1、不去争取不去把握的话,永远都不会有机会。 If you don't fight for it or grasp it, you will never have a chance.

2、不听老人言,吃亏在眼前。 Suffer will at present if you do not listen to the old man's advice,

3、不是富人拥有财富,而是财富拥有富人。 It is not the rich who possess wealth, but the rich who possess wealth.上一页12下一页

4、与其祈求生活平淡点,不如祈求自己强大点。 It's better to pray for your own strength than to pray for a dull life.

5、人生有两种境界,痛而不言,笑而不语。 There are two realms of life, pain without words, laughter without words.

6、人的价值,在遭受**的一瞬间被决定。 The value of man is determined at the moment of temptation.

7、你可以一无所有,但绝不能一无是处。 You can have nothing, but you can never be useless.

8、你能找到理由难过,也一定能找到理由快乐。 You can find reasons to be sad, and you can certainly find reasons to be happy.

9、决不能放弃,世界上没有失败,只有放弃。 Never give up, there is no failure in the world, only give up.

10、凡真心尝试助人者,没有不帮到自己的。 Whoever really tries to help others does not fail to help himself.

11、前往伟大的颠峰之路,必定崎岖。 The road to great heights must be rough.

12、天生我才必有用,苦难磨砺出来的才是真王。 Natural I must be useful, suffering is the real king.

13、如果,不能运气爆棚。那就,努力实力过人。 If you don't, you can't get lucky. Then, make great efforts.

14、学的到东西的事情是锻炼,学不到的是磨练。 What we learn is exercise, but what we cannot learn is practice.

15、尝试后可能会放弃,但千万不能放弃尝试。 You may give up after trying, but you must not give up trying.

16、当你决定不再在乎的时候,生活就好起来了! Life will be better when you decide to stop caring!

17、心念一转,万念皆转;心路一通,万路皆通。 All thoughts turn when the mind turns; all roads open when the heart is opened.

18、心随境转是凡夫,境随心转是圣贤。 Mental state of mind is a common man, and mental state is a sage.

19、想知道金钱的价值,只需向别人借点。 If you want to know the value of money, just borrow some from others.

20、打击与挫败是成功的踏脚石,而不是绊脚石。 Strikes and setbacks are stepping stones to success, not stumbling blocks.

21、敢于向黑暗宣战的人,心里必须充满光明。 Those who dare to declare war on darkness must be filled with light.

22、时光,浓淡相宜,岁月,安然静好。 Time, thick and light appropriate, years, quiet and good.

23、死生一世付鸿毛,人生到世方英杰。 Death pays dividends, and life comes to the world's heroes.

24、水至清无鱼,人至察无徒。 There is no fish in the water, but no man in the water.

25、生活不为任何人停留,你的生活只有现在! Life does not stop for anyone, your life is only now!

26、生活充满了选择,而生活的态度就是一切。 Life is full of choices, and the attitude of life is everything.

27、耐得住寂寞,守得住繁华! Can stand loneliness, can stand prosperity!

28、自以为拥有财富的人,其实是被财富所拥有。 People who think they have wealth are actually owned by wealth.

29、话多不如话少,话少不如话好。 Less words is better than more words.

30、躺在被窝里的人,并不感到太阳的温暖。 People lying in bed do not feel the warmth of the sun.

31、长恨人生不如水,等闲平地起波澜。 Hate life is not as good as water, wait for the waves to rise leisurely.
