1、一望乡关烟火隔,萍身他乡亦牵情。 As soon as I look at the fireworks in the countryside, Ping's body is also in love with her hometown.

2、一醉软香,看不清的低袖扇舞,舞不尽的绫罗鲛纱。 A drunk soft fragrance, can not see the low sleeve fan dance, dance endless damask yarn.

3、三分爱人,七分爱己。 Three loves, seven loves.

4、下次你路过,人间已无我。 Next time you pass by, there is no me in the world.

5、不可说,不可说,一说即是错。 Don't say, don't say, it's wrong to say.

6、不必恭维,不必讨好,爱你的人自然会给你拥抱。 Don't flatter, don't flatter, people who love you will give you a hug.

7、世间繁华如画,你是我画中寻找的他。 The world is prosperous and picturesque. You are the one I am looking for in my paintings.

8、丹青卷,铁扇昼白,望红尘,韶华如笋,夜色似我。 Danqing roll, iron fan, day white, look at the world, youth like bamboo shoots, night like me.

9、今宵剩把银釭照,相逢犹恐是梦中。 I'm afraid I'll meet you in a dream.

10、令伯支离晚读书,岂知词赋称相如。 To make Bozhi study in the evening, he didn't know that Ci Fu was called Xiangru.

11、你在那里,我在这里,只是怀念,不再相见。 You are there, I am here, just miss, no longer meet.

12、你心里的委屈,不管是谁给的,都由我来负责。 No matter who gives you the grievance in your heart, I will be responsible for it.

13、你是年少的欢喜,喜欢的少年是你! You are young joy, like the youth is you!

14、你是我,未能触及的倾城温暖。 You are my untouchable warmth.

15、你是这一场太平盛世里,领我溃逃的兵荒马乱。 You are the chaos that led me to flee in this peaceful and prosperous time.

16、你的名字写满在我心里,就让我永远爱你吧! Your name is written in my heart, let me love you forever!

17、你的孤独,虽败犹荣。 Your loneliness, though defeated, is still glorious.


19、你站在那别动,我飞奔过去! You stand there and I'll run!

20、你说十年风霜皆为过往,却烈酒入喉把爱恨再尝。 You say ten years of wind and frost are all in the past, but the liquor goes into your throat to taste love and hate again.

21、你说情深眷恋此生不变,后来百般刁难视而不见。 You said that the deep love will never change in this life, and then you will make trouble to turn a blind eye to it.

22、你,是我今生的新娘。 You are the bride of my life.

23、倚东风,一笑嫣然,转盼万花羞落。 Leaning on the east wind, I smile and look forward to the flowers falling.

24、做个俗人,从此泼墨煮茶,闭口不谈世间繁华。 Be a layman, from then on splash ink tea, shut up the world prosperous.

25、像每一滴酒回不了最初的葡萄,我回不到年少。 Like every drop of wine can't return to the original grapes, I can't return to my youth.

26、再也无须前思后想,一切岂非依然过往。 There is no need to think about it again. Everything is still in the past.

27、几日寂寥伤酒后,一番萧瑟禁烟中。 After a few days of solitude and drunkenness, I was in the middle of a bleak ban on smoking.

28、卢家少妇郁金堂,海燕双栖玳瑁梁。 Lu family young woman Yu Jintang, Haiyan habitat hawksbill ridge.

29、可以思之入骨,也可以相忘于江湖。 You can think about it to the bone, or you can forget about it.

30、唱别久悲不成悲,十分红处竟成灰。 If you don't sing for a long time, you can't be sad. If it's very red, it turns into ashes.

31、回首天涯归梦,几魂飞西浦,泪洒东州。 Looking back at the end of the world, I return to my dream. My soul flies to Xipu and tears come to Dongzhou.

32、如果能再见,我是说如果。请不要说再见,好么? If I can see you again, I mean if. Please don't say goodbye, OK?

33、娇儿恶卧踏里裂,哭声直上千云霄。 Jiao'er's crying voice goes up to the sky.

34、孤兔凄凉照水,晓风起、银河西转。 Lonely rabbit desolate according to the water, the dawn wind, the Milky way to the West.

35、守一段情,念一个人。 Keep a love, read a person.

36、小女子不才,不能把你给扣出来。 I can't take you out if I'm not talented.

37、小轩独坐相思处,情绪好无聊。 Xiaoxuan sits alone in Acacia. She's so bored.

38、岁月深处,如若山水能相依,便是安好。 Deep in the years, if the mountains and rivers can depend on each other, it will be safe.

39、幸福不是每天都有,错过了就要等很久。 Happiness doesn't exist every day. If you miss it, you have to wait for a long time.

40、待吾长发及腰,你可愿意为吾描眉绾发。 When my hair reaches my waist, would you like to brush my eyebrows.

41、情缘的乐曲,总在心潮澎湃时响起。 Love music, always in the surging heart sounds.

42、愿你夏天有凉风相伴,孤独有良人陪伴。 May you be accompanied by cool wind in summer and lonely by your beloved.

43、我们的青春挥洒在校园,想找回青春也想回到校园。 Our youth in the campus, want to find youth also want to return to the campus.

44、我只担心一件事,我怕我配不上自己所受的苦难。 I'm only worried about one thing. I'm afraid I'm not worthy of my suffering.

45、我喜欢你,穷极所思,可赴万里。 I like you. I can go to thousands of miles.

46、我心中困守一只恶龙,也为你藏有温柔宇宙。 I have a dragon in my heart, and I have a gentle universe for you.

47、我愿颠沛流离了青春,再遇见一个温暖的你。 I would like to wander away from youth, and then meet a warm you.

48、我用三生烟火,换你一世迷离。 I use Sansheng fireworks, in exchange for your life lost.

49、我留这青丝千丈,只为记录与你一起的岁月绵长。 I keep this silk, just to record the years with you.

50、我的心是旷野的鸟,在你的眼睛里找到了它的天空。 My heart, the bird of the wilderness, has found its sky in your eyes.

51、掩埋了泪眼的斑驳,在转角之后扣上故事门锁。 Buried the tears of the mottled eyes, in the corner after the story locked.

52、春水初生,春林初盛,春风十里,不如你。 Spring water is born, spring forest is flourishing, spring wind is ten li, not as good as you.

53、是非在己,毁誉由人,得失不论。 Right or wrong is up to you, reputation is up to you, gain or loss is up to you.

54、最终鸟倦归栖,你我有始无终。 Finally, the birds return to habitat, you and I have no beginning and no end.

55、有些事,不是我不在意,而是我在意了又能怎样。 Some things, not I don't care, but I care how.

56、有你相伴,遗世无憾。 With you, there is no regret.

57、有朝一日龙得水,吾叫长江倒海流。 One day, I will call the Yangtze River the inverted current.

58、未失恋的人不懂爱情,未失意的人不懂人生。 People who are not lovelorn don't understand love, and people who are not frustrated don't understand life. There is a wall in your heart. You can see heaven when you push it away.

59、正因为我们的不完美,所以我们需要彼此。 Because we are not perfect, we need each other.

60、此情不过烟雨碎,挫骨扬灰终不悔。 This situation is nothing but broken, frustrated and never regret.

61、没有伟大的意志力,便没有雄才大略。 Without great willpower, there is no grand talent.

62、浩荡离愁白日斜,吟鞭东指即天涯。 The vast sorrow of parting is slanting in the daytime, and the East finger of whips is the end of the world.

63、爱与时光,终年不遇。 Love and time never meet.

64、爱有所依,无日或忘,你一直都在我心里。 Love has a basis, every day or forget, you have always been in my heart.

65、爱,从来就是一件千回百转的事。 Love, has always been a thousand things.

66、牵挂一个人,那是放不下的情怀,剪不断的情思。 Care about a person, it is not put down the feelings, cut constant feelings.

67、现在晚安之后不知道是真睡了,还是只想结束话语。 Now after good night, I don't know whether I really sleep or just want to end the conversation.

68、眉间朱砂,清心如挂,一壶漂泊执手浪迹天涯。 Cinnabar between eyebrows, pure heart like hanging, a pot of wandering handle, wandering the world.

69、祝你所求皆所愿,所行化坦途,多喜乐,长安宁。 I wish you everything you ask for, everything you do is smooth, happiness and peace.

70、祝你遇良人予你欢喜城长歌暖浮生。 I wish you happiness when you meet your lover.

71、缘聚缘散缘如水,背负万丈尘寰。 Fate is like water, carrying thousands of feet of earth.

72、肯陪你的人很多,会一直陪你到最后的很少。 Many people are willing to accompany you, but few will accompany you to the end.

73、舌间搁浅的妙蔓,是想为你舞一曲最后倾国倾城。 The wonderful vine stranded between the tongue, is to dance a song for you, the last love.

74、若将相思埋入坟冢,忘记生死茫茫。 If you bury Acacia in the grave, forget the boundless life and death.

75、记住我的好,或者记住我就好。 Remember my good, or just remember me.

76、说一段欢喜道一处忧愁,人生何处不遇秋! Say a happy road, a sad, where life does not meet autumn!

77、请不要把我对你的容忍,当成你不要脸的资本。 Please don't regard my tolerance for you as your shameless capital.

78、这吹不出褶的平静日子,也在闪光。 The quiet days that can't blow out folds are shining.

79、遇见你之后,我每天都在做一件事,就是:想你。 After meeting you, I do one thing every day, that is: miss you.

80、那我以后每天吻你一遍,让花开满整个城市。 Then I'll kiss you once a day and let the flowers bloom all over the city.

81、重帏深下莫愁堂,卧后清宵细细长。 Heavy curtain deep down Mochou hall, lying after the Qing Xiao slender.

82、鸳鸯符,相思蛊,终抵不过郎心薄幸,痴心错属。 Yuanyang Fu, Acacia Gu, can't reach Lang Xin's misfortune, infatuation is wrong.