1、不必每分钟都学习,但求学习中每分钟都有收获。 You don't have to study every minute, but you should gain every minute in your study.
2、不甘落后的努力,拼搏出自己的傲气。 Unwilling to fall behind, strive for your pride.
3、不能笑着拥有,但可以笑着放弃。 You can't have it with a smile, but you can give it up with a smile.
4、世上再美的风景,都不及回家的那段路。 The most beautiful scenery in the world is not as good as the road home.
5、世态炎凉,人情永远抵不过钱情。 The world is hot and cold, and human feelings can never equal money.
6、人只因承担责任才是*的,这是生活的真谛。 People are free only by taking responsibility, which is the true meaning of life.
7、人就像房子,朋友就是窗子,窗子越多,房子越亮。 People are like houses. Friends are Windows. The more windows, the brighter the house.
8、人生下来不是为了拖着锁链,而是为了展开双翼。 Life is not to drag chains, but to spread wings.
9、人生可能并不完美,但要是完美那就没意思了。 Life may not be perfect, but if it is perfect, it will be boring.
10、人生在世总有一些东西比命重要。 There is always something more important than life in life.
11、人生就像一杯酒,想喝的时候已经没了! Life is like a glass of wine. It's gone when you want to drink!
12、人生就像旅行,不在乎旅途的终点,在乎沿途的风景。 Life is like a journey. You don't care about the end of the journey, but the scenery along the way.
13、人生有太多的放不下,有太多的负累。 Life has too much to put down, there are too many burdens.
14、人生的高度,一半始于努力,一半源自选择。 The height of life, half from effort, half from choice.
15、伟大的力量存在于我们的内心。 Great power exists in our hearts.
16、你不喜欢我。这是病,得治,一定得治。 You don't like me. This is a disease. It must be treated. It must be treated.
17、做事如果没有了原则就如同没有头的苍蝇。 Doing things without principles is like a fly without a head.
18、其实女生最希望有一个能陪她一起笑一起哭的蓝颜。 In fact, girls most want to have a Lanyan who can laugh and cry with her.
19、再困难的事情,你一去做便不再困难了。 No matter how difficult it is, it will no longer be difficult as soon as you do it.
20、出去玩吧,给你的心情放个假。 Go out and give your mood a holiday.
21、别给我说你贤惠,你压根儿就是闲得什么都不会。 Don't tell me you're virtuous. You just can't do anything at all.
22、友谊,就是栖于两个身体中的同一灵魂。 Friendship is the same soul that lives in two bodies.
23、只需有决计,人永久不会挫败。 As long as there is a decision, one will never be defeated.
24、喜欢就争取,得到就珍惜,错过就忘记。 Like to strive for, get to cherish, miss to forget.
25、在蓦然回首的刹那,没有怨恨的青春才会了无遗憾! In the moment of looking back, youth without resentment will be without regret!
26、在说别人之前,最好先掂掂自己的份量。 You'd better weigh your weight before talking to others.
27、大人和小孩都有自己的玩具,只是价钱不同而已。 Both adults and children have their own toys, but the prices are different.
28、女人如花,花开花谢,永驻的不是容颜,而是内涵。 Women are like flowers. Flowers bloom and fade. What stays forever is not the face, but the connotation.
29、存在就是合理,合理的也都要存在。 Existence is reasonable, and all reasonable things must exist.
30、学问多深也别满足,过失多小也别忽略。 Don't be satisfied with the depth of knowledge and ignore the small mistakes.
31、安慰别人的话,对自己从来就没用。 Comforting others is never useful to yourself.
32、希望世界安静,让所有的情绪都见鬼。 I hope the world is quiet and all emotions go to hell.
33、当一切归于平静,我依然是那个加班小王子。 When everything is calm, I am still the little prince.
34、当幸福来敲门的时候,我或许不在家。 When happiness knocks on the door, I may not be at home.
35、当我们以为还有选择的时候,其实早已做出了选择。 When we think we have a choice, we have already made a choice.
36、往事不回头,未来不将就。别爱太满,别睡太晚。 The past does not look back, the future will not make do with it. Don't love too much, don't sleep too late.
37、心脏不好心眼好,气色不行气质行。 Bad heart, good heart, bad complexion, good temperament.
38、我不撞南墙,怎么知道是我厉害,还是南墙厉害。 If I don't hit the south wall, how can I know whether it's me or the south wall.
39、我们不熟,不过你可以拿钱跟我套近乎。 We don't know each other well, but you can hook me up with the money.
40、我们总是把别人安抚得太好,轮到自己就失了分寸。 We always comfort others too well, and we lose our sense of propriety when it's our turn.
41、我这个人走得很慢,但是我从不后退。 I walk very slowly, but I never step back.
42、拼尽全力,逼自己优秀一把,青春已所剩不多。 Try your best to make yourself excellent. There is not much youth left.
43、握紧拳头,你什么也没有,放开你才会拥有一切。 Clench your fist, you have nothing, let go, you will have everything.
44、放弃去爱你,继续寻找可以发掘到我的好的人。 Give up loving you and keep looking for someone who can find me.
45、旋转的地球上肯转身总有新故事值得盼望。 There are always new stories to look forward to on the rotating earth.
46、有些事,再努力也回不去了! Some things, no matter how hard you try, you can't go back!
47、有些人不抱了才温暖、离开了才不痛。 Some people are not warm until they don't hold them, and they don't hurt until they leave.
48、有多少人认为闺蜜比男友重要的,请吼起。 How many people think that girlfriends are more important than boyfriends, please roar.
49、有权力,就做点好事;没权力,就做点实事。 If you have power, do something good; No power, just do something.
50、朋友就是把你看透了,还能喜欢你的人。 A friend is someone who sees through you and still likes you.
51、未曾哭过长夜的人,不足以语人生。 He who has never cried a long night is not enough to live in words.
52、梦想是一个对未来的承诺。而不是一句空洞的口号。 A dream is a promise to the future. Not an empty slogan.
53、梦想着像一匹骏马奔腾在辽阔的大草原上。 Dream of galloping like a horse on the vast grassland.
54、每一z疼痛、都是未硇腋5囊痪曙光。 Every trace of pain is a glimmer of future happiness.
55、每天早上叫醒我的不是闹钟,是梦想。 What wakes me up every morning is not an alarm clock, but a dream.
56、没有希望的地方,就没有奋斗。 Where there is no hope, there is no struggle.
57、没有辛苦的等待,也就品尝不到如期而至的幸福。 Without hard waiting, you can't taste the happiness as scheduled.
58、活着,只是千万种物质存在的方式中的一种。 Living is just one of thousands of ways of material existence.
59、熟悉的地方没有风景;不熟悉的地方有陷阱。 Familiar places have no scenery; There are traps in unfamiliar places.
60、牵手时,即使你的手有多汗,也别放开。 When holding hands, even if your hands are sweaty, don't let go.
61、生活的真谛,于悲喜中去找寻,于淡悟中去领会。 The true meaning of life should be found in sorrow and joy and understood in light enlightenment.
62、生活累,一小半源于生存,一大半源于攀比。 Life is tired. Less than half of it comes from survival and more than half from comparison.
63、留恋一座城、不因灯红酒绿、而是你明白的人情冷暖。 Nostalgia for a city is not because of the lights and wine, but because of the warmth and coldness of people you know.
64、看到你和他在一起我很失落,可我却不能说。 I'm disappointed to see you with him, but I can't say.
65、积善可以得福,积德可以增寿。 Accumulating kindness can bring blessings, and accumulating virtue can increase longevity.
66、纵然千人千面,也有一面最柔软。 Even if there are thousands of people and thousands of faces, there is one side that is the softest.
67、能自己扛就别声张,你矫情的样子并不漂亮。 If you can carry it by yourself, don't say it. Your affectation is not beautiful.
68、菩萨心如虚空,一切俱舍,所作福德皆不贪着。 The Bodhisattva's heart is like emptiness. He gives everything and does not covet the blessings he has done.
69、要使民族自立于世界之林,就要自己看得起自己。 To make the nation stand on its own in the forest of the world, we must look up to ourselves.
70、要成为别人的,要不渴望不可及。 If you want to be someone else's, you don't want to be out of reach.
71、话说四海皆兄弟,然而四公里之内却不联系。 It is said that all the world are brothers, but there is no contact within four kilometers.
72、该是你的,不争不求也会拥有。 It should be yours. You will have it without striving.
73、语言像树,枝干内部液汁流转,一枝摇,百枝摇。 Language is like a tree. The sap flows inside the branches. One branch shakes and a hundred branches shake.
74、说真的,不要太在乎一个人,那样只会玩死你自己。 Seriously, don't care too much about a person, that will only kill yourself.
75、趁你现在还有时间,尽你自己最大的努力。 Do your best while you still have time.
76、越是倒霉的时候,越要活得体面。 The more unlucky the time is, the more you have to live decently.
77、遇到你我花光了所有的情商,在也找不到女朋友。 I spent all my EQ when I met you and couldn't find a girlfriend in.