1、世界变得复杂,是因为你变得复杂。你简单了,世界就变得简单。 The world is complicated, because you become complicated. You are simple, the world becomes simple.

2、人生往往是复杂的。使复杂的人生简单化除了**就别无他法。 Life is often complex. Simplify complicated life will have no choice but in addition to the violence.

3、人生苦短,财富地位都是附加的,生不带来死不带去,简单生活就是快乐的生活。对待人生的苦境,以毅力、智慧去处理,这样人生才不会有遗憾;有心改变、用心突破,就不难。 Life is short, are additional wealth status, naked living not bring, simple life is happy life. Treat the plight of life, with perseverance, wisdom to deal with, so that life won't have regret; Intentional change, heart break, it's not hard to.上一页12下一页

4、以前看的太简单了,现在看的太麻烦,后来看不清了。 Used to look too simple, now look too much trouble, later can't see.

5、任何事物都不及“伟大”那样简单;事实上,能够简单便是伟大。 Anything less is as simple as "great"; In fact, can be simple is great.

6、你,简单了,你的世界就简单了;你,简单了,事情就简单了。 You, simple, your world is simple; You, simple, simple things.

7、其实爱情和友情也就那么回事儿,想的开了自然也就淡了,快乐简单一点烦恼也不在复杂。 In fact, love and friendship are so, want to open the natural would be light, happy a little bit more simple annoyance is not complicated.

8、凡是真的、善的和美的事物,不管它们外表如何,都是简单的,并且还是相似的。 All true, the good and things of beauty, no matter how they look, are simple, and similar.

9、后来的进程无关痛痒——我简单地;中他干笑,随即逃之天天。 The later process irrelevant - I simply; Every day in his dry, then fled.

10、喜欢简单的人,简单的事,简简单单的感觉。保持最初的那份纯真。 Like simple people, simple things, simple feeling. Keepthe initial share of the pure.

11、喜欢简单,喜欢简单的她。因为简单,所以快乐;因为简单,所以才不简单。 She like simple, like simple. Because simple, so happy; Because simple, so is not easy.

12、多么复杂的部分也是简单的,将简单的组合起来自圆己说就是使简单变得不简单的途径。 How complex part is also simple, the simple combination up from simple circle has said is made is not a simple way.

13、头脑简单的人有了虚荣心往往干出种种荒唐事,年轻姑娘最容易抱不切实际的幻想。 Simple people have vanity tend to dry out a variety of absurd things, young girl is the most easy to unrealistic fantasies.

14、学会以最简单的方式生活,不要让复杂的思想破坏生活的甜蜜。 Learn to live in the most simple way, don't allow thoughts of the complex damage the sweetness of life.

15、对问题不应满足于简单的回答,而应该象一颗优良的种子,给思想的原野催发一片嫩绿的新芽。 Should not be content with a simple answer to the question, and should be like a good seed, ideological field spin off a piece of green buds.

16、小时候,幸福是件很简单的事情,长大后,简单是件很幸福的事情! When I was young, happiness is very simple thing, grew up, simple is a very happy thing!


18、成功是很简单的事,只要方法正确。 Success is very simple, as long as the method is correct. Happiness is really very simple: someone love; Have something to do; Looking forward to.

19、成功的法则极为简单,但简单实在不代表轻易。 The law of success is very simple, simple but not easy.

20、我想就这样牵着你的手不放开,爱可不可以简简单单没有伤害。 I don't think so, holding your hand open, love can simply no harm.

21、我是简单的头脑,简单的人,做简单的事,简单的事好做。在别人眼中,我很单纯,我不在乎,我会把别人的想法,看法在我心里简单化,就这么简单! I am simple mind, simple person, do the simple things, the simple things well done. In the eyes of others, I am very simple, I don't care, I'll get someone else's ideas, views simplification in my heart, it's that simple!

22、我爱哭的时候便哭,我爱笑的时候便笑,我不求深刻,只求简单。 I love cry and cry, I love to laugh and smile, I not deep, but simple.

23、我要守护她那简简单单的梦!一直简单下去!永远无所顾忌地冲下去!而我,就是那在一旁守护他的简单的骑士!也要成为她一样简简单单的人! I want to protect her simple dream! Continue to be simple! Irresponsibly rushed forever! And I, is that on the side to protect his simple knight! Also want to be a simple man she!

24、最优秀的模式往往是最简单的东西。 The best model is often the most simple things.

25、最伟大的人仅仅因为简单才显得崇高。 The greatest person just because simple makes the sublime.

26、最伟大的真理最简单;同样,最简单的人也最伟大。 The greatest truth is the most simple; Similarly, the simplest are the greatest.

27、最深入的真理是最简单、最普通的真理。 Deepest truth is the simplest and most common truth.

28、毫无缺点的人显然是不存的, Someone who has no weakness obviously is not complete, because he couldn't find a friend in the world, he seems to belong to different species.

29、没那么简单,就能找到聊得来的伴。 Not so simple, can find the talk of a partner.

30、爱可以简简单单。但不能随随便便。 Love can be simple. But can casually.

31、生命可以归结为一种简单的选择:要么忙于生存,要么赶着去死。 Life boils down to a simple choice: get busy living, or get busy dying.

32、真理太简单了:你总是通过复杂的路线才能到达它的身边。 Truth is simple: you always through complex route to get to it.

33、简单人生简单过,人生本来就很简单,只要快乐就好。 Simple life, simple life is very simple, as long as happy.

34、简单和简单,却拼凑不成简简单单。 Simple and simple, but fails to piece together a simple.

35、简单地活着,其他人可能只是简单地生活。 Live simply, others may simply live.

36、简单是终极的复杂。 Simplicity is the ultimate complex.

37、简单生活的麻烦在于,它是快乐的,丰富的,有创意的,却一点也不简单。 The simple life of the trouble is, it is happy, rich, creative, but is not simple.

38、简单生活,生活简单是正确的。越简单越好,越是简单越轻松。 Simple life, simple life is correct. As simple as possible, the more simple the more relaxed.

39、简单的你穿着简单的白衬衫。你那简单的笑容让一切简单变得不简单。 Simple you wore a simple white shirt. Your simple smile make everything simple is not simple.

40、绝对不要做你的敌人希望你做的事情,原因很简单,因为敌人希望你这样做。 Absolutely don't do your enemy hope you do, the reason is very simple, because the enemy wants you to do so.

41、要成功,先发疯,头脑简单向前冲。 To succeed, first crazy, simple forward.

42、许多至高至深的道理,都是含蕴在一些极其简单的思想中。 Many high enough to sense and are encompassed in some very simple ideas.

43、这是我的一个秘密,再简单不过的秘密:一个人只有用心去看,才能看到真实。事情的真相只用眼睛是看不见的。 This is one of my secret, the secret of the simple: a person only to see, to see the truth. The truth of the matter is invisible to the eyes.
