1、一份小小的礼物。并不需要昂贵的礼物,小小的礼物也足够表达你的感恩了。 A little gift. You don't need expensive gifts. Small gifts are enough to express your gratitude.

2、一年又一年,风风雨雨。您为了我们呕心沥血,请接受我们对您深深的感谢和炽热的爱。 Year after year, ups and downs. Please accept our deep gratitude and passionate love for you.

3、亲爱的领导,感谢您对我的照顾,我在以后的工作中,一定会更加的努力的。 Dear leader, thank you for your care, I will work harder in the future.

4、亲爱的领导,正因为有您的带头作用,才使我们能在工作中尽职尽责、爱岗敬业。 Dear leader, it is because of your leading role that we can do our duty and love our work.

5、你是莲蓬下的藕从不炫耀自己。在你朴素的外表里面,是白玉一般洁白无瑕的心地。 You are the lotus root under the lotus, and never show off. In your simple appearance, it is the pure white heart of white jade.

6、你给我的最珍贵的礼品,真诚的友情,在我生活的银河中,犹如一颗明亮的星星。 You give me the most precious gift, sincere friendship, in my life in the Milky Way, like a bright star.

7、千言万语,表达不了我的感激之情,我只能说,我已铭记在心。 Thousands of words can not express my gratitude. I can only say that I have remembered it.

8、千里之行,积于跬步;万里之船,成于罗盘;感谢领导平日的指点,才有我今天的成就! Thousands of miles of journey, accumulated in the pace; Thousands of miles of ship, into a compass; Thank the leadership of the usual guidance, I have today's achievements!

9、在忙碌的生活中别忘了抽个时间,让自己轻松一睛,永远保持一颗年轻快乐的心。 Don't forget to take the time in your busy life to relax and keep a happy young heart forever.

10、在我处于人生最灰暗的日子里,是你的鼓励和帮助让我重新振作,真心地说声:谢谢! In the darkest days of my life, it was your encouragement and help that cheered me up and said, thank you.

11、如果你希望成功,当以恒心为良友,以经验为参谋,以谨慎为兄弟,以希望为星光。 If you wish to succeed, take perseverance as your good friend, experience as your reference, prudence as your brother, and hope as your star.

12、如果我能在几天之间获得别人几周几个月甚至几年的情绪波动,那其实我得到的是更多的。 If I can get emotional swings from other people for weeks, months, or even years in a matter of days, I actually get more.

13、工作中领导要求严格,平时领导和我们是好朋友、好兄弟。 Leaders are strict in their work. Usually leaders and us are good friends and good brothers.

14、当我走向你的时候,我原想收获一缕春风,你却给了我整个春天。 When I walked to you,I wanted to harvest a spring breeze, but you gave me the whole spring.

15、很感激你,正式因为你一直以来的容忍和提拔,才有我今天在公司的成绩,谢谢你! Thank you very much. Because of your tolerance and promotion all the time, I got my achievement in the company today. Thank you.

16、您推崇真诚和廉洁,以此视作为人处世的准则。您是我们莘莘学子心目中的楷模。 You believe in honesty and honesty, and regard it as a guideline for human life. You are the example of our students.

17、感恩是一种文化素养,是一种思想境界,是一种生活态度,更是一种社会责任。 Gratitude is a kind of cultural accomplishment, an ideological realm, an attitude towardslife, but also a social responsibility.

18、感谢你关切地注视我在人生道路上不断迈进,用友谊启发我对未来的追求。 Thank you for watching me step by step on the road of life and inspiring my future pursuit with friendship.

19、感谢你的关怀,感谢你的帮助,感谢你对我做的一切。任何时间,请接受我最真心的祝愿! Thank you for your concern, thank you for your help, thank you for all you have done for me. Please accept my sincere wishes at any time.上一页12下一页

20、感谢你的帮助,感谢你对我做的一切,任何时间,请接受我最真心的祝愿。 Thank you for your help. Thank you for all you have done for me. Please accept my sincere wishes at any time.

21、我也许不是您最出色的员工,而您却是我最崇敬的领导,感谢你对我的照顾。 I may not be your best employee, but you are my most respected leader. Thank you for taking care of me.

22、无论将来如何,我都要感谢你,感谢你在我的生命中带来了美丽。 No matter what the future holds, I want to thank you for bringing me beauty in my life.

23、无论是助人还是助己,无论是大事还是小事,只要用心付出,一定会有所收获的。 Whether it's helping others or helping yourself, whether it's big or small, as long as you pay attention, you'll get something.

24、无论是白昼还是黑夜,无论是晴天是阴天,你赠予我的那份礼物,永远在我心中闪耀。 Whether it is day or night, whether it is sunny or cloudy, the gift you gave me will always shine in my heart.

25、是您为我引来一条清亮的小溪,使我的前景充满生机,衷心地感谢您!It is you who bring me a clear * that makes my prospect full of vitality. Thank you very much.

26、活在世上,我们应该学会感恩。学会了感恩,你才会体会到幸福,你才会体会到快乐。 Living in the world, we should learn to be grateful. Learn to be grateful, you will realize happiness, you will realize happiness.

27、生命不在长而在于好,只要每一次尽力的演示,都值得鼓励与喝采。 Life is not long but good, as long as every demonstration of effort is worth encouraging and applauding.

28、生命中有许多值得感谢,感谢困难给予我拼搏的勇气,感谢挫折给予我坚韧的力量。 There are many things tobe thanked for in life. Thank you for the courage you have given me to struggle. Thank you for the strength you have given me.

29、精彩人生无处不在,你的关怀怎能释怀,今生有你深情挚爱,感激之意心中永埋。 The wonderful life is everywhere, how can your care be relieved, this life has your deep love, gratitude buried in the heart forever.

30、继往开来迎新岁,举金杯春满万户,与时俱进贺丰年,传笑语喜盈千家。 Carry on the past and open the road to meet the new year's age, carry the golden cup of spring to 10000 households, and keep pace with the times.

31、让感激的射线延伸到浩瀚的苍穹,在人们的心中留下一道永恒的记忆。 Let the rays of gratitude extend to the vastness of the sky and leave an eternal memory in people's hearts.

32、让我们怀着感恩的心情面对生活,为所有关心我们的人, Let's face life with gratitude and smile for all the people who care about us.

33、让我怎样感谢你,当我走向你的时候,我原想收获一缕春风,你却给了我整个春天! How can I thank you, when I came to you, I wanted to harvest a spring breeze, but you gave me the whole spring!

34、谢谢你帮我,祝你快乐,愿你岁岁平安,事事如意,我不知道说什么才好,除了谢谢。 Thank you for helping me. I wish you happiness. I wish you peace and happiness all the year round. I don't know what to say, except thank you.

35、谢谢您一直以来对我们的关心!愿所有的幸福都追随着您,祝你身体健康,万事如意! Thank you for your concern for us all the time. May all happiness follow you and wish you good health and good luck.
