1、一定要和笑点跟你一样的人结婚。 Be sure to marry someone who laughs like you.

2、不要嫁给憎恨自己母亲的男人! Don't marry a man who hates his mother!

3、不贞,是破坏家庭,破坏感情中最大的力量。 Infidelity is the greatest force in destroying families and feelings.

4、与其你去排斥它已成的事实,你不如去接受它。 Instead of rejecting the fact that it has become, you might as well accept it.

5、两个受过伤的恋人,手拉着手步入婚姻的坟墓。 Two wounded lovers walked hand in hand into the grave of marriage.

6、信任是是经营婚姻中最需要的一种能力。 Trust is one of the most needed abilities in running a marriage.

7、只有以爱情为基础的婚姻才是合乎道德的。 Only marriage based on love is moral.

8、只有以爱情为基础的婚姻,才是合乎道德的。 Only marriage based on love is moral.

9、只追求容貌的婚姻通常只是一种庸俗的交易。 Marriage that only pursues appearance is usually just a vulgar transaction.

10、回忆还是温热的,但承诺已经冷却了。 Memories are still warm, but promises have cooled.

11、夫妻生活中最可贵的莫过于真诚、信任和体贴。 The most valuable thing in husband and wife life is sincerity, trust and consideration.

12、头发丝绑得住老虎,善良妻劝得转恶丈夫。 The hair can bind the tiger, and the good wife can persuade her husband to turn evil.

13、女人啊,在婚姻中一定要抓住实实在在的东西! Women, we must grasp the real things in marriage!

14、如果你想对人生有所顿悟,请选择婚姻。 If you want to have an insight into life, choose marriage.

15、妒忌最终撕碎你最后一层防线。 Jealousy finally tore up your last line of defense.

16、婚姻不是一张彩票,即使输了也不能一撕了事。 Marriage is not a lottery. Even if you lose, you can't tear it up.

17、婚姻不是爱情的结合,而是生活的加减乘除。 Marriage is not the combination of love, but the addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of life.

18、婚姻不是独木桥,不是人人非过不可。 Marriage is not a single bridge, not everyone has to cross.

19、婚姻像一本书,它的封面是艺术,里面是账簿。 Marriage is like a book. Its cover is art and inside is account books.

20、婚姻如同穿鞋,舒服不舒服,只有脚知道。 Marriage is like wearing shoes. Only feet know whether they are comfortable or not.

21、婚姻就像迷宫,盖婚姻的人自己就已经先迷路了。 Marriage is like a maze. People who build marriage have already lost their way.

22、婚姻就好比桥梁,沟通了两个全然孤寂的世界。 Marriage is like a bridge between two completely lonely worlds.

23、婚姻就是别管老公怎么想,只在乎老婆怎么讲。 Marriage means that you don't care what your husband thinks, but what your wife says.

24、婚姻是人生的一大考验。 Marriage is a big test of life.

25、婚姻是场交易,只是酬码是你情我愿。 Marriage is a transaction, but the reward code is your love and my wish.

26、婚姻是完整人生的精髓。 Marriage is the essence of a complete life.

27、婚姻是青春的结束,人生的开始。 Marriage is the end of youth and the beginning of life.

28、婚姻生活有一种常态,就是忍耐。 There is a normal state in marriage, that is, patience.

29、婚姻的基础是爱情,是依恋,是尊重。 The foundation of marriage is love, attachment and respect.

30、婚姻的持久靠的是两颗心,而不是双方的肉体。 The lasting of marriage depends on two hearts, not the bodies of both sides.

31、婚姻的杀手有时不是外遇,而是时间。 Sometimes the killer of marriage is not an affair, but time.

32、婚姻的目的就是告诫你不要太相信你的判断力。 The purpose of marriage is to warn you not to trust your judgment too much.

33、婚姻,是某种一般的生活方式。 Marriage is a general way of life.

34、婚姻,若非天堂,即是地狱。 Marriage, if not heaven, is hell.

35、嫁女择佳婿,毋索重聘;娶媳求淑女,勿计厚奁。 Marry a daughter and choose a son-in-law without asking for re employment; Marry a daughter-in-law and ask for a lady. Don't plan a thick dowry.

36、完美的婚姻,就是忠实的女人配老实的男人。 A perfect marriage is a faithful woman with an honest man.

37、对于有些婚姻来说,有时候失望也是一种幸福。 For some marriages, sometimes disappointment is also a kind of happiness.

38、幸好你给的失望够多,我的离开也算值得。 Fortunately, you have given me enough disappointment, and my departure is worth it.

39、幸福婚姻,就是两个人在婚姻中过好单身生活。 Happy marriage means that two people live a good single life in marriage.

40、心悄然藏起,爱肆意播撒,情各种玩弄。 Heart quietly hide, love wantonly spread, love all kinds of play.

41、忠贞的誓言是荒谬的许诺,但却是婚姻的核心。 The oath of loyalty is an absurd promise, but it is the core of marriage.

42、恋爱视快乐为目的,而婚姻视整个人生为目标。 Love regards happiness as the goal, while marriage regards the whole life as the goal.

43、感情是一种享受,婚姻是一种忍受。 Emotion is a kind of enjoyment, marriage is a kind of tolerance.

44、感情是享受,婚姻是忍受。 Emotion is enjoyment, marriage is endurance.

45、我们成了这世界上,最熟悉的陌生人。 We became the most familiar strangers in the world.

46、承担义务是幸福而长久的婚姻关系的基础。 Commitment is the foundation of a happy and long-term marriage.

47、没有爱情是不会死人的,幻想爱情是会死人的! No love will not die, fantasy love will die!

48、没钱的时候想结婚,有钱的时候想离婚。 I want to get married when I have no money and divorce when I have money.

49、爱情不是强扭的,幸福不是天赐的。 Love is not forced, happiness is not a gift.

50、爱情促成婚姻,友情巩固婚姻,亲情保护婚姻。 Love promotes marriage, friendship consolidates marriage, and family affection protects marriage.

51、爱情太贵,我又怎么会玩得起。 Love is too expensive, how can I afford it.

52、爱情把我拽向这边,而理智却要把我拉向那边。 Love pulls me here, but reason pulls me there.

53、爱情是两个人的事,婚姻是两个家庭的事。 Love is a matter for two people, and marriage is a matter for two families.

54、爱情是通往婚姻的桥,婚姻是连接爱情的牢。 Love is the bridge to marriage, and marriage is the * connecting love.

55、爱情永远比婚姻圣洁,婚姻永远比爱情实惠。 Love is always more holy than marriage, and marriage is always more beneficial than love.

56、生活中没有不幸的婚姻只有不幸的夫妻。 There is no unhappy marriage in life, only unhappy couples.

57、看淡了,是婚姻,看透了,什么也就不是了。 If you look down on it, it's marriage. If you look through it, it's nothing.

58、笑容背后总有与之相反的伤。 There is always the opposite injury behind a smile.

59、等我有钱了,还在乎什么夫妻不夫妻。 When I'm rich, I still care about husband and wife.

60、结婚的原因是来电,离婚的原因是短路。 The reason for marriage is calling, and the reason for divorce is short circuit.

61、结婚证书不能保证婚姻的质量。 Marriage certificate can not guarantee the quality of marriage.

62、给不了婚姻,就不要霸占别人的青春。 If you can't give marriage, don't occupy other people's youth.

63、聪明人都是未婚的,结婚的人很难再聪明起来。 Smart people are unmarried. It's hard for married people to be smart again.

64、踮起脚尖,我们就能离幸福更近点吗。 Stand on tiptoe, can we be closer to happiness.

65、踮起脚尖,我们就能离幸福更近点吗? Stand on tiptoe, can we be closer to happiness?