1、Stepping stones for printing, iron has a scar.

2、不守时间就是没有道德。——蒙森 Don't keep time is no morality.

3、书是人类进步的阶梯。——高尔基 Books are the ladder of human progress.

4、事以密成,语以泄败。——韩非子 Up on dense language to drain.

5、人以自是,反以相诽。——吕不韦 A person with naturally, anti-israeli Fei.

6、人无忠信,不可立于世。——程颐 A man without the faithful, and not in the world. 

7、人是寻求意义的动物。——柏拉图 People are seeking meaning animals.

8、人生一世,草木一秋。——冯梦龙 Life is a life time, plant an autumn.

9、人生在勤,勤则不匮。——贾思勰 Life in attendance, diligent or not.

10、人生是花,而爱是花蜜。——雨果 Life is a flower, and love is the honey.

11、人生苦短,宇宙无限。——洪应明 Life is short, the universe is infinite.

12、人若有志,万事可为。——斯迈尔斯 If a man interested in, everything can be.

13、使人高贵的是人的品格。——劳伦斯 Makes a man noble is the person's character.

14、健康是人生第一财富。——爱默生 The first wealth is health.

15、光景不待人,须叟发成丝。——李白 Time and tide wait for no man, you must barbary hair into thin shreds.

16、劳动是创套幸福的天使。——宋琦 Labor is a happy angel.

17、善于捕捉机会者为俊杰。——歌德 Good at capturing opportunities for junjie.

18、国家之本,在于人民。——孙中山 Of the countries, is to the people.

19、国家兴亡、我的责任。——高震东 National rise and fall, my responsibility.

20、坚忍是成功的诀窍。——狄斯累利 Perseverance is the secret of success.

21、坚持真理的人是伟大的。——雨果 Stick to the truth of the people is great.

22、壮志与热情是伟业的辅冀。——歌德 Ambition and enthusiasm is great auxiliary ji.

23、夫建大事者,不忌小怨。——范晔 Built with great, don't avoid is small.

24、学问欲博,而行已欲敦。——魏征 Learning desire, it has been to London.

25、容忍是最大的智慧。——莎士比亚 Tolerance is the greatest wisdom.

26、宽则得众,信则人任焉。——苏辙 Those who believe the wide waters, ren.

27、将相本无主,男儿当自强。——汪洙 There is no main group, man be striving to improve.上一页12下一页

28、当取不取,过后莫悔。——施耐庵 When take not take, don't regret afterwards.

29、得人者兴,失人者崩。——司马迁 DeRenZhe xing, ShiRenZhe collapse.

30、得士者强,失士则亡。——东方朔 Loss and strong, and the dead.

31、慷慨丈夫志,可以耀锋?——孟郊 Generous husband, can yao feng?

32、懒惰等于将一个人活埋。——泰勒 Laziness is equal to a man buried alive.

33、我姓钱,但我不爱钱。——钱学森 My name is money, but I do not love money. Time is a measure of enterprise.

34、择才不求备,任物不过涯。——元镇 Choose to not ready, but your career.

35、挚友如异体同心。——亚里士多德 1 friend such as concentric.

36、敢于冲撞命运才是天才。——雨果 Dare to collision fate is a genius.

37、时间是检验真理的尺度。——佚名 Time is the yardstick of truth.


39、智慧只能在真理中发现。——歌德 Wisdom can only found in truth.

40、最浪费不起的是时间。——丁肇中 Is the most can't afford to waste time.

41、朋友是生活中的阳光。——易卜生 A friend is the sunshine of life.

42、机不可失 Opportunity knocks but once.

43、梦境总是现实的反面。——伟格利 The dream is always the opposite of reality.

44、母鸡的理想不过是把糠。——民谚 The hen's ideal is but the chaff he will burn.

45、治国经邦,人才为急。——孙中山 By the state, talent for urgent.

46、泛舟沧海,立马昆仑。——* Boating on the sea, kunlun immediately.

47、灾难是真理的第一程。——爱默生 The disaster is the first leg of the truth.

48、爱情不过是一种疯。——莎士比亚 Loveis a kind of crazy.

49、爱情从爱情中来。——拉布吕耶尔 Love from love.

50、生活的价值在于创造。——高尔基 The value of life is to create.

51、生而为英,死而为灵。——欧阳修 English, born to die for the spirit.

52、真理常常藏在事物的深底。——席勒 The truth often hidden in the deep bottom of things.

53、真理是时间的女儿。——达·芬奇 Truth is the daughter of time.

54、真理是智慧的太阳。——沅韦纳戈 The truth of wisdom is to the sun.

55、积财千万,无过读书。——颜之推 Accumulate wealth must, without reading.

56、胜利属于坚韧不拔的人。——英国 Victory belongs to perseverance.

57、自信是成功的第一步。——爱迪生 Confidence in yourself is the first step to success.

58、自信是英雄的本质。——美爱默生 Self-trust is the essence of heroism.

59、苦难是人生的老师。——巴尔扎克 Suffering is the teacher of life.

60、言极则怒,怒极说危。——吕不韦 Said it is anger, anger extremely dangerous.


62、身体健康者常年轻。——马尔夫特 Good health is always young.

63、近贤则聪;近愚则聩。——皮日休 Nearly hen chung; Almost a fool is mind-blowing.

64、进步是目的;理想是标准。——雨果 Progress is the goal; Ideal is the standard.

65、通过苦难,走向欢乐。——贝多芬 Through the suffering, to joy.

66、道德中最大的秘密是爱。——雪莱 The biggest secret in moral is love.

67、酒杯里竟能蹦出友谊来。——盖伊 Glass has a friendship can jump out.

68、长年积累,偶然得之.——* Accumulating, accidentally。

69、青年一般地是无思虑的。——霍默 Young people in general is without thinking.

70、青年的主要任务是学习。——朱德 Youth is the main task of the study.

71、静以修身,俭以养德。——诸葛亮 Static with cultivate one's morality, waste to virtue.

72、食为人天,农为正本。——李世民 Eat a day, as the original.
