
2、他暗恋我半年我天前接受他了,我在努力像他喜欢我一样喜欢他。 He has a crush on me half a year I accept his days ago, I'm trying to like him like he likes me.

3、你的过去我来不及参与,你的未来我奉陪到底。 I have no enough time to participate in your past, your future I shall get.

4、你说过的永远留在昨天,就当它是我最美的纪念。 You said yesterday forever, just as it is my most beautiful memory.

5、其实最催泪的情书,是我们的聊天记录。 Actually the tear of the love letter, is our chats.

6、只要你能牵着我另一只手,我可以用令一只手为你征服世界。 As long as you can give me another hand, I can use one hand to conquer the world for you.

7、只要跟你在一起,不管是天涯还是海角我都会陪着你一起走。 As long as together with you, whether it's the end of the world or go ends of the earth I will accompany you.

8、喜欢和你在一起,就算不说话也是一种难得的幸福与满足。 Like to be with you, even if I don't talk is also a kind of rare happiness and satisfaction.

9、如果今天我开口说,请原谅我过去的错,你会不会能够,接受我对你真情恳求。 If I speak today,please forgive me for the past wrong, you will not be able to, accept my love for you.

10、如果所有的深爱都是秘密,那么只说给那一个人听就好。 If all deep love is secret, so just say to that person.

11、如果有一天,我变得目中无人了,请记得,曾经也没有人把我放在心里。 If one day, I became arrogant, please remember, ever also no man put me in the heart.

12、就当我是空气吧,起码你还需要我。 When I was the air, at least you still need me.

13、幸福是,牵你的手,从此两双眼睛,看一个未来。 Happiness is, hold your hand, from now on two pairs of eyes, see a future.

14、当你有困难时、我象幽灵般出现,当你无困难时我象幽灵般消失。 When you are in trouble, I like the ghost appears, when you have no difficulty I like the ghost disappeared.

15、很多东西看久了都会腻,唯独你,越看越喜欢。 A lot of things to see for a long time will be bored with, only you, more see more like it.

16、总会有那么一天,有一个人举着戒指对你笑,说着余生请跟我走。 There will always be so one day, there was a man holding a ring for you to smile, "said the rest of my life, please come with me.

17、我不是你的天荒,你却是我的信仰。 I'm not your day, you are my faith.

18、我发誓你会活的有笑容,没人能把谁的幸福没收。 I swear you will live with smile, no one who can bring happiness confiscated.

19、我只是想永远在我身边的那个人是你,仅此而已。 I just want to always by my side that person is you, that's all.

20、我想你,想念你的那份温柔,不知不觉中我已依赖。 I miss you, miss you share of the gentle, unconsciously I have rely on.

21、我想要的未来,就是每天早上起床都能看见你和阳光都在。 In the future, I want is waking up every morning can see you and sunshine all in.

22、我曾相信,只要我不放弃你就会爱上我,现在想想真可笑。 I used to believe that as long as I don't give up you will fall in love with me, now think about how ridiculous.

23、我爱你,尽管你浑身是刺, I love you, although you were full of thorn, thorns I was black and blue all over but I still love you.

24、我用一个又一个刹那,堆砌起与你息息相关的年华。 I use one of the moments, regurgitated is closely related to your life.

25、我用生命等候,等候实现两个人的童话,懂我的,请珍惜这段美丽的缘。 I use the life waiting, waiting for realizing the fairy tale of two people, understand me, please cherish this period of beautiful.上一页12下一页 Pour all my love for you, for you with all my love.

26、我的世界不允许你的消失,不管结局是否完美。因为我爱你! you cannot disappear from my world no matter the ending is perfect or not. Because I love you!

27、我要的爱情,一个你,一颗心,一心一意,一辈子。只是这样,再无其他。 I want to love, a you, heart, wholeheartedly, for a lifetime. Only in this way, no other.

28、所谓的幸福、就是跟喜欢的人过简单的生活。 The so-called happiness, is with the person I like the simple life.

29、把你的爱放进冷藏室里,只为了它不要那么快变质。 Put your love in the freezer, just to it not so fast metamorphism.

30、时光就像是一场地震,趁年少如花,路途遥远,我们在一起吧。 Time is like an earthquake, young flower, long journey, we are together.

31、暗恋也是一种爱,但爱的结局总是心痛。 Unrequited love is a kind of love, but the end of love always hurts.

32、有时候,你漫不经心的一句话,就能温暖我整个心房。 Sometimes you casual a word, you can warm my whole heart.

33、有生之年,只诉温暖不言殇,倾心相遇,安暖相陪。 Lifetime,v. warmth not only ruin, fall in love meet, warm with Ann.

34、沿着通往你的小路,走到尽头就是礼堂。 Along the path to your path, the end is the auditorium.

35、淡淡的一眼是你认真的承诺,静静的一刻是我生命的全部,我不愿离开你。 Light is your serious commitment, quiet moment is all of my life, I don't want to leave you.

36、爱一个人,并不是爱她的长相和身材,而是在一起的那种感觉。 Love a person, not love her face and figure, but together of that kind of feeling.

37、爱已经结冰,一切显得好平静,爱你的心我无处投递。 Good love has been frozen, all is calm, I love your heart is delivered.

38、爱我多久,直到心电图的小山变成大海。 Love me how long until the electrocardiogram hill into the sea.

39、穿越人海,在你耳边,轻轻说爱别走远。 Through the crowd, in your ears, gently say love, don't go far.

40、飘零的一片叶,就像你我的终结。为何我的泪会不停地流下?原来你带走了我生命的暖春盛夏。 A leaf fell, just like you I end. Why do my tears kept down? So you went away with the warm spring summer of my life.
