1、一个人,一座城,一生心疼。 A person, a city, a lifetime of love.
2、一起去看海,一起去热爱生活。 Go to see the sea and love life together.
3、与天地兮比寿,与日月兮齐光。 His life span is as long as this world. His virtues shine like the sun and moon..
4、且将新火试新茶,诗酒趁年华。 And try new tea with new fire, poetry and wine take advantage of time.
5、世事一场大梦,人生几度秋凉。 The world is a big dream, and life is cold in autumn.
6、世界是真的,付出都是值得的。 The world is real and it's worth paying.
7、世界继续热闹,祝你不变模样。 The world continues to be lively. I wish you the same appearance.
8、东山老,可堪岁晚,独听桓筝。 Dongshan is old, but it's too late to listen to Huan Zheng alone.
9、从此热爱世界无最爱无例外。 Since then, love the world without exception.
10、你从来不属于我,谈什么失去。 You never belong to me. Talk about loss.
11、你想变坏吗?被我宠坏的那种。 Do you want to get bad? The one I spoiled.
12、你懂的越多,懂你的人就越少。 The more you know, the fewer people will know you.
13、你是我的定格,我是你的过客。 You are my stop frame, I am your passer-by.
14、你的眼神,总是那么吝啬给我。 Your eyes are always so stingy to me.
15、你若不离不弃,我必生死相依。 if you never leave me, i will be with you till death do us apart.
16、保持温柔善良才有岁月漫长。 Keep gentle and kind to have a long time.
17、俯仰不愧天地,褒贬自有春秋。 It is worthy of heaven and earth to admire and criticize.
18、冻笔新诗懒写,寒炉美酒时温。 New poems are written lazily with frozen pens, and good wine is warm in the cold furnace.
19、凡事不必苛求,来了就来了。 You don't have to be demanding. You come when you come.
20、凡事都是有定数的,不能强求。 Everything has a definite number and cannot be forced.
21、前路浩浩荡荡,万事尽可期待。 The road ahead is vast, and everything can be expected.
22、叹沧波、路长梦短,甚时到得? Sigh cangbo, long road, short dream, when will you get there?
23、听说你喜欢海,所以我一直浪。 I heard you like the sea, so I've been surfing.
24、吾要问鼎天下,试问谁与争锋。 I want to win the world. Who can compete.
25、和你相遇,感觉冬天都变暖了。 I feel warm in winter when I meet you.
26、哥就是看上你了,跟哥走吧! I just like you. Let's go with me!
27、失落时悄悄伸出手和风击个掌。 When lost, quietly stretch out your hand and slap the wind.
28、如果只是喜欢,何必紧张成爱。 If you just like it, why be nervous into love.
29、寄君一曲,不问曲终人聚散。 Send you a song, don't ask the song, and people will gather and disperse.
30、对菱花、与说相思,看谁瘦损。 Say Acacia to Linghua and, depending on who is thin.
31、居上位而不骄,在下位而不忧。 Be superior without arrogance, and be inferior without worry.
32、山无棱,天地合,乃敢与君绝! The mountain has no edge, the heaven and the earth are united, but dare to be unique with you!
33、山无棱,天地合,才敢与君绝。 Mountains without edges, heaven and earth together, dare to be unique with you.
34、待君君临天下,怕是已忘红颜。 When you come to the world, I'm afraid you've forgotten your beauty.
35、待我长发及腰,将军归来可好? When my hair achieves waist length, how about the general returning?
36、怎知红丝错千重,路同归不同。 How do you know that the red silk is wrong and the road is different.
37、悲歌可以当泣,远望可以当归。 Sad songs can be used as tears, and looking far can be used as angelica.
38、惊觉相思不露,原已情深入骨。 I was surprised that Acacia was not exposed, and I was deeply in love.
39、想念有个别名,叫自捅千刀。 Miss has an alias, called self stabbing thousands of knives.
40、愁损翠黛双蛾,日日画阑独凭。 Sorrow destroys Cui Dai's double moths, and every day draws an appendix alone.
41、愿你安好即使后来你与我无关。 I wish you well, even if you have nothing to do with me later.
42、愿你炼出钻石心,依然芙蓉面。 May you make a diamond heart and still have Hibiscus noodles.
43、我曾踏月而行,只因你在山中。 I walked on the moon because you were in the mountains.
44、我用三生烟火,换你一世迷离。 I use three fireworks in exchange for your lifelong confusion.
45、我还记得,我跟别人炫耀过你。 I remember showing off you to others.
46、承蒙你出现,够我欢喜好几年。 Thanks for your presence, I've been happy for years.
47、敬你一杯酒,往事我从不回头。 Here's to you. I never look back.
48、无常便是有常,无知所以无畏。 Impermanence is constant. Ignorance makes you fearless.
49、时间不知不觉,我们后知后觉。 Time unknowingly, we know later.
50、春花秋月何时了?往事知多少。 When will the endless cycle of the spring flower and the autumn moon come to an end? How much do you know about the past.
51、杨柳丝丝弄轻柔,烟缕织成愁。 Willows and willows are soft, and smoke is woven into sorrow.
52、没关系,天空越黑,星星越亮。 It doesn't matter. The darker the sky, the brighter the stars.
53、没有伞的孩子,必须努力奔跑! Children without umbrellas must run hard!
54、没有失败,只有暂时停止成功! There is no failure, only temporary stop success!
55、泼墨三千烟火,许你一生迷离。 Splash ink 3000 fireworks, make you blurred all your life.
56、浓情眷恋,在你的温馨的期许。 Deep love, in your warm expectations.
57、燕子来时新社,梨花落后清明。 The swallow comes to the news agency, and the pear flower lags behind Qingming.
58、留连光景惜朱颜,黄昏独倚阑。 Stay in sight, cherish your beauty, and lean alone at dusk.
59、直道相思无益,未妨惆怅是轻。 Straight acacia is no good, no harm, melancholy is light.
60、相遇是缘,相识则是更大缘分。 Encounter is fate, acquaintance is greater fate.
61、眉是远山之黛,唇似三月桃花。 Eyebrows are the Dai of distant mountains, and lips are like peach blossoms in March.
62、真正懂得的人,从不问为什么! People who really understand never ask why!
63、短亭短,红尘辗,我把萧再叹。 Short Pavilion short, red dust rolling, I sigh Xiao again.
64、穷则独善其身,达则兼善天下。 If you are poor, you will be alone, and if you reach, you will be good to the world.
65、纵使时光荏苒,我却爱你如初。 Even though time goes by, I love you as before.
66、给我五千虎骑,复我浩荡中华。 Give me five thousand tigers to ride and restore my mighty China.
67、绽放一地情花,覆盖一片青瓦。 Bloom a love flower, covering a green tile.
68、落俗不可避免,浪漫至死不渝。 Vulgar is inevitable, romantic until death.
69、薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑销金兽。 The mist and thick clouds worry about the eternal day, and the Rui brain sells the golden beast.
70、行事不可任心,说话不可任口。 Do not act with your heart and speak with your mouth.
71、识趣,清醒是我最后的懂事。 Being interesting and sober is my last sensible.
72、说到底,是我没新鲜感了是吧。 After all, I'm not fresh, am I.
73、谁将烟焚散,散了纵横的牵绊。 Who burned the smoke and scattered the vertical and horizontal ties.
74、谢谢你,把我宠成了一个孩子。 Thank you for spoiling me into a child.
75、走完同一条街,回到两个世界。 Walk down the same street and return to two worlds.
76、连雨不知春去,一晴方觉夏深。 Even the rain doesn't know that spring goes, but when it's sunny, it feels deep in summer.
77、逆天尚有例外,逆吾绝无生机。 There are exceptions against the sky. Against me, there is no vitality.
78、选项一直都有,但我选择了你。 There are always options, but I chose you.
79、醉看墨花月白,恍疑雪满前村。 Drunk to see the ink flowers and the white moon, I doubt that the snow is full in the front village.
80、长使英雄泪满襟,天意高难问。 Long make the hero full of tears, God's will is high and difficult to ask.
81、长相思,乌夜啼,更漏青玉案。 Everlasting longing for each other, Qing Yu an even more serious case.