1、不是我变了,是我真的变得无能为力了。 It's not that I've changed. It's that I've really become powerless.

2、不能忘记的,就是自己最不想忘记的。 What you can't forget is what you don't want to forget.

3、两个人分手后,一个是装开心、一个是真痛心。 After the break-up of two people, one is to pretend to be happy, the other is really sad.

4、亲眼看着他和她那么亲密,一看到他们在闹,我就会躲。 Watching him and her so close, I would hide when I saw them making a scene.

5、人生那么短,凭什么让不重要的人影响了自己的心情。 Life is so short, why let the unimportant person affect their mood?

6、以你之姓,冠我之名,一生一世,不离不弃。 In your name, in my name, I will never give up my whole life.

7、以前拼了命的玩,现在玩了命的拼。 I used to play hard, but now I play hard.

8、你像个孩子一样被我看穿,我在你面前试着隐藏。 You are like a child I see through, I try to hide in front of you.

9、你是觉得我不够伤吗,还是我伤不伤对你无所谓。 Do you think I'm not hurting enough, or it doesn't matter to you whether I'm hurting or not?

10、你知道么?对的人终究是对的人,与相遇早晚无关。 You know what? The right person is the right person after all, and has nothing to do with Meeting sooner or later.

11、关于你的那些她,我只能一笑而过。 I can only laugh at those of you.

12、分手不一定是坏事,证明了那个人不是你的地久天长。 Breaking up is not necessarily a bad thing. It proves that the person is not your forever.

13、刚下过雨的天空,带走了灰尘,带不走我的心痛。 The rainy sky just took away the dust, but couldnot take away my heartache.

14、别到处嚷嚷世界抛弃了你,世界原本就不是属于你。 Don't go around shouting that the world has abandoned you. The world doesn't belong to you.

15、原来,失去比拥有更踏实,怀念比失去更痛苦。 Originally, loss is more down-to-earth than possession, and remembrance is more painful than loss.

16、在学校最想得到的三件东西久伴的爱情,真正的友情,理想的成绩。 There are three things I want most in school: long-term companionship, true friendship and ideal achievement.上一页12下一页

17、声色犬马不会满足我的虚荣,只有你在身旁我才会骄纵。 I won't be satisfied with my vanity. I'll be arrogant only when you're around.

18、天空飘着七个字,一天到晚尽是事。 There are seven words floating in the sky. Every day is a matter.

19、如果我知道怎么舍弃你,那该多好。 If only I knew how to abandon you.

20、婚姻怎么选都是错的,长久的婚姻就是将错就错。 Marriage is wrong in any way, and long-term marriage is wrong in any way.

21、恋爱是想一个人的心,婚姻是拴一个人的心,爱情是吞一个人的心。 Love is to think of a person's heart, marriage is to tie aperson's heart, love is to swallow a person's heart.

22、恨只恨,烟花易冷。君无悔苦等,伤妾难舍难分。 Hate only hate, fireworks are easy to cold. You have no regrets, so it is hard to part with your concubines.

23、悠悠岁月,为谁人怜,曾离欢别泪,我辗转难入睡。 Long years, for whom the pity, farewell tears, I toss and turn difficult to fall asleep.

24、我以为时间是最好的偏方,可治好的全是皮外伤。 I think time is the best prescription, but all that can be cured are skin injuries.

25、我们都只是堕落边缘挣扎的微尘,放手即是一无所有。 We are all just dust struggling on the edge of degeneration. To let go is to have nothing.

26、我怀念有一年的夏天,一场大雨把你留在我身边。 I miss one summer when a heavy rain left you by my side.

27、我用心付出,换来的却是一句简单的、对不起。 I paid with all my heart, in return for a simple, sorry sentence.

28、我还爱你,只是少了那份非要在一起的执着。 I still love you, but the insistence that we have to be together is missing.

29、手上的温度,需要靠热水袋来维持。 The temperature of the hand needs to be maintained by hot water bags.

30、是不是月老和孟婆曾是情人,一个牵了情丝,一个断了红尘。 Is it true that Yuelao and Mengfu used to be lovers, one with love, the other with the world broken?

31、曾经的地久天长,如今的悲欢离合。 Once upon a time, today's joys and sorrows.

32、最温暖的事不是他说爱你,而是他从不说很爱很爱你,却一直都在。 The warmest thing is not that he says he loves you, but that he never says he loves you very much, but he always does.

33、有时候真的觉得自己很渺小,渺小到连你的影子都不如。 Sometimes I really feel so small that even your shadow is inferior.

34、有时我也恨他,只给了我那么少时间,却占据着我的生命。 Sometimes I hate him, only give me so little time, but occupy my life.

35、毕竟深情不及久伴,毕竟你爱的人是她。 After all, you can't be as affectionate as your long-term companion. After all, the person you love is her.

36、永远别放弃一个你每天都在想念的人。 Never give up someone you miss every day.

37、灰姑娘的眼泪、就像流星坠落海底痛在心里。 Cinderella's tears are like meteors falling on the sea floor and hurting in her heart.

38、爱一个人好难,放弃一个人真简单。 It's hard to love someone, but it's easy to give up.

39、爱情就是这样,最好爱恨扯平两不相欠。 Love is like this. It's better to balance love and hate.

40、爱情是两自己的事,不是一自己的独舞。 Love is a matter of two persons, not a solo dance of one's own.

41、男女朋友无法迁就,越拖越久越想分手。 Boys and girls can not accommodate, the longer the delay, the more want to break up.

42、相信彩虹总跟着薄雾,会带来幸福。 I believe that the rainbow always follows the mist and brings happiness.

43、第一次说我爱你,却变成最后一次的诀别。 Say I love you for the first time, but become the last farewell.

44、自己躲在一个角落,看着你给他唱着我写给你的歌。 Hide in a corner and watch you sing to him the song I wrote to you.

45、让我看看有多少人当初放弃了自己爱的人和爱自己的人。 Let me see how many people have abandoned their loved ones and loved their own people.

46、记得谁说过,我爱上的不是你,我爱上的是我的爱情。 I remember who said, I love you not, I love my love.

47、请给我一点阳光,空气,水和一点点触手可及的爱。 Please give me some sunshine, air, water and a little touch of love.

48、谁见晨花泪纷纷、离别爱恋了无痕。 Who saw the morning tears, leaving love traceless.

49、谢谢你的不死心、我狠好。不用担心我。 Thank you for your perseverance. I'm very kind. Don't worry about me.

50、谢谢你,当初的甜言蜜语,全靠你,造就百毒不侵的我。 Thank you, the original sweet words, all rely on you, to create a hundred poisons do not invade me.

51、问世间钱为何物,只叫我累死累活。 What is money in the world? It only makes me tired and tired.
