1、一切都回不到原点,只剩下感情无畏的捆绑。 All can not return to the origin, only the feelings of fearless binding.
2、一边盲目自信和坚持,一边怀疑人生想放弃。 On the one hand, blind self-confidence and persistence, on the other hand, doubt that life wants to give up.
3、不要吃着碗里的惦记锅里的,直接抱着锅吃多省心。 Don't eat in the bowl, think about the pot, directly hold the pot to eat more worry.
4、亲吻我的手,换取被原谅的承诺。 Kiss my hand in exchange for a promise to be forgiven.
5、人嘛,要么糊涂点,要么潇洒点。 People are either confused or smart.
6、你不用像囚犯逃亡,难道爱过我是场苦难? You don't have to run away like a *er. Was it a pain to love me?
7、你那么懂事,一定没有人心疼吧。 You are so sensible, no one must be distressed.
8、偶尔听到你的消息还是会心颤,虽然与我无关。 Occasionally hear your news or tremble, although it has nothing to do with me.
9、光阴过处,永远都是擦肩而过的忧伤。 Time passes by, is always passing by sadness.
10、再也不会奋不顾身去爱一个人,哪怕是你。 No more desperate to love a person, even if it is you.
11、再多的伪装遮掩,也隐藏不了事实。 No amount of camouflage can hide the truth.
12、别说鱼没有眼泪,就算流遍整片海你也毫不知情。 Don't say that fish have no tears, even if the whole sea you do not know.
13、动听的心碎声,让俄的眼泪断了线。 Beautiful heartbreak, let Russia's tears break the line.
14、单恋是可悲的事情,但被单恋的人应该更无辜。 Single love is a sad thing, but the person who is single love should be more innocent.
15、命中最美的点缀,看天,看雪,看季节深深的暗影。 Hit the most beautiful embellishment, look at the sky, see the snow, see the deep shadow of the season.
16、因为过于深爱,所以我把自己活成了你。 Because I love you too much, I live to be you.
17、如果你是我眼中的一滴泪,那我永远也不会哭! If you are a tear in my eyes, I will never cry!
18、如果当初我们一直爱下去,结果会不会不一样。 If we had been in love, would the result be different.
19、完美的幸福,始终需要两个人来争取。 Perfect happiness, always need two people to strive for.
20、幸福就是,虽然上课没听,但发现听的人都没听懂。 Happiness is, although the class did not listen to, but found that the people do not understand.
21、当想念继续,我知道我对你的爱已经透明。 When Miss continues, I know my love for you has been transparent.
22、心死也许真的就是那么一句话,那么几个字的事。 Heart death may really be such a sentence, so a few words.
23、心累的时候,连吵架斗嘴的力气都没有了。 When I'm tired, I don't even have the strength to fight.
24、我不在乎什么天长地久,我只在乎你想不想要拥有。 I don't care what forever, I only care if you want to have.
25、我以为一走了之就可以吧你忘了!但是我错了! I thought it would be OK to leave. You forget it! But I was wrong!
26、我们总是狠自私、狠嚣张、狠伤感、狠颓废。 We are always selfish, arrogant, sad and decadent.
27、我们说过很多遍再试一次,可是最终还是分开了。 We have said many times to try again, but in the end we separated.
28、我们还年轻,可是这不代表着我们可以浪费时间。 We are young, but that doesn't mean we can waste time.
29、我假装清醒,看清你的心,终于我选择离去。 I pretend to be sober, see your heart clearly, and finally I choose to leave.
30、我只是不知道,这个世界在热闹什么。 I just don't know what's going on in the world.
31、我擅长气人,拉远距离,斩断人际关系。 I'm good at making people angry, pulling distance and cutting off interpersonal relationships.
32、我没有痛苦没有悲伤,因为你不想让别人看见。 I have no pain, no sorrow, because you don't want to be seen.
33、我爱在原地等待,你却已经离开,不再回来。 I love waiting in place, but you have left, no longer come back.
34、我知道我们没结果,可我还是死心塌地的喜欢你。 I know we have no results, but I still like you.
35、我足够坚强不代表什么伤都能抗。 Just because I'm strong enough doesn't mean I can fight any injury.
36、我隐约感到,深刻未必是接近真实的词语。 I vaguely feel that profundity is not necessarily a word close to the truth.
37、时间产生的不是变化,而是更长久的牵挂与思念。 What time produces is not change, but more long-term care and missing.
38、时间模糊了对你的容颜,却无法驱逐对你的爱恋。 Time blurred your face, but can not expel the love for you.
39、最后熬夜成为了习惯,却再也等不到你的一句晚安。 Finally, staying up late becomes a habit, but I can't wait for your good night.
40、有多少人和事,是从红了脸,到红了眼。 How many people and things, from red face to red eye.
41、有时候最好的安慰,就是无言的陪伴。 Sometimes the best comfort is silence.
42、有聚有散、有来有往的,才是人生。 It is life that there are gathering, scattering, coming and going.
43、本地恋,费时间异地恋,费话费没人恋,费流量。 Local love, time-consuming long-distance love, telephone fee, no one love, fee traffic.
44、每次点燃烟我都会想起你,每次点烟也都是因为你。 Every time I light a cigarette, I will think of you. Every time I light a cigarette, it's because of you.
45、没有失恋过一次,你都不知道自己有多贱。 No lovelorn once, you don't know how cheap you are.
46、爱情会让人们流泪,友情却是帮别人擦眼泪。 Love makes people cry, but friendship helps others to wipe their tears.
47、牵强的微笑,活不出无人能比的高傲。 Farfetched smile, can not live no one can be proud.
48、生命里有些错是注定要犯的,例如喜欢你。 There are some mistakes in life that are destined to be committed, such as liking you.
49、用这生命中的每一秒,给自己一个不后悔的未来。 With every second of this life, give yourself a future without regret.
50、看淡点看开点看远点,就是对自己最好的方式。 Look at the weak point, look open point, look far, is the best way to yourself.
51、等到冬去春来花落又重开,我想我是时候离开了。 When winter goes and spring comes, flowers bloom again. I think it's time for me to leave.
52、管我有多差。在这个世界上。就一个我。 No matter how bad I am. In this world. Just me.
53、若心灵没有归处,世界再大,也只是流浪。 If the soul does not return to the home, the world is no more than wandering.
54、要替别人着想,但为自己而活。 Think for others, but live for yourself.
55、记忆的破碎,找不回,梦想还能坚持吗。 The memory of the broken, can not find back, the dream can still adhere to it.
56、谢谢你,让我曾经看过天堂的模样。 Thank you for letting me see heaven once.
57、这个世界上的爱情,差一点,都不叫爱情。 Love in this world, almost, is not called love.
58、这难以控制的情绪,洗涤着我越来越空灵的思想。 This uncontrollable emotion washes my more and more ethereal thought.
59、那杯咖啡,加了糖,为什么还是这么苦? That cup of coffee, with sugar, why is it so bitter?
60、锋芒略敛夫妻和美;凡事无争伉俪温馨。 The husband and wife are gentle and beautiful; everything is indisputable and the couple is warm.