祝您心情好,开心快乐挂笑颜;祝您生活好,吃饱穿暖家平安;祝您一切都如意,平安健康快乐有福气! Father's day will come, send SMS blessing. I wish you good health, ear mu Ming qing body is healthy; I wish you good mood, happy smile; I wish you a good life, eat satisfied wear warm home of peace; I wish you all happiness, blessed peace healthy and happy!

31、父亲节祝福短信:无论任何时候,我的祝福都是你最好的殊效药,它无色素更不需防腐剂,不会过时,服用后会时时刻刻地泛起好运!祝父亲节快乐! Father's day greeting message: no matter any time, I wish you are the best medicine, the illustration of it nomore without preservatives, pigment is never out of season, after take good luck will always flush! Happy father's day!

32、父亲,你辛苦了,你生我养我,培育我成才,你是多么伟大呀!父亲节快到了,我在这里借助贵台恭祝你老人家生体健康,万事如意。 Father, you were laborious, you gave me birth to raise me and foster me up, how great you are! Father's day is coming, I am here with you to wish you the old man home healthy body, all the best.

33、父亲,再贵重的礼物也抵不了我对您深深地爱,感谢您的养育之恩,感谢上苍给我机会,让我成为您的儿女。我想说:父亲节快乐,祝您身体健康,万事如意! Father and expensive gift also is worth me deeply in love for you, thank you for your support, thank god give me the opportunity, let me be your sons and daughters. I want to say: happy father's day, I wish you a healthy body, all the best!

34、父爱像春日暖风,柔和而不张扬;父子像夏日小雨,丝丝给予你我凉爽;父爱如秋日枫叶,红火满心房;父爱像冬日暖阳,温馨散发光芒。祝天下父亲节日快乐! Love like spring warm wind, soft and not make public. Father and son like the summer rain, filar silk to give you my cool; A father like autumn maple leaf, red heart; A father like winter warm sun, warm light. I wish all fathers a happy holiday!

35、父爱如山,挺拔的身姿顶起家;父爱如海,宽广的胸怀包容家;父爱如川,涓涓细流滋润着家。父亲节到了,祝父亲节日快乐。 A father, however, started with tall and straight posture top; Father love, such as the sea, broad mind tolerance; A father, such as sichuan, a trickle moistens home. Father's day arrived, wish father happy holiday.

36、父爱如海,博大而深沉;父爱如山,高大而庄重;父爱如雷,振聋发聩。在那不苟言笑的父爱里,我们读懂了至上的教育和真挚的关怀。父亲节到了,祝勤劳的父亲安康幸福! Father love, such as the sea, great and deep; The father loves the mountain, tall and solemn; The father loves the thunder, impact. In the unsmiling father, we read the first education and sincere care. Father's day arrived, wish hardworking father peace happiness!

37、父爱是一首无言的诗:严厉是它的标题;温暖是它的句子;慈爱是它的内涵;伟大是它的真意。父亲节将至,祝:天下所有父亲平安健康! A father is a silent poem: severe is its title; Is it warm sentences; Love is the connotation of it; Great is its meaning. Father's day will come, I wish: all father peace and health!

38、爸爸父亲节给您端杯茶,消暑解渴笑哈哈;父亲节给您擦擦汗,擦去劳累和疲倦;父亲节给您洗洗脚,洗去忧愁和烦恼;父亲节给您捶捶背,健康活百岁! Father's day dad brought you a cup of tea, summer thirst laugh; Father's day to give you wipe the sweat, to wipe the tiredness and fatigue; Father's day to you wash feet, wash away sorrow and trouble; Father's day fills back for you, the health live hundreds of years!

39、爸爸的眼里,充满了期盼,努力拼搏是对你的回报;爸爸的身上,写满了艰辛,问候关怀是对你的回报;父亲节到,儿女的幸福其实是对父母最大的回报,祝愿天下父亲一切都好! Dad's eyes, full of anticipation, hard work is the return to you; Dad, write full of hardships, greeting care is return to you; To the father's day, children's happiness is the biggest return to parents, wish all fathers is everything all right!

40、爸爸,今天是父亲节,祝福老爸生意兴隆,股票变红,天天开开心心的赚大钱,钱岁重要但身体更加重要,所以,还是要注意多锻炼身体哦。 Dad, today is father's day, wishes daddy prosper, stock red, a happy heart every day make a lot of money, money, but the body is more important, so, still need to pay attention to exercise the body, oh.

41、落日余辉映着彩霞,迎着微风,向着天际。丝丝柔柔的微风,传去了节日的祝辞,飘向远方的你,愿你度过这美好的一切,父亲节快乐。 The setting sun yu reflect the rosy clouds, against the breeze, toward the sky. Filar silk gentle breeze, preach to holiday remarks, with you, may you have all this beautiful, happy father's day.

42、风轻盈,雨晶莹,风雨家国儿女情;苦也尝,累也扛,人生一世太匆忙,成也好,败也豪,冰心一片知多少,夕阳红,晚风轻,父爱如山多珍重。 Glittering and translucent light wind, rain, wind and rain ErNvQing home countries; Bitter taste, tired also carry, life time in haste, into, and hao, bing xin one know how much, sunset, the night breeze is light, the father loves the mountain treasure.
