1、一转身,时光茫然了岁月,回忆苍老了容颜,我还在,你们却已离开。 A turn, time lost years, memories of the old face, I still have to leave you.

2、一颗心属于一个人,在爱的世界里找不到公平。 A heart belongs to a person, in the world of love can not find a fair.

3、不乱于心,不困于情,不畏将来,不念过去,如此,安好。 Don't be confused in the heart, not trapped in the situation, not afraid of the future, not to read the past, so, well.

4、不要**情弱智,关注自己的幸福不等于将就别人,与有希望与你共命运的人在一起才理智。 Do not do the love of the mentally handicapped, concerned about their own happiness does not mean to others, and with the hope that the fate of people together with you to be rational.

5、世界疯子何其多,俄也只是其中一个。 How much of the world's crazy, Russia is just one.

6、为什么在你已经把我们之间确定为形同陌路的时候,你又出现在我的视线里,为什么你能这么残忍。 Why when you have we identified as strangers when you appear in my sight. How can you be so cruel.

7、也许,有些东西,可以透过写,被转化,或疗愈。 Perhaps, there are some things that can be translated, transformed, or healed.

8、人生百年,这是个笼统的说法。对于绝大多数的人而言,仅仅短短的的数十年。 A hundred years of life, this is a general statement. For the vast majority of people, only a short period of decades.

9、他说如果他再来找我不要答应,借问他想过我没。 He said that if he don't come to me when he thought I didn't agree.

10、作为一个男人,就应在喜欢人的面前,头低一点,你就幸福了。 As a man, you should love people in front of the head, a little, you will happy.

11、你只看见我的孤单,却看不见我的心寒。 You only see me alone, but can not see my heart.

12、你头也不回,带走了我的一切,从此我的心,荒芜在下雪边界。 Your head is not back, take away my everything, from my heart, desolate in the snow border.

13、你说你赐我一吻,似怜悯罪人。 You say you give me a kiss, like mercy to sinners.

14、借着酒精的麻醉,大声的对你说我的爱,得到的却是你的一句“疯子”。 Through the alcohol anesthesia, loudly say to you my love, you get a "crazy"".

15、偶尔有点小情绪,眼泪是心里无法诉说的言辞。 Occasionally a little emotion, tears is the heart can not tell the words.

16、关于回忆,我把你爱我的丢了,却留下了不美好的你。 About the memories, I lost you love me, but left a bad you.

17、回忆、回忆、就让它慢慢地刻在心底,慢慢地凝聚,想你,想你,就让我在回忆中默默地思念着你。 Memories, memories, let it slowly engraved in the bottom of my heart, slowly gather, think of you, think of you, let me in the memories of the silence of your thoughts.

18、回忆让我的生活变得苍白 Memories let my life become pale, the future of confusion to my heart is very painful.

19、回忆,有时令你嘴角上扬,有时也能让你潸然泪下。 Memories can make you smile, sometimes also can let you tears trickling down cheeks.

20、在你面前除了装傻,无能为力的我还能做些什么。 In front of you except dumb, what else can I do incapable of action.

21、天生一对,就算作对也好快乐。 Right, even against or joy.

22、如果我们都是孩子,就可以留在时光的原地,坐在一起一边听那些永不老去的故事一边慢慢皓首。 If we are children, you can stay in the time of the place, sat together listening to stories that never grow old while slowly Haoshou.

23、孤独不是封闭,痛苦不是自怜,它是一种美的耀眼的品格。 Loneliness is not closed, the pain is not self pity, it is a dazzling beauty of character.

24、孤独的样子也许会感到刺目,若未能大哭,不刻意苦笑。 The lonely way may be harsh, if not cry, do not deliberately smile.

25、尽管满身是伤,依旧往伤口上撒盐。 Although the body is hurt, still go to the wound sprinkle salt.

26、当初是你选择离开我,现在又凭什么回来找我? When you choose to leave me, and now why do you come back to me?

27、当初那些痛不欲生,如今不过就是一场回忆。 Those who had hardly wished to live. but is a memory now.

28、很多时候,心里明明不是那样想的,却控制不了自己而说出相反的话。 A lot of times, in the heart obviously is not that way, but can not control their own and say the opposite.

29、得到了我会好好珍惜,错过的我会慢慢忘记。 Got I will cherish, miss I will slowly forget.

30、心痛在低鸣,悲伤逆流成河。 Pain in the low sound, sad river into the river.

31、心若没有停息的地方到哪都是流浪。 If the heart has no place to stop where it is wandering.

32、思念越过你的窗台,轻轻拂过你的面颊,那是我的小手在抚慰,抚慰你曾经的沧海桑田,飘渺烟云,蝶影翩然。 Thoughts over your window, gently blowing your cheeks, that is my hands in comfort, comfort you ever vicissitudes, the misty cloud, butterfly lightly.上一页12下一页

33、总是会想到你,在晨曦时,在夕阳西下的日子,那一阵晨风,和那一片朝霞吹醒和染红了我对你一颗思念的心! Will always think of you, in the morning, in the days of the sunset, the burst of morning breeze, and the glow of blowing wake up and red the my heart for you a single miss!

34、我仍在空城哭泣,你依旧来者不拒。 I was still in the city crying, you still refuse.

35、我们之间唯一的羁绊,叫做刻骨铭记。 The only connection between us, called my mind.

36、我们放下个性,放下原则,放下*,只是因为放不下一个人。 We put down the character, put down the principle, put down the freedom, just because can not put a person.

37、我们无视仰慕我们的人,却仰慕无视我们的人;我们伤害爱我们的人,却爱着伤害我们的人。 We ignore those who adore us, but adore those who ignore us; we hurt those who love us, but love those who hurt us.

38、我们日出而息。日落而作。如同黑暗的枝蔓互相攀沿彼此的身躯,坚强而孤独的活着。 We are at sunrise. Sunset and make. As the dark branches each other along each other's body, strong and lonely alive.

39、我们是平凡的人,我们也是特别的人,所以我们是特别平凡的人。 We are ordinary people, we are special people, so we are very ordinary people.

40、我们的区别在于你的心中她是你的全部,我的心中你是我的全部。 Our difference is in your heart, she is all of you, my heart you are my all.

41、我会变,是因为我实在伤得太重了。 I will change, because I really hurt too much.

42、我做的一切的一切,都被你用来耻笑。 All I do everything, you have been used to sneer at.

43、我只恨时光,它到底是有多狠毒,要我笑着被别人代替。 I just hate the time, it is a vicious, I smiled and being replaced.

44、我听到了花开的声音,也看到了花落的结局。 I hear the voices of flowers, but also to see the end of the flower.

45、我喜欢站在你的左边,那样我就可以离你的心脏近一点。 I like to stand on your left, so that I can be close to your heart.

46、我害怕听到心脏逐渐苍老的声音,并开始腐蚀溃烂,我说过我不怕死但我同样贪生。 I'm afraid to hear the heart gradually old voice, and began to corrosion fester, I said I am not afraid of death but I am also a.

47、我放下尊严,放下个性,放下固执,都只是因为放不下你。 I put down the dignity, put down the character, put down stubborn, just because you can not let go.

48、我爱上了安静,所以我变得孤僻。 I fell in love with the quiet, so I become more and more lonely.

49、我腾出所有时间去陪你想博你欢喜最后你还嫌我没给你*空间。 I spare no time to accompany you to want to Bo you happy end you also think I didn't give you free space.

50、或许,你只是个插曲,我却当作唯一来对待。 Maybe, you're just an episode, I'm the only one.

51、把你变成我的坏习惯,不如把我变成你的好心情吧。 Put you into my bad habit, it is better to turn me into your good mood.

52、是不是每个人心里都有一道伤,那是曾经天塌下来的地方。 Is not everyone has a heart injury, it is the place where the sky is falling down.

53、是否我连失去都没资格、怎么如此伤感。 If I can't even lose my qualifications, how so sad.

54、最怕就是我不挽留你还偏要走。 The most afraid of is that I do not keep you still want to go.

55、有一种痛很痛,痛到左心房,之后便是绝望。 There is a pain, pain, pain to the left atrium, followed by despair.

56、有时候说了伤你的话,并不是想伤你的心,而是想让你明白,我还在乎你这个人。 Sometimes said to hurt you, and not want to hurt your heart, but want to let you understand, I still care about you this person.

57、有时候,爱上一个人的原因,也是离开一个人的原因。 Sometimes, fall in love with a person's reason, is also leave a person's reason.

58、有谁会在路过我空间时,在我留言板上说句:你还好么? Who will pass through my space, in my message board to say: you okay?

59、本来,我也可以很幸福的,但一切都清淡了。 Originally, I can also be very happy, but everything is light.

60、梦已逝,心已碎,留下只是在为离开做准备。 The dream is dead, the heart has been broken, leaving only to prepare for departure.

61、每个人的心里,都会有那么一个你永远不会提,也永远不会忘的人。 Each person's heart, there will be a person you will never mention, you will never forget.

62、沉默,只因世上本没有诺言,却有人用一生将你的存在兑现。 Silence, because the world is not a promise, but some people will use your life to cash.

63、爱你,所以所有你的每一个片段都珍藏;想你,把以会在每一个祝福时思念你;念你,所以这辈子不想错你。 Love you, so all you every fragment collection; to you the will miss you every blessing. You read, so in this life do not want to miss you.

64、爱笑的人哭起来比任何人都撕心裂肺。只因为坚强太久。 People love to laugh to cry than anyone piercing. Only because strong too long. 

65、独自一个哭,留下泪痕,让你看得心疼。 A cry alone, leaving tears, let you see love dearly.

66、看一场不痛不痒的电影,谈一场没有目的的爱情。 Watch a movie about a neither painful nor itching, not to love.

67、看到你告诉我说要保重的那瞬间,我哭了。 To see you tell me to take care of that moment, I cried.

68、秋光寒,泪影泣,你拿虚伪骗我半生。浮梦醒,血色染,我用余生毁你面具。 Autumn cold, tears cry, you have deceived me hypocritical life. Floating dream, red dye, I destroyed your mask for the rest of my life.

69、穷时,钱是幸福,够用即可;累时,闲是幸福,够畅即可;爱时,牵挂是幸福,离时,回忆是幸福。 Poor, money is happy, can be enough; tired, leisure is a happy, enough Changcan; love, care is happy, away, memories are happy.

70、窗外雨在下,一颗挨着一颗,我的泪水也蓬勃了,如窗外那断了线的雨珠。 In the rain outside the window, one next to one, my tears are booming, as the window was broken line raindrop.

71、能不能再见你一面,让我看着当初打动我的你那双眼睛。 Can see your side, let me look at the first time you touched my eyes.

72、能戒烟戒酒就开始戒吧,一切还不晚。 To give up smoking and drinking began to quit, all is not late.

73、要多久才能不去想你,又要用多久才能把你忘记。 How long can not think about you, and how long it will take you to forget.

74、记忆中的美好已涣散,寻不回从前的十全十美。 The memory of the good has been lax, did not back to the past perfect in every respect.

75、诚信总会给你带来成功,但可能是在下一站。 Integrity will bring you success, but it may be in the next station.

76、谁的寂寞,覆我华裳。谁的华裳,覆我肩膀。 Who's lonely, cover my Chinese clothes. Whose clothes, covered my shoulders.

77、过去的都已经过去了,我总是用这句话来搪塞自己,可我的心却不答应我放弃。 The past is past, I always use this sentence to answer myself, but my heart is not promised me to give up.

78、这种分手,让我觉得很累很累。 This break up, let me feel very tired very tired.

79、那些不能张扬的情感,被风吹落成一地的相思,松散成一丝一缕,再也堆积不到一起。 Those who can not make the feelings of publicity, by the wind blown into a place of Acacia, loose into a ray of a ray, and then can not accumulate together.

80、那些年,那些事,这个世界太沉重,呼吸太渺小。 Those years, those things, the world is too heavy, breathing is too small.
