1、不如意事常八九,可与语人无二三。 It's not easy to be unhappy, but it's the same as the speaker.

2、人生百态皆无常,最是一颗感恩心。 Life is changeable, the most is a grateful heart.

3、什么人都可交,没有好心眼的人不可交。 You can make friends with anyone, but you can't make friends with anyone who doesn't have a good heart.

4、以勤养财;以爱养家;以善养德;以诚养友。 To cultivate wealth by diligence; to support the family with love; to cultivate virtue with kindness; to cultivate friends with sincerity.

5、以酒交友,与酒一样,仅一晚而已。 Making friends with wine, like wine, is only one night.

6、你说高处不胜寒,我便拱手山河讨你欢。 You said that the high place is too cold, I will bow to the mountains and rivers to please you.

7、兄弟你有困难,说一声,我就到。 When it comes to difficulties, I'll let you know.

8、十年不变的朋友,请珍惜友谊。 Ten years of constant friends, please cherish friendship.

9、友谊万岁,岂止十年,一交就是一辈子! Long live friendship, not only ten years, a hand is a lifetime!

10、友谊像一团火焰能燎起你赤热的心小 Friendship is like a flame that can ignite your heart.

11、友谊像冬天纺织的围巾,让你的心灵受到温暖。 Friendship is like a scarf woven in winter, which warms your heart.

12、友谊像清水,灌溉我的心田。 Friendship, like water, irrigates my heart.

13、友谊小船说翻就翻,爱情算啥毛线? Friendship boat said turn over, love is what wool?

14、友谊本该就是这样的相互珍惜,相互的陪伴。 We should cherish each other's friendship.

15、友谊,像草原中开放的一支鲜花,它是美丽的。 Friendship, like a flower in the grassland, is beautiful.

16、只要他在,全力以赴就帮你。 As long as he is there, he will do his best to help you.

17、同学情,同学的爱,在餐厅中弥漫。 The love of classmates and classmates permeated the dining room.

18、喜得故人同待诏,拟沽春酒醉京华。 I'm glad to have my old friends waiting for the imperial edict. I'm going to sell spring wine to drink in Beijing.

19、在家靠父母,在外靠朋友。 Parents at home, friends outside.

20、多年以后,你们是否会记得我,我曾经的兄弟! Many years later, will you remember me, my former brother!

21、奉承只能伤害友谊,不能获得真正的朋友。 Flattery can only hurt friendship, can't get true friend.

22、岁月不相忘,且行且珍惜。 Time does not forget, and line and cherish.

23、待浮花浪蕊俱尽,伴君幽独。 When all the flowers and pistils are gone, I will accompany you alone.

24、恶人相远离,善者近相知。 The wicked are far from each other, and the good are known to each other.

25、患难见真情,足以体现一个人的品德。 A friend in need is enough to show one's character.

26、情谊若是亏欠,到老也不心安。 If you are in debt, you will not feel at ease when you are old.

27、想和你做,彼此心事的靠山。 Want to do with you, the backer of each other's heart.

28、想当年,多甜蜜,只怪命运让我们无缘相聚。 Think of that year, how sweet, only blame fate let us not get together.

29、感谢贵人,助我度过难关,为我人生指路。 Thank you for helping me through difficulties and guiding my life.

30、愤怒中看出智慧,贫困中看出朋友。 See poverty in anger, see friend in wisdom.

31、愿健康快乐永远围绕在你们的身边!谢谢大家! May health and happiness surround you forever! Thank you!

32、愿我们的友谊像这碗面一样,悠长且弥坚。 May our friendship be as long and strong as this bowl of noodles.

33、愿所有的好梦,依偕着你。 May all the good dreams be with you.

34、我们上辈子一定是情人,才有那么默契的灵魂。 We must have been lovers in our last life to have such a tacit understanding of the soul.

35、我在过马路,你人在哪里? I'm crossing the road. Where are you?

36、我要有这样一个她,可以在我面前放肆的哭。 I want to have such a she, can cry in front of me wantonly.

37、故人书报,莫因循、忘却莼鲈。 Don't follow the old books and forget the sea bass.

38、时常惦记你,才是心里有你的人。 Always thinking about you is the one who has you in mind.

39、是择善而交,择君子而处。 It is to choose the good and make friends, and the gentleman and place.

40、晨露蒙月色,清风随佳人。 Morning dew, moonlight, breeze with beauty.

41、朋友之求不可怠。 You can't be lazy in asking for a friend.

42、朋友就像金钱,得来容易保持难。 Friends are like money. They are easy to get but hard to keep.

43、朋友是普通的品种,好朋友是濒危的品种。 Friends are common species, good friends are endangered species.

44、朋友看朋友是透明的,他们彼此交换着生命。 Friends see their friends transparently. They exchange life with each other.

45、朋友,天寒了,添件衣服,注意身体! Friend, it's cold, add a piece of clothes, pay attention to your body!

46、没有朋友,去寻找,找到朋友,要珍惜。 To find friends, to cherish, to find friends.

47、海内存知己,天涯若比邻。 There is a bosom friend in the sea.

48、独学而无友,则孤陋而寡闻。 If you study alone and have no friends, you will be ignorant.

49、相逢清露下,流影湿衣襟。 Meet under the clear dew, flow shadow wet skirt.

50、真正的友谊,是择善而交,择君子而处。 True friendship is to choose the good and make friends, and choose the gentleman to live with.

51、真正的朋友是,把你看透了,还跟你做朋友。 A true friend is one who sees you through and makes friends with you.

52、落难了,不袖手旁观,能伸出援手雪中送炭。 If you are in trouble, don't stand idly by and help out in time of crisis.

53、谢谢你与我,年少相知。 Thank you for meeting me when I was young.

54、谢谢你,朋友,举起这杯洒,不在回头。 Thank you, friend. Hold up this cup and don't look back.

55、谢谢,这礼物我很喜欢! Thank you. I love this gift!

56、谦虚是学习的朋友,自满是学习的敌人。 Modesty is the friend of learning, and complacency is the enemy of learning.

57、路过的风景、有没有人为你好好收藏。 Passing scenery, whether there is a good collection for you.

58、闭上眼,不哭泣,心中日夜思念全部都是你。 Close your eyes, don't cry, miss you all day and night in your heart.

59、难求,才显得特别珍贵,你才会用一生去珍惜。 It's hard to find, it's very precious, and you'll cherish it with your whole life.

60、风枝惊暗鹊,露草覆寒蛩。 The wind branch startles the dark magpie, and the dew grass covers the cold mite.