1、一寸相思一寸灰,半寸留给昨天,半寸守住今天。 An inch of acacia, an inch of ash, a half inch left to yesterday, a half inch to hold today.

2、上帝在云端冷笑,我们在人间承受。 God laughs in the clouds, we bear in the world.

3、下辈子我一定投胎做一个女人,然后嫁一个我这样的男人。 In the next life, I will be reborn as a woman and marry a man like me.

4、不曾站在原地守候的人,不会懂得站久了双腿都无法弯曲的滋味。 Those who have not stood in place will not understand the taste of standing for a long time without bending their legs.

5、世间的一切,都是虚空,都是捕风。 Everything in the world is empty, it's a catch-up.

6、人类要在竞争中求生存,更要奋斗。 In order to survive in the competition, human beings must strive even more.

7、何必@臃址趾虾希反正最後w宿都是ex。 Why divide, divide and merge like this? Anyway, the final destination is parting.

8、你不是环保袋、不要总是装啊装啊装啊装。 You are not a green bag. Don't always pack and pack.

9、你必须坚强因为没有人会懂你到底有多痛。 You have to be strong because no one knows how painful you really are.

10、你必须很努力,才能做到看起来毫不费力。 You have to work hard to make it look effortless.

11、你永远不知道自己有多坚强,直到有一天你除了坚强再无选择。 You never know how strong you are until one day you have no choice but to be strong.

12、你的心是一座城,我愿做那唯一的居民。 Your heart is a city, I would like to be the only resident.

13、别让那些不重要的事来影响你,从而让你失去那些真正重要的东西。 Don't let the unimportant things affect you, so that you lose the things that really matter.

14、原来你给我的爱只是昙花一现后坠落,可是我还在犯天真。 The love you gave me was just a flash in the pan, but I'm still naive.

15、只想和你简简单单的在一起,现在才发现在一起之后什么都不简单。 I just want to be with you simply,and now I find that nothing is easy after being together.

16、喜欢是淡淡的爱,爱是深深的喜欢。 Like is light love, love is deep love.

17、在你面前我不是我,就好像是被你操纵的木偶。 I am not me in front of you, just like a puppet manipulated by you.

18、在脸蛋上划上坑坑洼洼的疤痕,诠释了所有嫉妒的人儿。 The pitted scars on the face explain all the jealous people.

19、女人,可以做自己的公主,但不要指望做全世界的公主。 Women can be their own princess, but don't expect to be the princess of the world.

20、女人,长得漂亮是优势,活得漂亮才是本事。 Woman, beautiful is the advantage, live beautiful is the ability.

21、如果没有了氧气,你会不会还像如今现在这样的云淡风轻。 If there were no oxygen, would you still be as cloudy and breezy as you are now?

22、字字伤心、笔下处处泪痕。句句销魂、容颜尽愁损。 Words are sad and tears are everywhere. Sentences are soul-stirring and looks sad.

23、对于你,我从来没有认真过,自己敷衍对自己说。 For you, I have never been serious, perfunctory to say to myself.

24、对喜欢的人不需要备注,因为他占了一个分组。 You don't need to comment on the person you like, because he occupies a group.

25、彼此都受了伤,最后却是因为彼此伤害。 They all hurt each other, but in the end they hurt each other.

26、待我强大之时,我必扫光超市所有零食。 When I am strong, I will sweep all the snacks in the supermarket.

27、很多东西看久了都会腻,唯独你,越看越喜欢。 Many things will be tired of seeing for a long time, only you, the more you look, the more you like them.

28、忘不掉曾经的拥有,只会让此刻的心更痛。 Unforgetting the possession of the past will only make the heart of the moment more painful.

29、情到深处人自醉,心相依,情相依,不离不弃。 Feelings to the depths of people drunk, heart-dependent, emotional dependence, never give up.

30、想念你,无休止的想念,让我沉入思念的痛苦里挣扎。 Miss you, endless miss, let me sink into the pain of missing struggle.

31、我一直以为空气是免费的,直到后来买了包薯片。 I thought the air was free until I bought a bag of potato chips.上一页12下一页

32、我不喜欢我喜欢的人对着我不喜欢的人笑。 I don't like people I like laughing at people I don't like.

33、我们都在假装,装做不在意的在乎。 We're all pretending that we don't care.

34、我只是不是你想要的那个人而已。我不如她,我知道。 I'm just not the person you want. I'm not as good as her, I know.

35、我喜欢你决不是一时兴起更不是说说而已。 I like you more than just for the moment.

36、我轻轻地走,正如我轻轻地来,挥一挥匕首,不留一个活口。 I walk lightly, just as I come lightly, waving a dagger without leaving a living mouth.

37、放下顾虑,剪掉烦恼,勇敢往前走吧,你会看到,一个新的自己。 Put aside your worries, cut off your worries, and go ahead bravely. You will see a new self.

38、无人站你前面为你挡枪口,就自己做英雄。 If nobody stands in front of you to block your gun, be a hero.

39、明明说要放弃,眼泪和本能却和理智在抗拒。 Clearly to give up, tears and instincts are resisting with reason.

40、有的人因为太重要、便选择做朋友、因为朋友永远比恋人走得远。 Some people choose to be friends because they are too important, because friends always go farther than lovers.

41、真正的勇士敢于正视漂亮的美眉,敢于直面惨淡的单身。 Real warriors dare to face up to beautiful eyebrows, dare to face the bleak single.

42、离宴欢歌笙箫间,把酒一泯化思烟。 Between the banquet and the singing and singing, the wine will disappear and the smoke will disappear.

43、自己不要的东西一直留着只是不想让跟多人拥有她。 I keep what I don't want, just don't want to let many people own her.

44、花儿总有重开日,人儿却无再笑颜。 Flowers always come back to blossom, but people no longer smile.

45、若你牵着我的手一直走,不管多远都不会累。 If you take my hand and go straight, no matter how far it is, you won't be tired.

46、虽然做不到最好,但我做到最努力! Although I can't do the best, I try my best!

47、记住该记住的,忘记该忘记的。改变能改变的,接受不能改变的。 Remember what should be remembered and forget what should be forgotten. Change what can be changed, accept what cannot be changed.

48、谁不向前看,谁就会面临许多困难。 Anyone who does not look forward will face many difficulties.

49、谁把谁真的当真,谁为谁真的心疼。 Who really takes who seriously, who really loves who.

50、谢谢你给我的美好时光,我将带着记忆一个人开始漫长的旅行。 Thank you for the wonderful time you have given me. I will start a long journey with my memory.

51、那未燃尽的烟,随着时间浮现、脑海中你温柔的侧脸。 The unburned smoke emerges overtime, your gentle side face in your mind.
