1、celebrates its 2016; Heaven really drop pie, buy lottery tickets on; A wife is beauty, is the star; Tianshun career day, better than the li ka shing。 Haha, happy New Year!

2、“婷婷白桦,幽幽长空,北国风光已来临”。短暂的2015离你我远去,对既将到来的2016充满无数的忡景,元旦快乐! The sky "tingting birch, faint northland scenery has come"。 Brief 2015 me away from you, for both will be the arrival of 2016 with numerous Chong scene, New Year's day happiness!

3、一直很想跟你说,但不知你会不会觉得我太心急。我又怕被别人抢先一步,所以我决定鼓起勇气告诉你:新年快乐! Has been very want to say with you, but I don't know do you think I am too impatient。 I was afraid of being scooped again, so I decided to summon up courage to tell you: happy New Year!

4、为答谢多年来关心支持特在元旦期间大酬宾!凡在我心中有一定地位的人都将获得由我提供的价值人民币一毛的元旦短信一条。 In orderto thank for many years, concern and support to kick off during New Year's day! Everyone who has a certain position in my heart I will get a MAO's New Year's day message a value of RMB。

5、人世间一切荣华富贵不如一个知心朋友。在这辞旧迎新的日子里,祝你一切都好! All the splendor in the world is not worth a bosom friend。 In the old days, I wish you all good!

6、今年元旦不送礼,发条短信送给你。健康快乐长伴你,幸福美满粘着你,还有我要告诉你,财神已经盯上你! This year New Year's day is not altogether gifts clockwork SMS send to you。 Healthy and happy longer with you, stick to you a happy, and I want to tell you, the god of wealth has been watching you!

7、倘若记忆是一种情怀,愿所有属于我们的记忆都甜蜜。在新年中释放出另一种友谊的光辉。元旦快乐。 If memory is a kind of feelings, may all belong to our memories are sweet。 Release of another kind of friendship in the New Year。 Happy New Year's day。

8、元旦到,元旦到。告别旧日的烦恼,迎接新年的美好;珍藏旧日的回忆,展望新年的幸福。祝福到,祝福到。祝你新年好,步步高,天天在家数钞票! New Year's day, New Year的日子。告别旧的烦恼,祝新年快乐;怀念旧的回忆,期待新年的幸福。祝一切顺利。祝您新年快乐,步步高,每一天在数量!! May the coming New Year bring you and your loved one many good things and rich blessings!

9、元旦到,吃大餐,少喝酒,多吃菜,够不着,站起来,有人敬,耍耍赖,吃不了,兜回来! New Year's day to eat dinner, drink less, eat more vegetables, can't reach, stand up, people worship, play play to depend on, can't eat, take back!

10、元旦即将来到,祝福提前送到,祝你家庭圆满,永不孤单, New Year's day is coming, we wish to ahead of time, I wish you a complete family, never lonely, perfect love, love is not single, friendship is fruity, pairing in pairs, I wish a happy New Year!

11、喜迎2016;天上真的掉饼,彩票买就中;娶妻是美女,简直赛明星;事业天天顺,赛过李嘉诚。哈哈,元旦快乐! Off 20

12、圣诞才过,元旦就要到了,我还是要衷心的祝愿你在新的一年里,好运经常缠身,生活五彩缤纷,钱包日进斗金,工作顺顺心心。 Just before Christmas, New Year's day is coming, I will sincerely wish you in the New Year, good luck often with life colorful, purse, make work right xinxin。

13、在这特殊的日子,向你致以新年的祝福,希望不久我们能相聚在一起。 On this special day I send you New Year wishes, and hope that some day soon we shall be together。

14、在这辞旧迎新的时刻里,让我为你送上一片真挚的祝福:祝你一路顺风前程似锦,财源滚滚盆满钵满! In this new moment, let me send you a sincere blessing: I wish you a pleasant journey a bonanza rich!

15、寒冷的冬天悄然流逝,多变的是天气,不变的是心情!愿淡淡的寒气轻拂你一生的疲惫,飒飒的北风传递我衷心的挂念。元旦快乐! Cold winter quietly passed, changeful weather, not change the mood! Faint chill breeze you would like to the exhaustion of a lifetime and the rustling of the north wind passed I sincerely miss。 New Year's day happiness!

16、希望我这辈子的每个新年都和你在一起,我们一起度过生生世世一辈子的元旦长相守,新年长相依。 Every New Year wish my life with you, we can a lifetime together, New Year's day looks long dependency in the New Year。

17、您是经霜的枫树,愈老愈红。虽历尽悲欢,却愈显得襟怀坦荡。衷心祝愿您生命之树常青。祝新年快乐! You are the cream of maples, old red。 The more is experienced the vicissitudes, but it looks straight。 I sincerely wish you the tree of life evergreen。 I wish a happy New Year!

18、愿所有的悲伤和不幸随着一年的结束而结束,祝所有的幸福与快乐因新年的到来而到来!元旦快乐,万事如意! I hope all the sadness and misfortune complete with the end of the year, I wish all the happiness and joy for the arrival of New Year! Happy New Year's day, all the best!

19、愿新年不仅是你欢笑的时刻,更是你欣喜的日子。祝福你。 May the New Year be a time of laughter and real enjoyment for you。 Wish you well。

20、愿新年为你带来快乐,友爱和宁静。 May the coming New Year bring you joy, love and peace。

21、愿新年佳节的喜悦,伴随您在度过新的一年。 May the joy of New Year festival be with you throughout the year。


23、愿明亮喜庆的新年烛光温暖一年中的每个日日夜夜,祝你欢欢喜喜度新年! May the bright and festive glow of New Year candle warm the days all the year day and night, I wish you a wonderful New Year!

24、我对你的思念像深谷里的幽兰,淡淡的香气笼罩着你,而祝福是无边的关注一直飘到你心底。愿我的爱陪伴你直至永远! My missing for you is like the ravine, orchid light faint scent hanging over you, the blessing is boundless attention drifted into your heart。 May my love stay with you until forever!

25、我张开双臂,盼与你共度新春佳节。 My arms are wide open for you this New Year。

26、新年佳节不送礼,发条短信送给你。短信虽短情意长,字字出自我心底。祝福平安又快乐,家庭和谐心如意。 New Year festival is not altogether gifts clockwork SMS send to you。 Short message is feeling, every word from my heart。 Heart bless peace and happiness, the family harmony。

27、新年到:祝你百事可乐,万事芬达,天天娃哈哈,月月乐百事,年年高乐高,心情似雪碧,永远都醒目,开开心心,顺顺利利! New Year, I wish you a Pepsi, everything fenda, everyday wahaha, yueyue le Pepsi, macleod high year after year, feeling like Sprite, always smart, happy, good luck!

28、新年过后,我们还会在这里为你守候。 After the New Year, we will be here waiting for you。

29、新的一年,向你献上最诚挚的祝福。 The New Year, offer best wishes to you。

30、祝你今后获得更大成就。 I wish you many future successes。

31、祝你位高权重责任轻,钱多事少离家近,每天睡到自然醒,工资领到手抽筋,别人加班你加薪! I wish you a powerful light duty, doing little more money near home, sleep to nature to wake everyday, salary is hand cramps, others overtime pay you!

32、祝你在新的一年里身体健康,多福多寿。 I wish you in the New Year health, live long and prosper。

33、祝你在节日和新的一年中享有无限的快乐。 To wish you special joy at the holidays and all year。

34、祝你:新年大吉大利、百无禁忌、五福临门、富贵吉祥、横财就手、财运亨通、步步高升、生意兴隆、东成西就、恭喜发财! Wish you good luck in the New Year, baiwujinji, five blessings, wealth and good fortune, windfall moved, wealth, a promotion, the business is thriving, concluding, congratulation!

35、祝福新年!愿新年那份祥和的气氛,轻拂你娴雅的裙摆,让你感受其中我的一份安谧平和的爱意。 Wish New Year! May the New Year the auspicious atmosphere, caresses your suave skirt, let you feel my love a quiet and peaceful。

36、穿过无数山川,越过无数城市,且让心灵满足,洗涤你满身的疲惫,愿每个祝福每个喜悦都是音符,为你谱出幸福,祝福你! Through numerous mountains and rivers, across numerous cities, and let the heart to meet, washing you'll tired, may every wish every desire is note, spectrum of happiness for you, bless you!

37、第一缕阳光是我对你的深深祝福,夕阳收起的最后一抹嫣红是我对你衷心的问候,在元旦来临之际,送上真挚的祝福:新年快乐! The first ray of sunshine is my deep blessing for you, pack up the sunset last wipe purples are my heartfelt greetings to you, on New Year's day approaching, send sincere wishes: happy New Year!

38、联系不在乎多少,真情常在就好;元旦虽然快到,不及我的祝福先到。小小短信心意表,预祝你元旦快乐,心想事成,财运滚滚,不缺钞票! The links don't care how many, the truth is often in good, Although quickly to New Year's day, less than my blessing to the first。 A little short of confidence expectation, I wish you a happy New Year's day, wishing, finances rolling, not lack of money!

39、让温馨的祝愿、幸福的思念和友好的祝福,在新年来到你身边,伴你左右。 May the warmest wishes, happy thoughts and friendly greetings, come at New Year and stay with you all the year through。

40、话不多情谊多,字不多祝福多。圣诞元旦就快到,我的祝福你知道,不必看、不必想。让我的祝福都知道。圣诞元旦双节快乐。 Few words more than friendship, word is not much blessing。 Christmas, New Year's day is fast, I wish you know, don't have to look, don't want to。 Let my blessing all know。 Happy Christmas, New Year's day double day。

41、谨祝新年快乐幸福,大吉大利。 I hope you have a most happy and prosperous New Year。


43、那飘落的雪花是我的片片真情;那呼呼的寒风是我的声声问候;你今年一定过得更好。从元旦开始,忘记过去的烦恼,明天会更好! The falling snow is my patches of truth; Then the howl of the wind is my greet; You must be better this year。 Since New Year's day, forget the past, tomorrow will be better!

44、零时的钟声响彻天涯,新年的列车准时出发。它驮去了一个难忘岁月,迎来了又一轮火红年华。祝你新年快乐,鹏程万里! Zero bells resounded through the end of the world and a New Year's train set out on time。 It carry to a memorable years, ushered in another round of red time。 Wish you a happy New Year and bright prospects!
