1、A person is not lonely, miss you when I feel lonely。 This Christmas I most lonely。


3、为了响应环保,节省纸张,在圣诞节不要送我圣诞卡了,请直接在尽可能大的纸币上写你的祝词就行了。 In response to environmental protection, save paper, don't send me Christmas CARDS, Christmas directly in as large as possible on a bill, please write your message。

4、为你送上温馨的祝福!愿化作平安夜里的钟声, Send you warm wishes for you! Peace to turn the night of the bell, may turn into a Christmas tree falling snow。 Bring Christmas greetings to you! From zhaohui full of love!

5、也许岁月将往事褪色,或许空间将彼此隔离但值得珍惜的依然是知心友谊。想再次对你说声;圣诞节快乐! Maybe time will memories fade, perhaps space will be insulated from each other but is still a close friendship is worth to cherish。 Want to say to you; Merry Christmas!

6、吃着同样的东西;而今年的圣诞有了存在而变得那么的与众不同:爱你往年的圣诞都是听着同样音乐。 Eating the same thing; This year's Christmas with existence and become so different: love you usual Christmas are listening to the same music。

7、嗨!你怎么还在这呢…你知道你的重要性吗?没有你,谁拉着圣诞老公公去给大家送礼物啊!呵呵,圣诞快乐! A: hi! Why are you still in this…… Do you know the importance of you? Without you, who pulled Santa to give you a gift! Ha ha, merry Christmas!

8、圣诞快乐,并不是只在特别的日子才会想起你,但是圣诞节的时候,一定会让你收到我的祝福。 Merry Christmas, not only in the special day will think of you, but Christmas time, will let you receive my blessing。

9、圣诞祝福不拥堵,圣诞礼物不胜数,圣诞钱包鼓又鼓,圣诞美味锅里煮,圣诞气氛纳鸿福,圣诞钟声送平安,愿你幸福又平安! Numerous Christmas wish no congestion, Christmas gifts, Christmas purse drum and drum, pot delicious Christmas, Christmas atmosphere, great luck or blessing, the Christmas bell to send peace, wish you happiness and peace!

10、圣诞老人说:平安之夜我保安,尽情疯狂别装憨,抛弃烦恼和忧伤,幸福快乐一万年。 Santa Claus said: security, peace night I enjoy crazy don't be silly, abandoning the trouble and sorrow, happiness in ten thousand。

11、圣诞节了,你眼里有珠,珠里也一定要有我! In Christmas, your eyes usu beads must have me!

12、圣诞节又到来了,这一年即将过去了。我们向你及你的亲人们致以最美好的圣诞祝福,愿你在新的一年里事业兴旺,家庭幸福美满! Christmas is coming again, this year is over。 We send you and your loved ones have the best Christmas blessing, wish you in the New Year be filled with happiness family!

13、在这个特别的日子里我想对你说一句最俗?的话:圣诞快乐!最俗气的话送给最特别的你刚刚好!呵呵! In this special day I want to say to you one of the most common? : a merry Christmas! The most tawdry gave the most special you just good! Ha ha!

14、在这阔别的岁月里,悠悠,且籍此小小信息,为我们的友情加温,也愿它带给你快乐无数,在这洁白的圣诞节日! In the after days, hovering, and book this small information, heating, for our friendship is countless, may it bring you joy in this white Christmas festival!

15、天上的星星多么美丽,可是没有你,一切都会没有生气;每一个孤独的深夜里,你是否知道,我在默默地思念你。 How beautiful the stars in the sky, but without you, everything will be not angry; Every lonely night, do you know, I miss you in silence。

16、希望你会喜欢!可以告诉你喜欢你但这并不代表爱!圣诞快乐!送上一份早到圣诞礼物。 I hope you'll like it! Can tell you like you but that does not mean love! Merry Christmas! On an early Christmas gift。

17、平安之夜的使者,向你报一声平安,带这盈盈的相思,带着温馨的祝愿,祝福你圣诞快乐! Night the angel of peace, to offer a safe, take the ying ying of acacia, with warm wishes, wishes you a merry Christmas!

18、平安夜,我只想静静地抱着你,因为你是我永远的圣诞礼物。 On Christmas Eve, I just want to quietly hold you, because you are my forever Christmas gifts。

19、平安夜,祝福你,我的朋友,温馨平安!欢乐时我和你一道分享,不开心时我和你一起承担。 Christmas Eve, bless you, my friend, sweet and peace! Joy when I share it with you together, not happy when I am with you。

20、往年的圣诞都是听着同样音乐,吃着同样的东西;而今年的圣诞有了你的存在,而变得那么的与众不同:我爱你! Usual Christmas are listening to the same music, eating the same thing; This year's Christmas with your presence, and become so different: I love you!

21、快乐圣诞,什么是圣诞快乐不是那快乐的阳光,也不是鸟儿的啁啾,那是愉快的念头和幸福的笑容,是温馨慈爱的问候。 Merry Christmas, what is a happy merry Christmas was not the sun, not the chirping of the birds, it is pleasant thoughts and happy smiling face, is sweet and gentle greetings。

22、快乐还在路上,锣鼓已经敲响;幸福还在门外,烟花早已绽放;让平安陪你过圣诞,让幸运永远蹲在你身旁,美丽圣诞,祝你幸福美满,永远健康! Happiness is on the road, drums are beating。 Happiness is at the door, the fireworks had blossom; Make peace with you for Christmas, lucky squatting beside you forever, beautiful Christmas, wish you a happy and healthy forever!

23、快把你的袜子脱下来给我,我要当圣诞老公,把我整颗心的祝福都倒给你啦,乖,别太感动,圣诞快乐。 Quickly give me your socks off, I want to be a Christmas husband, pour my whole heart blessing to you, lovely, don't be too touched, merry Christmas。

24、恭贺圣诞快乐,在新的一年里有甜有蜜,有富有贵,有滋有味,有安有康。 Merry Christmas and happy in the New Year has sweet honey, there are full of expensive, flavorful, Ann kang。

25、愿你将平安珍藏,与快乐为伴;愿你将平安相传,与健康为伴;愿你将平安分享,与幸福为伴。平安夜送平安,愿大家平平安安! As with happiness itself, this peace be to you will treasure, Peace be to you, and the health companion; You would like to share peace, and happiness。 On Christmas Eve to send peace, wish everybody in peace!

26、我将感情养成一只候鸟,天天追逐与您相聚的旧梦。我借蓝天上驰过的白云告诉您:“圣诞归来吧,我的宝贝!” I will love to develop a migratory birds, chasing every day with you together again。 By passing on the blue sky white clouds I tell you: "Christmas to return, my baby!"

27、我愿化作圣诞树上轻轻飘落的雪花,为你送上温情祝福;我愿化作平安夜里悠扬回荡的钟声,给你带去平安问候。 I would like to turn into a Christmas tree gently falling snow, bless you warmth; I would like to turn into peace rising and echoed bells at night, bring Christmas greetings to you。

28、所有的祝福在圣诞夜你会收到,所有的音乐在圣诞夜你会听到,因我的祝福是用心的! You will receive all the blessings of the Christmas Eve, all the music you will hear on Christmas Eve, the blessing of heart because of me!

29、月光很美,比不上朋友的安慰;星星很美,比不上友情的点缀;夜空很美,比不上友谊的珍贵;事业虽忙,愿心情飞扬!圣诞节快乐! The moonlight is very beautiful, than friends comfort; The stars are beautiful, can not compare with the ornament of friendship; The sky is very beautiful, can not compare with precious friendship; Business may be busy, let the mood float in the sky! Merry Christmas!上一页12下一页

30、深深祝福,丝丝情谊,串串思念,化作一份礼物,留在你的心田,祝你圣诞快乐,新年幸福! Deeply bless, filar silk, so miss, turned into a gift, stay in your heart, wish you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year!

31、火树银花不夜天,烛光晚宴人自闲。约上情人,相聚朋友,团圆全家,共享圣诞。愿这一美好的时刻会给你留下永恒的记忆。 I port view, candlelight dinner peoplesince the idle。 About the lover, friend getting together, family reunion, sharing Christmas。 May this wonderful moment will give you eternal memory。

32、牵着你的手,才知道什么是温暖,吻着你的脸,才知道什么是甜蜜,圣诞来临,祝亲爱的节日快乐!身体健康! Holding your hand, to know what is warm, kissed your face and to know what is sweet, Christmas is coming, I wish my dear happy holidays! Good health!

33、相识系于缘,相知系于诚,一个真正的朋友不论在身何处,总时时付出关和爱,送你一份圣诞祝福,愿你一年快快乐乐! Department Yu Cheng met in edge, the bosom friend, a true friend no matter where, always pay off and love, always send you a Christmas greeting, I wish you a happy year!

34、祝愿你天天呼吸好空气,穿戴都是纯棉丝,吃喝都是纯绿色,生活接近自然过。别忘了,我还祝你圣诞快乐! Wish you every day good breathing air, wear is made of pure cotton yarn, eat and drink is pure green, life close to nature。 Don't forget, I also wish you a merry Christmas!

35、考虑到24小时之内将会有铺天盖地的祝福短信堵塞网络,一向有远见聪明的我提前恭祝圣诞快乐、新年快乐! Given 24 hours there will be a frenzy of blessing SMS blocking network, always farsighted smart I early to wish you a merry Christmas and happy New Year!

36、虽然现在的我只能把思念寄托远方,但我的心却没有改变方向。回忆里甜蜜中有挥不去的感伤,只因你不在身旁。圣诞节快乐! Although now I can only remember fondly on the distance, but my heart didn't change direction。 In the memories of the sweet and not to the sad, because you weren't right。 Merry Christmas!

37、这时髦的大好日子里,我有万千祝福而无从说起,只想很老土的向你说四个字:圣诞快乐! This fashionable good day, I have myriad blessings and don't speak, I only want to say to you is very old-fashioned four word: merry Christmas!

38、邋遢鬼,我说的就是你!我刚遇到圣诞老人,还没收到礼物吧?你的臭袜子吓着了圣诞老人。不过他还是让我为你传句话:圣诞节快乐。 Slacker, I say is you! I have just met Santa Claus, haven't received the gift? Your socks scare Santa Claus。 But he still let me pass sentence for you: merry Christmas。

39、都说流星有求必应,我愿意守在星空之下,等到一颗星星被我感动,划破长空,载着我的祝福落在你枕边,祝你永远幸福快乐! All say the meteor, I would like to keep under the starry sky, wait until a star was moved me, through the sky, carrying my blessing on your bed, I wish you happy forever!

40、铃儿响,祝福忙,圣诞树下许愿望;吉祥到,袜子装,好运连连美荡漾;炉火旺,歌声扬,祈祷平安齐欢畅。祝您圣诞快乐! Jingle bells, blessing, Christmas tree xu desire; Auspicious to, stockings, good luck beautiful ripples; The fire, song Yang, pray for peace。 I wish you a merry Christmas!

41、阵阵清凉送到你身旁,美丽迷人又漂亮;很多祝福来到你身旁,身体健康事业旺;一些思念递到你身旁,朋友问候时时不忘! Cool to your side, charming and beautiful; Many blessings to you, the body health, Some thoughts to your side, friends greetings always does not forget!
