1、一个蠢货,往往会得到一个比他更蠢的家伙的仰慕和赞美。 A fool, often can get a more stupid guy's admiration and praise.

2、一句亲切的赞美可以改变一个人的一生。 A kind of praise can change a person's life.

3、不要光赞美高耸的东西,平原和丘陵也一样不朽。 Don't praise the towering, plains and hills, too.

4、不要执着于别人的认可或赞美,过自己的人生。 Don't cling to others' recognition or praise, living his own life.

5、不要试图寻求别人的尊敬和赞美,尊敬总有变为轻蔑的那一刻,赞美总会有转化为毁谤的一天。 Don't try to seek others' respect and admiration, respect for the moment there is always a contemptuous, praise the one day there will always be converted to slander.

6、中国文化对当面赞美有所不屑,其实真诚适度的赞美是最好的社交润滑剂,跟拍马屁是两回事。 Chinese culture to praise, really sincere modest praise is the best social lubricant, flatter with are two different things.

7、人们赞美流星,是因为它燃烧着走完自己的全部路程。 People praise the meteor, because it burning through its entire journey.

8、别人骂你一句,你会骂他一句, Others scold you, you will scold him, this is called an argument. People praise you, you back to a word of praise, this is called social.

9、只有拥有高尚目标的爱才是崇高的、值得赞美的。 Only have the noble goal of love is noble, is worthy of praise.

10、唯有赞美别人的人,才是真正值得赞美的人。 Only praise others, is really worthy of praise.

11、学会去看别人的优点,并去赞美他。 Learn to see the good in people, and to praise him.

12、对别人的恭维,不过是婉转地表达对自己的赞美。 Compliments to others, but is a roundabout way to express yourself.

13、我不像你,有那么多赞美。我只能比你更努力。 I don't like you, there's so much praise. I can only be harder than you.

14、我们所希望和赞美的勇敢不是体面地去死,而是勇敢地去生活。 We hope and praise by the brave is not decent to die, but to live bravely.

15、我会在鼓励与赞美中进步更快,我不会骄傲的。 I will progress faster in the encouragement and praise, I'm not proud of.

16、我觉得人世间最好的赞美就是,她从来不说谎。 I think praise is the best in the world, she never tells a lie.

17、我赞美祖国的现在,我三倍地赞美祖国的未来。 Now I praise of the motherland, I three times to praise the future of our motherland.

18、批评一件你不了解的事情,比赞美它更可恶。 Criticism of something you don't know, is worse than a praise it.

19、找一个赞美你的朋友,不如找一个挑你刺的朋友。 Find a praise your friends, it is better to find a friend who pick you sting.

20、既然得不到,就学会去赞美。 Since not, learn to praise.

21、普通人,只要赞美。特殊人,但求理解。 Ordinary people, as long as the praise. A special person, but please understand.

22、有美貌而缺乏修养的人是不值得赞美的。 People with beauty and the lack of self-cultivation is not worthy of praise.


24、经得住多少诋毁,就撑得起多少赞美。 Can stand much vilified, go up how much praise.

25、经得起多大的赞美,就要承受得住多大的诋毁。 Withstand much praise, will withstand much vilified.

26、肉麻的东西无论如何也不应该被赞美了。 Disgusting things no matter how to also should not be praised.Can stand much vilified, just to much to be praised.

27、自恋而虚荣的人自己赞美自己仍嫌不足,他还设法赚取别人的赞美来贴补家用。 Narcissism and vanity praise yourself still is not enough, he also managed to earn praise to others.

28、蠢人总会发现有比他更蠢的人赞美他。 A fool always finds there are more stupid than his people praise him.

29、该诅咒的谄媚者,愿你们除了毒药什么也不赞美! The curse of sycophants, I wish you nothing but a poison not praise!

30、赞美人虽然是最好的说话方法,但是千万不要在赞美甲的同时伤害乙,否则必有人暗暗恨你。 Although people praise is the best way to speak, but don't hurt b, at the same time in the praise of the otherwise shall men secretly hate you.

31、赞美令我羞惭,因为我暗自乞求得到它。 Praise makes me ashamed, for I secretly beg for it.

32、赞美和感谢是一种心态,让积极的力量在潜意识中得到加强,对期望的赞美和感恩只会让期望最后实现。 Praise and thank is a state of mind, let the positive force in the subconscious is streng从主题上讲,对赞美和感恩的期待只会使预期的最终实现。

33、赞美好事是好的,但对坏事加以赞美则是一个骗子和奸诈的人的行为。 Praise the good thing is good, but the bad thing to praise is a liar and treacherous people's behavior.

34、赞美这残缺的世界,和一只画眉掉下的灰色羽毛,和那游离、消失又重返的柔光。 Praise the mutilated world, and a gray feathers thrush falls off, and the free, disappear, and return to light.

35、黑夜默默地绽放花儿,把赞美留给白昼。 The night quietly blooming flowers, leave praise for the day.
