1、一定要努力,让自己出色,从能力到容貌。 We must work hard to make ourselves outstanding, from ability to appearance.

2、一路走过靠自己,没有谁能够一直陪你走到底。 By yourself, no one can accompany you to the end.

3、万般技艺,多学益善。 All kinds of skills, learning more is good.

4、不够完美又何妨?万物皆有裂隙,那是光进来的地方。 Why not be perfect? All things have cracks. That's where light comes in.

5、不是成功离我们太远,而是我们坚持的太少! It is not that success is too far away from us, but that we insist too little!

6、不管你的过去是什么,你都有一个无可挑剔的未来。 No matter what your past is, you have an impeccable future.

7、不管感觉有多糟,起床,梳洗,奋斗,永不放弃。 No matter how bad it feels, get up, groom, struggle and never give up.

8、中国女人不嫁自己看好的男人,只嫁大家看好的男人。 Chinese women do not marry the men they value, but only the men they value.

9、也许我们不是最出色的,但我们永远是最努力的! Maybe we are not the best, but we will always work hard!

10、书不仅是生活,而且是现在、过去和未来文化生活的源泉。 Books are not only life, but also the source of cultural life now, in the past and in the future.

11、人们所努力追求的庸俗的目标——我总觉得都是可鄙的。 The vulgar goals people strive to pursue - I always think they are despicable.

12、人生像一杯茶,不会苦一辈子,但总会苦一阵子! Life is like a cup of tea. It won't be bitter for a lifetime, but it will always be bitter for a while!

13、人生要经得起等待,阳光明媚,花自然会开。 Life should stand waiting. The sun is bright and the flowers will bloom naturally.

14、人能走多远,不是问两脚,而要问志向。 How far a man can go, not by his feet, but by his ambition.

15、人这一辈子,只有输得起,才能赢得起。 In this life, people can only win if they can afford to lose.

16、你不能拼爹的时候,你就只能去拼命。 When you can't fight your father, you have to work hard.

17、你要知道该来的都在路上,现在的你只需要加倍努力。 You should know that what should come is on the way. Now you just need to redouble your efforts.

18、你要知道,别人的辉煌在现在,而你的辉煌在未来。 You should know that the glory of others is now, and your glory is in the future.

19、做决定之前仔细研究,一旦作了决定就要勇往直前坚持到底。 Study carefully before making a decision. Once you make a decision, you should go ahead and stick to it.

20、全力以赴,你会很酷。 Go all out, you'll be cool.

21、再苦一会儿,未来会很甜! Another bitter moment, the future will be very sweet!

22、刀钝石上磨,人笨勤奋学。 A dull knife sharpened on a stone makes a dull man learn hard.

23、别人的屋檐再大,都不如自己有把伞。 No matter how big other people's eaves are, it's better to have an umbrella.

24、加油吧,我知道一切靠自己。 Come on, I know everything depends on myself.

25、命运不会亏待正在努力变好的你。 Fate will not treat you badly who are trying to get better.

26、善待自己,因为你自己就是一座宝藏。 Be kind to yourself, because you are a treasure.

27、女孩子们:安全感还是要靠自己给! Girls: the sense of security still depends on yourself!

28、如果厌恶现在身处的黑暗,就努力变成想要成为的那束光。 If you hate the darkness you are in, try to become the light you want to be.

29、如果心胸不似海,又怎能有海一样的事业? If your mind is not like the sea, how can you have a career like the sea?

30、字无前后贤者师,学无老少能者师。 There are no sages and teachers before and after the word, and there are no teachers for people of all ages.

31、学习上遇到的问题,要马上解决。 Problems encountered in learning should be solved immediately.

32、宁可靠自己的力气吃饭,别白白拿别人什么。 I'd rather eat by my own strength than take others for nothing.

33、宁愿跑起来被拌倒无数次也不要规规矩矩走一辈子。 I'd rather run and be knocked down countless times than walk a lifetime.

34、它溺过了所有的故事,却找不到逃生的方向。 It drowned all the stories, but couldn't find the way to escape.

35、对自己好一点,因为没人会把你当全世界。 Be nice to yourself, because no one will treat you as the world.

36、少说多做。言多必失,人多的场合少说话。 Say less and do more. More words make more mistakes, and less talk on occasions with more people.

37、岁月无情,余生有涯,将生活扛在肩上,风雨兼程。 Years are merciless, the rest of life is boundless, carry life on your shoulders, and go through wind and rain.

38、已去之事不可留,已逝之情不可恋,能留能恋,就没有今天。 You can't stay what has gone, and you can't love what has gone. If you can stay and love, there will be no today.

39、平日不学,用之已晚。 It's too late to learn on weekdays.

40、幸运会以自律的方式向你靠近。 Luck will approach you in a disciplined way.

41、当一个人知道自己的目标去向时,这个世界就会为他让路。 When a man knows his goal, the world will make way for him.

42、快乐靠自己,坚强靠自己,努力靠自己。 Happiness depends on yourself, strength depends on yourself, and effort depends on yourself.

43、惟坚韧者始能遂其志。 Only those who are tough can fulfill their will.

44、想要改变自己,拼死也得努力。 If you want to change yourself, you have to work hard.

45、我不要天上的星星,我只要尘世的幸福。 I don't want the stars in the sky, I just want the happiness of the earth.

46、我们不能控制风向,但我们可以调整自己的帆。 We can't control the wind, but we can adjust our sails.

47、我会努力站在万人*,成为别人的光。 I will try to stand in the center of thousands of people and become the light of others.

48、我心匪石,不可转也;我心匪席,不可卷也。 My heart is a bandit stone, you can't turn it; My heart is full of bandits. I can't roll it.

49、手艺是活宝,天下饿不倒。 Craft is a living treasure. The world can't starve.

50、把热爱的事情做到极致,变成了价值。 Make the things you love to the extreme and turn them into values.

51、抛弃时刻的人,时刻也会抛弃他。 He who abandons the moment will abandon him at the moment.

52、时间倒退不了,我们就只有往前走! Time can't go back, we have to move forward!

53、更快、更高、更强。就是金牌。 Faster, higher, stronger. It's a gold medal.

54、每一次的失败都是带领你的生活,走向真正成功的一个台阶。 Every failure is a step leading your life to real success.

55、没人爱时,专注自己;有人爱时,有能力拥抱彼此。 When no one loves, focus on yourself; When someone loves, they have the ability to hug each other.

56、没有最好的产品,只有最合适的产品。 There is no best product, only the most suitable product.

57、消沉就如一支单调的画笔,只能给未来涂上一层灰色。 Depression is like a monotonous brush, which can only paint a layer of gray for the future.

58、清正廉洁无所畏惧,坚持原则人心凝聚。 Be honest and fearless, adhere to principles and unite people.

59、满船清梦压星河,偷捧时间煮酒喝。 A boat full of clear dreams presses the Star River and steals time to cook and drink.

60、爱情的萌芽是智慧的结束。 The bud of love is the end of wisdom.

61、生气更要争气,心动更要行动! Be angry and act!

62、生活很美好,要学会如何去善待自己善待一切。 Life is beautiful. We should learn how to be kind to ourselves and everything.

63、由假及真的过程里,最具决定性的力量,是时间。 In the process from false to true, the most decisive force is time.

64、知足,上进,不辜负野心。 Contentment, progress, live up to ambition.

65、积累不是目的,目的是要学会如何运用积累的知识。 Accumulation is not the purpose, the purpose is to learn how to use the accumulated knowledge.

66、粮食补身体,书籍丰富智慧。 Food nourishes the body and books enrich wisdom.

67、细想出智慧,细嚼出滋味。 Think of wisdom and chew taste.

68、经过大海的一番磨砺,卵石才变得更加光滑美丽。 After some honing by the sea, the pebbles become more smooth and beautiful.

69、胆小的人把未来叫做未知,勇敢的人把未来叫做机会。 Timid people call the future unknown, brave people call the future opportunity.

70、胜败兵家事不期,包羞忍耻是男儿。 The family affairs of the victorious and defeated soldiers are uncertain. It's a man to be ashamed.

71、能坚持别人不能坚持的,才能拥有e人不能拥有的。 If you can stick to what others can't, you can have what others can't have.

72、艰难困苦,玉汝于成;创业维艰,奋斗以成。 Difficulties and hardships make you successful; It is difficult to start a business and strive for success.

73、要勇于打破自己的习惯,任何时候都不能放纵自己。 Have the courage to break your habits and never indulge yourself at any time.

74、运气不行的话就试试勇气吧。 If you don't have luck, try your courage.

75、长风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海! I will mount a long wind some day and break the heavy waves, and set my cloudy sail straight and bridge the deep, deep sea!

76、阅读滋养底气,写作造就灵气。 Reading nourishes the spirit and writing creates the spirit.

77、阳光会走,花儿会谢,唯有你我的友谊才是永恒。 The sunshine will go and the flowers will fade. Only your friendship and mine is eternal.

78、雪压枝头低,虽低不着泥,一朝红日出,依旧与天齐。 Snow pressure on the branches is low, although it is not low with mud, once the sun rises red, it is still flush with the sky.

79、青春只为等待一个名字、一种味道、一声招呼、一个人。 Youth is just waiting for a name, a taste, a greeting and a person.

80、风雨里像个大人,阳光下像个孩子。 Like an adult in the wind and rain, like a child in the sun.