1、一个人,一场梦,一座空城,一生心疼。 A person, a dream, an empty city, a lifetime love dearly。

2、一切问题,最终都是时间问题。一切烦恼,其实都是自寻烦恼。 All problems, and ultimately is a matter of time。 All the worry, in fact is a bother。

3、一座城市再怎么喧闹,没你,便是空城。一个角落再怎么陌生,有你,便是个家。 A city again how noisy, not you, is empty。 How strange a corner, have you, is a family。

4、不要等我哭了,才说多么心疼我。不要等我走了,才说你多么爱我。 Don't wait for me cry, just say how love me。 Don't waituntil I'm gone, just say how much you love me。

5、世界如此黑暗,我该把心交给谁来保管。 The world is so dark, I should give heart to who is going to keep。You once said that be with me forever, but now is I a person。

6、两颗心曾经靠的那么近,如今却要就这样放弃。 Two hearts once so close, but now he want to give up, just like that。

7、人总是要错过了才懂得认清现实。人总是要错过了才说出后悔的话。 People always miss understand realism。 People always say sorry to miss the words。

8、伪装的快乐,多么不堪一击。真实的孤单,又会有谁在意。 Camouflage joy, how vulnerable。 The real alone, and there will be who CARES。

9、你想象的,并非是我所谓的。你所谓的,并非是我想象的。 You can imagine, is not what I call。 Your so-called, is not I imagine。

10、你是太阳却不是我一个人的光。你是信仰却不是我一个人的心。 You are not I a person is the sun's light。 You are myfaith is not a person's heart。

11、你是我眼中的泪滴,所以我舍不得睁眼。你是我心灵的空气,所以我舍不得呼吸。 You are tears in my eyes, so I won't open。 You are my heart of the air, so I hesitate to breathe。


13、全世界就这么一个我,别不把我当回事 The world is such a me, don't take me seriously。 The world is such a you, I pull the life to cherish。

14、其实,我一直在你身后,就差你一个回头。其实,我一直在你身边,就差你一个眼神。 In fact, I've been behind you, just sent you a back。 In fact, I have been in your side, just you a look。

15、再明显的爱,也透露不出我对你的爱。再显明的情,也隐瞒不了你对我的心。 To love, also could not say I love you。 Again manifest feeling, also don't hide your heart to me。

16、向往着阳光的温暖,你会给我阳光的温暖。羡慕着温暖的阳光,你会给我温暖的阳光。 Yearning for the warmth of the sun, will you give me the warmth of sunshine。 Admiring the warm sunshine, will you give me the warmth of the sun。

17、听,是寂寞的声音,静静将我沉溺。静,听月光的声音,渐渐将我抽离。 Listen to, is the voice of the lonely, quietly put my addiction。 Quiet, listen to the voice of the moonlight, slowly out of me。

18、回忆着曾经,一切只是纠结与悲剧。 Remembering once, everything just tangle and tragedy。

19、因为无能为力,所以顺其自然。因为心无所恃,所以随遇而安。 Because helpless, so let nature take its course。 Because the heart no bullying, so being on land, settle。

20、多少个日升日落,诠释这个黑天白夜。多少个日升日落,渲染这个灰白世界。 How many day litres of sunset, interpret the dark white night。 How many day litres of sunset, rendering the gray world。

21、多少是非,多少对错,我们都无须在意。多少悲欢,多少离合,我们都无须畏惧。 How many, howmany right and wrong, we all don't need to care about。 How many beads, how much we all don't need to fear。

22、天塌下来,记住有幔陪m看天崩地裂。天塌下来,记住有m,陪峥吹囟山摇。 The sky is falling, remember have E, accompany you to see the sky were to fall。 The sky is falling, remember you, to accompany E watching him。

23、如果你是我眼中的一滴泪,那我永远都不会哭。 If you are a drop of tear in my eyes, I would never cry。

24、如果我是真的决定付出我的心、能不能有人告诉他别让我伤心。 If I were really decided to give my heart, can someone tell him don't make me sad。

25、当誓言已成谎言,我又何苦在乎瞬间。当情话已变谎话,我有何必强求敷衍。 When the pledge is a lie, I bother to care about。 When the line has become a lie, why should I have to insist to elaborate。

26、当阳光刺疼了我的眼,眼泪也模糊了我的视线。 When sunlight pain stabbed my eye, tears also blurs the line of sight of me。

27、总是在徘徊,因为自己根本不知道在等的是谁。 Always wandering, because they don't know who is waiting for。

28、我们说好不分离,要一直一直在一起。就算与时间为敌,就算与全世界背离。 We've agreed not to separate, always has been。 Even with time, even if the whole world and departure。

29、我们都还小,不懂爱、不懂恨、不懂痛。但懂伤。 We are still small, do not understand love, don't understand hate, don't know the pain。 But understand injury。

30、我望眼欲穿,看我看不到的你。我侧耳倾听,听我听不到的你。 Dream, I see I can't see you。 To listen to the song, I listen to I can't hear you。

31、我那样求你,你为什么还要违背承诺?我那样爱你,你为什么还要忍痛欺骗? So I beg you to me, why did you break promise? I love you, why do you have to bite the bullet to cheat?

32、所谓祝福原来只是在尔虞我诈。关系升华只是欲望垂死的挣扎。 The so-called blessing was originally in the graft。 The dying struggle relationship sublimation only desire。

33、找不到回去的路,我希望我从未离开。 Could not find the way back, I wish I had never left。

34、爱上了不该爱的人是永无天日的叹息!爱上了不爱你的人是眼泪决堤的开始! Fell in love with shouldn't love of person is never the light of day sigh! Fell in love with to be with someone who doesn't love you is the beginning of tears burst its Banks。上一页12下一页

35、爱上你,对弥艺瓴欢分分秒秒不停歇。恋上你,对檬贾杖缫蝗杖找挂乖诩绦。 Fall in love with you, every moment for you was true everytime。 Crush on you, to you consistently continued day and night。

36、爱你就好象呼吸一样理所当然,可是我可以屏住呼吸,却不能停止爱你。 Love you like as breathing for granted, but I can hold your breath, but can't stop loving you。

37、牵绊我的人,我让他永远站不起来。扶起我的人,我让他永远不会摔倒。 Stumbles on me, I let him stand up forever。 To help me, I let him will never fall。

38、给你黑的白的红的黄的紫的我的感受。心情灰的黑的白的什么颜色你懂不懂。 Give you a black and white red yellow purple I feel。 What color mood grey black white you know don't understand。

39、莪们A爱,不需要炫耀,全世界羡慕。莪们A爱,不需要广播,全宇宙季度。 We are love, do not need to show off, envied around the world。 We are love, do not need to broadcast, the universe quarter。

40、莪拿青春赌明天,明天会不会让莪失望。莪用生命去爱迩,爱迩会不会让莪受伤。 I take youth to bet on tomorrow, tomorrow will be won't let me down。 I use the life to love you, love you will let me hurt。

41、说一句我爱你,要有多大声就有多大声。说一声我爱你,要有多甜蜜就有多甜蜜。 Say I love you,want to have more than just how loudly loudly。 Say I love you, want to have more sweet is sweet。

42、谁应了谁的劫,谁又变成了谁的执念。 Who should be the who's robbery, who became who obsession。

43、踏着爱的节奏行走在有你气息的城市。踩着爱的鼓点奔跑在有你话语的世界。 Walking through the rhythm of love in a city with your breath。 Running on the drums of love in the world with your words。

44、逃离这喧闹的世界,寻找那片刻的安静。 Escape from the noisy world, looking for the a moment of quiet。

45、那个谁,我爱你爱到可以连自己的爱都不要。那个谁,我爱你爱到可以连自己的情都不要。 The who, I love you love to his own love。 The who, I love you love to his own feelings。

46、青春并不忧伤,却被我们演绎的如此凄凉。爱情并不复杂,却被我们诠释的如此苦涩。 Youth is not sad, but then we deduce the so bleak。 Love is not complicated, but it was our interpretation so bitter。
