1、。-泪-何主“杵齐齐·砧面Ying” 4 ,泪枕红棉冷。 -周邦彦《蝶花晨报》

2、一位歌手保护了这首歌,心中的泪如雨。 -李白《丁铎之歌》

3、一首歌当流下眼泪,沉重地盖住了毛巾。 -晏殊《山亭·刘·歌手》

4、下好路堤,向南饱含眼泪。 -李白《堤防》


6、两年徒刑三年,一双眼泪。 -贾岛《诗经》

7、也为君明珠双泪,恨不得在未婚时相遇。 -张Ji《妇女节,送东平,李四空,道道》

8、乡泪在中间,寂寞扬帆见天。 -孟浩然《汉初河上有怀旧》

9、今天是兰明市的Yuming Mingyuan,是罗薇从风中轻轻举起,杀死了荷花女孩!-毛文熙“应天长平江挥动温暖的谚语”


11、共欲向刘华低诉,怕流花轻,不打破春天。 -黄小麦,《向春夜月·清明附近》

12、军听军,民听民怕。 -王浩《朝天子·咏角》

13、午后醒来。 -张宪《仙子仙子,水,声,持酒》


15、去年未见泪水浸湿春衬衫袖。 -欧阳修,《圣子子·袁希》

16、坐在群中,白露快死了。 -李白《秋思》

17、夫妻俩在石jie村,比长寿殿流泪。 -袁枚《马夷》

18、小荆但愁云鬓改,夜猫子应该感到月光冷。 -李商隐《无题难遇时难相逢》

19、带我离开漓江。 -吕本忠《长木兰·今晚昨夜》

20、平林沙漠烟如织,寒山一带伤心。 -李白《佛人,屏林,沙漠,烟尘,织布》

21、彩船被带走了。 -贺祝“佛陀,彩船从摇曳中被抬走”

22、忙碌的日子,许多休闲的日子,新的愁愁。。。。。。。。。 。。。。-卢游“浣溪沙·和无悔韵”

23、怜悯和妹妹,应该读门。 -李嘉v“送王母到冀州谒王使君叔”

24、愁高高梁父亲吟唱,像金色戛戛戛的声音。 -郑四小《两个砺》

25、感动的泪红。 -陆游《汕头风·红酥手》


27、易死,风雨无情。 -赵维《北线燕山阁见杏花切冰片》

28、更像是在洋洋江上的眼泪。 -朱敦如《玉兰还原·刘浪已老》

29、更多的人在家。 -朱Zhu尊《卖花,雨花台》

30、曹操的兴衰,质疑,眼泪和欲望。 -黄集“夜霜天小角·仪贞河”

31、杨公贝一句话,读眼泪。 -孟浩然《登山之子》

32、楼上的鹅口疮愁愁。 -郑文之妻“忆秦朝花深”

33、每年都是一朵花。 -晏道···守Lotus opening escort" 31, Huanghua is a ruthless thing, but also a total of Mr. - Yu Qian "Tai Ju Jiang Ting" 32, but with no words, fireworks in March spring. ——Zheng Jueqi, “Yangzhou Slow·Qionghua” 33, 仗 祓 祓 愁 愁 愁 愁 愁 愁 愁 愁 愁 愁 愁 愁 愁 愁. - Jiang Yan, "Cuilou 吟 淳 丙 丙 丙 丙 丙 丙 丙 丙 丙 丙 丙 丙 丙 丙 丙 丙 丙 丙 丙 丙 丙 丙 丙 丙 丙 丙 丙 丙 丙 丙 丙- Du Fu "The second song of Qujiang" 35, the night to join hands with the dream to swim, the morning will be filled with tears. - Bai Juyi "Dream of the Dream" 36, Jinling Jindu Hill Building, a pedestrian pedestrian. - Zhang Wei "title Jinlingdu" 37, Mingyue, Mingyue, Hu Yu slammed. - Dai Shulun "transfers to the grass" 38, what is the best period, tears like a rogue. - Xie I "Let's go to the Three Hills and look at Beijing" 39, I heard that Ma Zhou was a new Fengke, and no one knows. - Li He "To the wine line" 40, when the customs did not report the invasion of the morning passengers 41, Jiang Yan Zhu Su Nuwa, Li with Chinese impeachment. - Li He "Li Pingxu cited" 42, the bustling troubles can be hurt, the teacher is old and over Hunan. - Liu Zi, "The Chronicle of the Jingjing" 43, the old scene of depression, sent the king to go to Tim. - Mao *, "The Shadow of the Candle, Shake the Red, Send the Congregation" 44, the water is connected to Wugang, and the monarch does not feel hurt. - Wang Changling "gifting the fire to help the royal family" 45, Mo Zhen, the road is ignorant, who does not know the world. - High m "Don't Dong Dong Er" 46, the hometown is no soldiers, but there is still a period of time. - Chen and Yi "give people back to the capital" 47, deep courtyard lock dusk, bursts of banana rain. - Ouyang Xiu, "Shenchazi, shameful and green" 48, one night, the wind blows away. - Zeng Yunyuan "Point lips, one night Dongfeng" 49, Liang Yuan, the Japanese chaos, the three-two. - Cen Shen "Mountain House Springs Two" 50, Satchel cane North City Head, the west wind is full of eyes. - Lu You "Autumn Evening Dengcheng North Building" 51, sit on the other side of the monarch did not see, return to the intestines. - Su Shi, "Lin Jiangxian, send Wang Hao" 52, Yu Zunhua out of Fengcheng, lotus downstairs Liu Qingqing. - Nie Shengqiong "鹧鸪天·别情" 53, when the moon goes out, the beauty and tears. - Wei Zhuang, "Buddha Man, Red House, Night," 54, faintly hopeful, and special leisure. ——Huang Tingjian, “Water-sounding singer, sunset, and smashing road” 55, the powder is fragrant, and the day is called. - Lu Zuyu "Jiangchengzi·Drawing Curtains and Rolls Newly Clear" 56, under the rain, flying flowers and tears, can not blow, two difficult to ban. - Chen Zilong, "Tang Duo Ling · Cold Food" 57, but see his wife, where is the book, the book is full of ecstasy. - Du Fu, "Wen Guanjun received Henan and Hebei"


35、独自一人在小泉水上想见,于冠芳草路。 -魏庄《木兰·孤于小楼春之欲》

36、眉毛早知道味,害羞尚未解决。 -黄公渡,“佛人,眉毛,早期知识,味觉”

37、眼泪不透过窗户。 -几句话“思远人,红叶,黄花,秋天的傍晚”

38、眼泪残留在尘土中,南望王氏又一年。 -陆游《秋夜将篱笆门降温下来的心情》

39、美丽的女人在哭,眼泪湿了。 -李世忠《佛子,统治之子,破城,月》

40、肠子已经破裂,没有喝醉,酒还没到,先流下了眼泪。 -范仲淹“秋怀旧之皇家街”

41、舍不得掩盖余烬,风雨如磐。 -南兴德,“佛陀,德鲁伊花,不成功的花奴”

42、董丽,暮色后,有暗香袖。 -李清照《醉,阴,雾,云,恒久》

43、行人期盼王孙,买断金钗十二。 -于子直《咏草》

44、路径无处有阳光,高低起火。 -萨都剌《念奴娇·邓石城时报东坡》

45、这是哨声,使我三军泪如雨下。 -李维《古代论》

46、郊外时骑马穿越时极为醒目,让人无法忍受沮丧的日子。 -杜甫的《野性希望》27日,无人独处,此恨者怨。 -曹组《卜操兰》

47、酒是清爽宁静的。 -徐昌图《临江县·饮亭西饮》

48、长江巨浪征泪,一夜西风共白。 -宋·伊“《大河阻风》

49、风尘相簿,通向萧条之路。 -杜甫的“盖房”

50、风干桃花也似痰,少红雨。 -如uga《清天楚天遥。有意寄春归》

51、黄昏后回到饱餐,不要脱衣服躺在月球上。 -陆燕《牧童》
