1、@份承Z,略F微不足道。 This commitment, slightly is insignificant.

2、一句我爱你,连命都给你。 1 I love you, even the life all for you.

3、一路有你,再傻我也愿意。 All the way have you, I would also like to fool.

4、不是我不笑,一笑粉就掉。 Powder is not I don't smile, a laugh.

5、不要对不怀好意的人心软。 Don't softhearted to hostile people.

6、世上无难事,只要不要脸。 Nothing is too difficult, as long as shameless.

7、丢了灵魂只剩下的是躯壳。 Lost the soul left the body.

8、中了爱情的毒、无药可救。 In the poison, hopeless love.

9、习惯了两个人,睡单人床。 Accustomed to two people, sleeping bed.

10、人是猴变的,哪有不贱的。 Who is monkey variable, which has no base.

11、人要有脾气,才能长志气。 People must have a temper, to long ambition.

12、他的存在,仅仅是为了我。 His presence, just for me.

13、他非你良人,怎值你心疼。 He is not your lover, how you love dearly.

14、你走那天,让我学会勇敢。 You walk that day, let me learn how to be brave.

15、其实天很蓝,阴云终会散。 Actually sky is very blue, the clouds will be scattered.

16、其实深拥,比什么都温暖。 In fact, deep hug, ratio what all warm.

17、再黑的地方总会见到光明。 Black place will always see the light again.

18、印在双眸的迷离谁也不懂。 In the eyes of the blurred who also don't understand.

19、口气的冷淡。独自的悲伤! Tone of the cold shoulder. The sadness alone!

20、向前跑,迎着冷眼和嘲笑。 Run forward, meet cool detachment and laugh at.

21、呐些、被我们暗淡的时光。 Yet some, dim time by us.

22、唐僧真厉害,每集都被抓。 Tang's monk is really bad, each set being caught.

23、回得了过去,回不了当初。 Back to have in the past, back to the original.

24、埋下一座城、关了所有灯。 Buried a city, off all the lights.

25、大概是他喜欢赢而我姓苏。 Perhaps he likes to win, my name is Sue.

26、失去了你,什么才是生活。 Lost you, what is life.

27、奇迹是努力的另一个名字。 A miracle is another name.

28、姑娘我天生傲骨怎能服输。 Girl, I naturally accept how can agree.

29、婚前睁大眼,婚后闭只眼。 Keep wide open before marriage, close your eyes.

30、对的,坚持;错的,放弃! Right, insist on; Wrong, give up!

31、少壮轻年月,迟暮惜光辉。 A young light years, its precious little glory.

32、岁月漫长不及你笑颜清朗。 The years long smile as you are clear.

33、年少轻狂,等于慢性**。 Dazed and confused, is equal to chronic suicide.

34、得意时淡然,失意时泰然。 When you are cool, poised and frustrated.

35、心事入细微,无声听惊雷。 Heart into tiny, silent listen to thunder.

36、心随朗月高,志与秋霜洁。 Lang month high, with heart and autumn frost jie.

37、志不立,天下无可成之事。 Will not stand, the world is into the matter.

38、我不想看你嫁给别的男人。 I don't want to see you marry another man.

39、我所寻找的、从没出现过。 I am looking for, never appear.

40、我爱着一个人爱的很辛苦。 I love a person love of hard work.

41、我能够不爱你,那该多好。 Can I not love you, wouldn't it be great.

42、我要怎么说。才能不难过。 I want to say. Can you not sad.

43、手拿爽歪歪,心中自然嗨。 Natural hi curled her, holding a great heart.

44、手牵手, Go hand in hand, step by step or two.

45、才发现眼泪可以流这么多。 Only to find that so many tears can flow.

46、才气就是长期的坚持不懈。 Talent is the long-term persistence.

47、执迷不悟,不是我的风格。 Bigotry, not my style.

48、时光不留情,老了少年心。 Don't spare time, the old the youth centre.

49、时光飞逝,唯有实力永存! Time flies, only the power for ever!

50、昨天是我和你仅有的回忆。 Yesterday was my only memories with you.

51、暮然回首,记忆零碎不堪。 May look back and memory piecemeal.

52、曾经的恋人,如今的路人。 The former lover, now the passers-by.

53、最冷一天,因为找不到你。 The coldest day, because I couldn't find you.

54、没有你的世界,无法继续。 Without you the world, unable to continue.

55、淡然,是人生的一种成长。 Cool, is the life of a kind of growth.

56、漫漫人生路,总会错几步。 The long life and is always wrong steps.

57、点点滴滴。我都拥有在心。 Dribs and drabs. I have in mind.

58、烟霞闲骨格,泉石野生涯。 A phantasy bone idle, quan shi ye career.

59、爱人在身旁,处处是天堂。 To love is to be sitting right beside everywhere is heaven.

60、爱情这杆枪,谁拿谁受伤。 Love this gun, who take who were injured.

61、爷爷都是从孙子走过来的。 Grandpa came from the grandson.

62、珍惜现在的,展望未来的。 Cherish now, looking to the future.

63、生命未成起落,何来意义? Life without ups and downs, no meaning?

64、相拥到疲惫,**到死去。 Embrace to exhaustion, making love to die.

65、真的很怕,你会不要我耶! Really afraid, you will not to me!

66、眼泪都笑了,俄还哭什么? Tears laughed, it also cry?

67、绝情一笔,我葬在等待里。 Dear John, I was buried in the waiting.

68、网上越嚣张,网下越善良。 The exorbitant online, offline more kind.

69、老娘不开心的后果很严重! The old niang unhappy consequence is very serious!

70、自己没有的,就别去奢求。 He did not, don't go to crave.

71、花开若相惜,花落莫相离。 If a pity flowers, flower falls mo phase.

72、要敲当面鼓,莫敲背后锣。 To knock drum face to face, the mo gong knock back.

73、走牛B的路,让牛B去说吧。 B bullish, B's road, let the cow talk.

74、越是在乎的人越是猜不透。 The more care about the more guessing.

75、输了你,赢了世界又如何? Lost you, won the world again how?

76、还是得靠药物控制情绪啊。 Still have to depend on drug control your emotions.

77、遇见你是我这辈子的惊喜。 Meeting you was the surprise in my life.

78、闺蜜手牵手,一生一起走。 Best friend hand in hand, life together.

79、陌生的对白,最熟悉的人。 Strange dialogue, the most familiar with.

80、陌路人,真的就那么陌生。 Strangers, it really is so strange.

81、青春意味着着绿色和希望。 Youth means the green and hope.上一页12下一页

82、默默爱着,坚持或是防守。 Silent love, stick to or defense.
