1、一个人有多不认真,就有多深情。 A person how not serious, how deep.

2、一句分手,心底是千万句你别走。 A break-up, the bottom of my heart is thousands of words, you don't go.

3、不准对我不好,更不准你离开我。 Don't be bad to me, let alone you leave me.

4、不管多难熬,人生都要眉眼带笑。 No matter how hard it is, life needs a smile.

5、不要丢下我一个人,任何时候。 Don't leave me alone, any time.

6、人们总说来日方长,却忘了世事无常。 People always say that there is a long way to go, but they forget that things are changeable.

7、人生必有风险,所以引人入胜亦在于此。 There is always risk in life, so the attraction lies in this.

8、你喜欢的人那么优秀,你怎么甘心懒惰。 How can you be willing to be lazy when the person you like is so excellent.

9、你是青春里最烈的酒,我真的认真醉过。 You are the strongest wine in youth, I really drunk.

10、你走了这么久,输入法却还记得你。 You've been walking for so long, but the input method still remembers you.

11、你走后,我爱的人身上都有你的影子。 After you leave, I love the people who have your shadow.

12、你那不是喜欢,你只是缺少知己罢了。 You don't like it. You just lack a confidant.

13、只要有你在,我就可以连寂寞都不怕。 As long as you are there, I can even be afraid of loneliness.

14、多谢你的绝情,让我学会了死心。 Thank you for your heartless, let me learn to give up.

15、学会了照顾别人,却忘了如何心疼自己。 Learn to take care of others, but forget how to love yourself.

16、对不起,恐怕我等不到你爱我的那天了。 Sorry, I'm afraid I can't wait for the day you love me.

17、对过往闭口不提,是好是坏皆为经历。 If you don't talk about the past, it's both good and bad.

18、小孩子才互删微信,成年人是不再联系。 Children only delete wechat, adults are no longer in touch.

19、就算全世界离开你还有一个我来陪。 Even if the whole world leaves you, there is still a me to accompany you.

20、开学了,又要维持那牵强的友谊了。 It's time to maintain that farfetched friendship when school begins.

21、微笑面对每一天,高傲的活着。 Smile to face every day, proud to live.

22、快乐的人都是记性不好的。 Happy people have bad memories.

23、悠悠岁月,清浅时光。 Long time, light time.

24、想要有上班以外的生活,于是有了加班。 Want to have a life outside of work, so there is overtime.

25、我就算再不好,我也是独一无二的我。 Even if I'm not good, I'm unique.

26、我已经,不敢再去爱,不敢再期待。 I have, dare not to love, dare not look forward to.

27、我很难亲近,因为我喜欢的不是你。 I'm hard to get close to because I don't like you.

28、我爱你,你爱她,多么讽刺的现实。 I love you, you love her, what an ironic reality.

29、我还能怎么做,怎么做都是错,心塞! What else can I do? It's all wrong. It's heart jam!

30、我这么可爱,你不喜欢我,你有病。 I'm so cute, you don't like me, you're sick.

31、承载了太多累,已丢失了最初的骄傲。 Bearing too much fatigue, has lost the initial pride.

32、把悲伤压在心底,把笑容挂在脸上。 Press the sadness in the bottom of my heart and smile on my face.

33、按照你喜欢的方式生活,别怕不合群。 Live your life the way you like. Don't be afraid to be out of group.

34、是要错过多少余生才能与你见面。 It's about how much I'll miss the rest of my life to meet you.

35、最害怕的不是人不在,而是假装不在。 The most frightening thing is not that people are not there, but pretending not to be.

36、有些东西,时过境迁,只能怀念。 Some things, as time goes by, can only be missed.

37、有些事,不得不懂,有些人,不得不遇。 Some things, have to understand, some people, have to meet.

38、根本不在乎的事,何必又去再解释。 Why explain what you don't care about.

39、每一天早上看到阳光就想见到你。 I want to see you every morning when I see the sunshine.

40、每个人人不一样,结果是每个人都一样。 Everyone is different, and the result is everyone is the same.

41、每天五点半晨读英语的人就是不一样。 People who read English at half past five every day are different.

42、爱对了就是爱情,爱错了就是青春。 Love right is love, love wrong is youth.

43、生气归生气,大哥永远不可能不爱你。 Angry return to angry, big brother can never do not love you.

44、真正能走过风雨的,唯热爱与坚守。 What can really go through the wind and rain is love and persistence.

45、脾气不好但性子傲,吊儿郎当又爱笑。 He has a bad temper, but he is proud. He is careless and loves to laugh.

46、若思念成声,恐怕你早已震耳欲聋。 If Miss into sound, I am afraid you have already deafened.

47、若我消失不见,有谁会发了疯的想念。 If I disappear, who will miss me crazy.

48、迷路在森林里,等待这日光的出现。 Lost in the forest, waiting for the sun to appear.

49、遇见你,眉眼弯弯,星河皆你。 Meet you, eyebrows curved, Star River are you.

50、黎明前的曙光,是说明黑暗已经走远。 The dawn before dawn indicates that the darkness has gone far away.