1、Happiness is my only bet. How can you let me lose?

2、一个永远不能说出口的秘密,也只能是个秘密。 A secret that can never be exported can only be a secret.

3、不求你了解,我万水千山的心情。 I do not ask you to understand, my heart is full of mountains and rivers.

4、不知道明年的今天,我是否还在等待。 I wonder if I am still waiting for next year.

5、世人谓我恋长安,其实只恋长安某。 The world says I love Changan, but I really love Changan.

6、两情若是久长时,以岂在朝朝暮暮。 Two, if love is long, how can it be?

7、云想衣裳花想容,春风拂槛露华侬。 The cloud wants to wear clothes.

8、什么时候,你会想我,有如,我这般的想你。 When will you think of me, like, I miss you so much.

9、以朋友的身份,拥抱了我最爱的少年。 In my capacity as a friend, I embrace my favorite teenager.

10、你不曾给我一次回眸,我却始终在对你微笑。 You never give me a look back, but I always smile at you.

11、你回头看看我啊,我一直在你身后。 You look back at me, I am always behind you.

12、你永远都不会知道,为你乱想的人有多么爱你。 You will never know how much you love people.

13、你的影子、腐烂在心底、挥之不去。 Your shadow, rot in the bottom of my heart, lingering.

14、你说你已经有了心边人,可你还是我的心上人。 You say you already have the heart, but you are still my sweetheart.

15、偷偷喜欢你这么久,差点都以为你是我的了。 Secretly like you for so long, almost think you are mine.

16、其实所谓暗恋不过是:我的骄傲,无可救药。 In fact, the so-called secret love is just: my pride is hopeless.

17、其实,我一直都在乎你,只是你没有发现。 In fact, I always care about you, but you didn't find it.

18、努力的找一个理由,说服自己这颗凌乱的心。 Tryto find a reason to convince yourself of this messy heart.

19、只要得不到,就一样百爪挠心,痛得不差分毫。 As long as we can't get it, the hundred claws will scratch the heart.

20、唯有相思似春色,江南江北送君归。 Only love is like spring. Jiangnan Jiangbei sends the king back.

21、因为爱你,爱到可以不再打扰你。 Because love you, love can no longer bother you.

22、因为真的很在乎,所以我一直都在装作不在乎。 Because I really care, so I have been pretending not to care.

23、多少,地角天涯不是长。 How much is it for one night's sleep?

24、多情只有春庭月,犹为离人照落花。 Love is only a spring month, but it is still a flower.

25、好在暗恋永不死,我还能失去你许多次。 The secret is never to die. I can still lose you many times.

26、好想跟你在一起,只是你的身边已有了他人。 I want to be with you, but you have others around you.

27、少年,你知道么,有一个女孩傻傻的爱着你。 Boy, you know, there is a girl who loves you foolishly.

28、当你从我心里悄悄经过,时间仿佛停止在那一刻。 When you pass through my heart, time seems to stop at that moment.

29、怎么解释,草稿纸上都是你的名字。 How to explain, it's your name on the draft paper.上一页12下一页 I can't catch your heart, but all my heart is you!

30、想你的时候有些幸福,幸福得有些难过。 When I think of you, I feel a little bit happy and unhappy.

31、想有一天挽着你的手,去敬各位来宾的酒。 I want to hold your hand one day to honor our guests.

32、我不会爱、但对于你、我心里起了变化。 I will not love, but for you, my heart has changed.

33、我不想和我暗恋的人做朋友,我怕我越陷越深! I don't want to be friends with my secret friends. I'm afraid I'm getting deeper and deeper.


35、我喜欢你,我自己知道就好。 I like you, I know it well.

36、我愿以朋友之名,深爱,占有,不分手。 I would like to love, occupy and not break up in the name of my friend.

37、我把青春耗在暗恋里,最终却没能和你在一起。 I spent my youth in secret love, but I couldn't be with you in the end.

38、我有一个很爱的人,只是我们没有在一起。 I have a very loving person, but we are not together.

39、我本将心向明月,奈何明月照沟渠。 I will turn my heart to the bright moon.

40、我爱你,但你永远不会知道,因为你有了她。 I love you, but you will never know, because you have her.

41、我爱你,是我自己的事,与任何人无关。 I love you. It's my own business. It has nothing to do with anyone.

42、我用一辈子,换你一个转身。 I use my whole life to change your turn.

43、我的心暗恋你,我的眼睛明恋你。 My heart secretly loves you, my eyes love you.

44、我的眼泪,只为祭奠一场荒芜的暗恋。 My tears, only to sacrifice a desolate secret love.

45、我终生的等候,换不来你刹那的凝眸。 My lifelong waiting for you can not change your eyes.

46、我连一秒都没有拥有过你,却感觉失去了千万次。 I haven't owned you for a second, but I feel lost ten million times.

47、斑骓只系垂杨岸,何处西南待好风。 Spotted poplar only hangs on the poplar bank, where the southwest is good.

48、无论怎样,我都没有后悔曾经喜欢上你。 No matter what, I do not regret having liked you.

49、春蚕到死丝仿尽,烛炬成灰泪始干。 The spring silkworm is dead to the dead silk.

50、暗恋一的人是痛苦的,不如痛彻心扉的表达出来。 A person who loves secretly is unhappy. It's better to express himself in pain.

51、暗恋你的味道,你不会知晓! Secretly love your taste, you will not know!

52、暗恋和吃饱了撑着一样,都有满腹憋屈无法言说。 Unrequited love and full support are all full of frustration.

53、暗恋就像一场哑剧,说出来就成悲剧了。 Secret love is like a pantomime. It's a tragedy to speak.

54、暗恋就像一场雨,雨中,你没看我,我没看雨。 Unrequited love is like a rain, in the rain, you did not see me, I did not see the rain.

55、暗恋是一个人的思念,没有那个人,只有自己。 Secret love is a person's yearning, without that person, only himself.

56、暗恋是一朵永不盛开的花,不盛开便不会凋零。 Secret love is a flower that never blooms. It will not wither if it is not blooming.

57、暗恋是最美的恋爱,因为永远都是你说分手。 Secret love is the most beautiful love, because you always say goodbye.

58、暗恋是种害人心的毒,表白我们会不会结。 Secret love is a poison that affects people's hearts.

59、每次见你遇你我也着迷,唯在暗里爱你暗里着迷。 Every time I see you, I am fascinated by you. I love you secretly.

60、沉默的守护着你,沉默着等奇迹! Silently guarding you, silent waiting for miracles!

61、爱一个人需要勇气,更需要运气。 It takes courage and luck to love a person.

62、爱就要默默的喜欢,要不受到的伤害更大。 Love will love silently, or it will hurt more.

63、爱是**,也惟有爱能给你力量抗拒**。 Love is temptation, and only love can give you strength to resist temptation.

64、生命中有些人与我们相识了,却来不及熟悉。 Some people in our lives know us, but we are too late to be familiar with them.

65、痴情的一方注定伤的最深,自古痴情终成空。 A spoony party is doomed to hurt the most, since ancient times, infatuation has finally become empty.

66、直道相思了无益,未妨惆怅是清狂。 Direct acacia is useless.


68、看着你们的笑脸,流着自己的眼泪。 Look at your smiling faces and shed tears.

69、等一个没有结果的人,遵循自愿原则。 Waiting for a person who has no result will follow the principle of voluntariness.

70、红楼隔雨相望冷,珠箔飘灯独自归。 The red chamber looks cold and the beads float on the *.

71、落花已作风前舞,流水依旧只东去。 Falling flowers have been dancing before the style, and the water is still going east.

72、落花有意随流水,流水无意恋落花。 Flowers fall with water, and water has no intention of falling flowers.

73、衣带渐宽终不悔,为伊消得人憔悴。 My clothes grow daily more loose, yet care I not. For you am I thus wasting away in sorrow and pain.

74、表面上说祝你幸福,其实心里比谁都痛。 On the surface, I wish you happiness, but in fact, it hurts more than anyone else.

75、被暗恋的人瞥一眼,都觉得世界都是自己的。 People who are secretly in love have a glimpse of the world as their own.

76、被爱是一种奢侈的幸福,可惜你从来不在乎。 Being loved is a luxury, but you never care.

77、言不由衷,只是怕无期而终。 Words are insincere, but fear of no end.

78、谈对象不影响学习,真正影响学习的是暗恋。 Talking about objects does not affect learning. What really influences learning is secret love.

79、趁我还爱你,你能不能不要错过我。 Can you not miss me while I still love you.

80、遗憾的是,渐行的时光里没有你。 Unfortunately, there is no time for you to come.

81、长相知,才能不相疑;不相疑,才能长相知。 If you know your face, you can't doubt it; if you don't doubt it, you will know it.
