1、“不可能”这个字,只在愚人的字典中找得到。 The word "impossible" can only be found in a fool's dictionary.
2、一个完全不懂拒绝的人,也不可能赢得真正的尊重。 A person who doesn't know how to refuse can't win real respect.
3、一场梦,一场空,再美的誓言,也有凋谢的一天。 A dream, a void, and then the United States oath, there is a withering day.
4、不必去忧虑资金的缺乏,应该忧虑的是信用不足。 There is no need to worry about the lack of funds, should worry about the lack of credit.
5、不管外面天气怎样,别忘了带上自己的阳光。 No matter what the weather is outside, don't forget to bring your own sunshine.
6、不论结果是喜是悲,你总不枉在这世上活了一场。 No matter whether the result is happy or sad, you have lived in this world in vain.
7、与其用汗水悔恨昨天,不如用泪水拼搏今天i。 It is better to fight today with tears than to regret yesterday with sweat.
8、丢失的牛羊可以找回;但是失去的时间却无法找回。 Lost cattle and sheep can be recovered, but lost time cannot be recovered.
9、交会修理你的朋友。这种朋友正是你人生的导师。 Meet to fix your friends. This kind of friend is the mentor of your life.
10、人生亦是,从外打破是压力,从内打破是成长。 Life is the same. Breaking from the outside is pressure, breaking from the inside is growth.
11、人生如同故事,重要的并不是有多长,而是有多好。 Life is like a story. What matters is not how long it is, but how good it is.
12、人生如同道路,最近的捷径通常是最坏的路。 Life is like a road, the nearest shortcut is usually the worst.
13、人难我也难,我不畏难;人易我也易,我不大意。 I am not afraid of difficulties when people are difficult; I am not careless when people are easy.
14、你就像是一只暗夜里的灵魂,潜伏在我的周边。 You are like a soul in the dark, lurking around me.
15、你羡慕别人身材好,却放不下手中的高热量食物。 You envy other people's good figure, but you can't put down the high calorie food in your hands.
16、做大官只为自己谋幸福,不如做大事为众人谋利益。 It is better to be a senior official for the sake of his own happiness than to do great things for the benefit of all.
17、决定明天的不是明天,而是今天对事业的作为。 What decides tomorrow is not tomorrow, but what we do today.
18、即将转出来的那一面,是快乐或痛苦,是爱还是恨。 The side about to turn out is happiness or pain, love or hate.
19、只要相信自己,再付诸行动,什么事都能成功。 As long as you believe in yourself, and then put into action, everything can succeed.
20、因为不相信自己,总觉得别人说的才是正确的。 Because I don't believe in myself, I always feel that what others say is right.
21、坚持不懈和勤奋努力会确保你无论做什么都会做好。 Perseverance and hard work will ensure that you do well in whatever you do.
22、失败不是因为问题太大,而是因为我们心智太小。 Failure is not because the problem is too big, but because we are too small.
23、好的坏的我们都收下吧,然后一声不响,继续生活。 Let's take the good and the bad, and go on living without saying a word.
24、如果你改变不了现实,那么你就得去学会改变自己。 If you can't change the reality, then you have to learn to change yourself.
25、如果,不能运气爆棚,那就,努力实力过人。 If, can't luck burst, then, the strength is superior.
26、实现自己既定的目标,必须能耐得住寂寞单干。 To achieve their own set goals, we must be able to endure loneliness and work alone.
27、工作就意味着责任,实现目标就意味着奉献。 Work means responsibility, achieving goals means dedication.
28、年轻时代是培养习惯、希望及信仰的一段时光。 Youth is a time to cultivate habits, hopes and beliefs.
29、当你有勇气把长发剪成短发你就有勇气放弃过去。 When you have the courage to cut long hair into short hair, you have the courage to give up the past.
30、当你的脑子说着要放弃,希望在轻语,再试一次。 When your brain says give up, hope whispers, try again.
31、心思澄澈,安定有力,摒除诱惑,才可成就大事业。 Clear mind, stable and powerful, get rid of temptation, can achieve great cause.
32、愿你能把梦想放在心底,化为最坚定的力量。 I hope you can put your dream in the bottom of your heart and turn it into the strongest strength.
33、我们之间的秘密,与时间无关是人心变得太快了。 The secret between us, it has nothing to do with time, is that people become too fast.
34、我像是从前一样喜欢听情歌,但现在却这样的伤感。 I like to listen to love songs as before, but now I am so sad.
35、我拼命努力让自己更强,只想让你伴我身旁。 I try my best to make myself stronger. I just want you by my side.
36、我拼搏,就一个理由,我要得到我想要的东西。 I fight, for one reason, I want to get what I want.
37、我要厄住命运的咽喉,它无法使我完全屈服。 I want to live in the throat of fate, it can not make me completely yield.
38、时光会被我们遗忘,但时光不会把我们遗忘。 Time will be forgotten by us, but time will not forget us.
39、昨天再好,也走不回去;明天再难,也要抬脚继续。 No matter how good yesterday is, we can't go back; no matter how difficult it is tomorrow, we should continue to raise our feet.
40、最好的人生状态,安于得失,淡于成败,依旧向前! The best state of life, content with gain and loss, indifferent to success or failure, still forward!
41、有勇气自杀,为什么不拿自杀的勇气继续活下去? Have the courage to commit suicide, why not take the courage to commit suicide to continue to live?
42、有本事抛弃别人,就要有本事扛起被抛弃的痛苦。 If you have the ability to abandon others, you should have the ability to bear the pain of being abandoned.
43、树苗如果因为怕痛而拒绝修剪,那就永远不会成材。 If a sapling refuses to prune because it is afraid of pain, it will never become useful.
44、没有人能一路单纯到底,但别忘了最初的自我。 No one can be simple all the way to the end, but don't forget the original self.
45、生活不能等别人来安排,要自已去争取和奋斗。 Life can't wait for others to arrange. We should strive for and struggle for it by ourselves.
46、生活中若没有朋友,就像人生活中没有阳光一样。 If there are no friends in life, it is just like there is no sunshine in people's life.
47、生活就是一种态度,倒霉也是一种另类人生。 Life is an attitude, and misfortune is a different kind of life.
48、真正有学识有涵养的人,是不会刻意炫耀自己的。 People with real knowledge and self-restraint will not deliberately show off themselves.
49、真正的美丽,不是青春的容颜,而是绽放的心灵。 True beauty is not the appearance of youth, but the blooming heart.
50、知识是座宝库,而勤奋就是开启宝库大门的钥匙。 Knowledge is a treasure house, and diligence is the key to the treasure house.
51、祸患多蕴藏在隐微地方,而发生在人们疏忽的时候。 Disasters are mostly hidden in subtle places and occur when people are negligent.
52、笑容在汗水之后绽放,也许我平凡,但我接受挑战。 Smile blooms after the sweat, maybe I am ordinary, but I accept the challenge.
53、给别人的生命带来阳光的人,自己也会享有阳光。 People who bring sunshine to other people's lives will also enjoy sunshine.
54、自始至终把人放在第一位,尊重员工是成功的关键。 Putting people first from beginning to end, respecting employees is the key to success.
55、走千条路,只一条适合;遇万般人,得一人足够。 Walk a thousand roads, only one suitable; meet all kinds of people, one person is enough.
56、跑昨越快,遇到风的阻力越大,阻力与成就相伴随。 The faster you run yesterday, the greater the resistance to the wind.
57、追求完美是美好的理想,接受残缺是美好的心态。 The pursuit of perfection is a beautiful ideal, and the acceptance of imperfection is a good mentality.
58、那些以前说着永不分离的人,早已经散落在天涯了。 Those who said never to separate before, have already scattered in the horizon.
59、除了人类幸福的劳动之外,找不出真正的恒久名声。 There is no real lasting reputation except for the work of human happiness.
60、青春是一场豪赌,能赢多少,要看你付出多少。 Youth is a gamble, how much you can win depends on how much you pay.