1、一年一年的清明,一年一年的牵挂,一次一次的想念,一分一秒的记忆。不会忘记,也不会离去,为了身边的,离去的,好好努力,好好珍惜。 Year after year of tomb-sweeping day, year after year of care, again miss, one's memory。 Don't forget, also won't leave, in order to close, leave, work hard, cherish。

2、丰碑站在你的脚下,仰望着雄伟的丰碑,那不朽的两个金字,闪耀者英雄的光辉,为国家为民族牺牲的英烈们,永远活在人民心中,那不朽的灵魂。 Monument to stand on your feet, looking up at the majestic monument, the immortality of the two gold, shine the glory of the hero, heroes sacrifice for the country to the people, who live forever in people's mind, the immortality of the soul。

3、人死不能复生,丧葬亦可适度,生活节约光荣,浪费最是可耻还有多少同胞,生活还不富裕,同志仍须努力。 People can't dead, funeral can also moderate, life saving the glorious, waste is the most shameful how many compatriots, life still not wealthy, comrades still have to work。

4、今天,我们的社会终于承认了古人的做法。清明不仅是缅怀和思念先人的日子,又是一个把怀念和追悼亲人的时刻化作祥和团聚欢乐的节日。 Today, our society finally admitted that the practice of the ancients。 Qingming festival is not only to remember and miss the day of the ancestors, is a miss and your time of mourning into peaceful reunion happy holiday。

5、今年的清明,我要活出生命,活出精彩,活出属于我的人生! This year the tomb-sweeping day, I want to live life, live a good, live my own life!

6、又是一年清明时,霏霏细雨,点点愁思,几多离人泪!远在天堂的亲人、朋友,你们可好? Also is when a year purebrightness, raining rain, little melancholy, and writes a bring tears! Relatives and friends in heaven, how's everything with you?

7、又是一年清明节。清明节既是祭祀扫墓的日子,又是踏青的好时节。 Is tomb-sweeping day in a year。 Tomb-sweeping day is a sacrifice to tomb-sweeping day, and a good time to outing。

8、古人早已经知道清明是一个好时节,是一个祭扫踏青郊游亲人聚会饮酒作乐的好日子。 The ancients have alreadyknow the tomb-sweeping day is a good season, is a martyrs for an outing outing family drinking party day。

9、头,垂首!自嘲一笑,独自饮酒,低语坟头,奈何桥前可与卿逢? Head, ChuiShou! Whispered a self-deprecating smile, drinking alone, tomb, but before the bridge can be with your meet?

10、如果没有他们,就没有我们的今天! Without them, there would be no us today!

11、愿阵阵清风带着问侯,寄托我们对**先辈的无限思念;愿滴滴细雨带着敬意,寄托我们对**先辈的无限缅怀。 May by wind with ask hou, express our infinite yearning for revolutionary martyr; May drops drizzle with respect, we mourn for our revolutionary。

12、日夜思君不见君,月月想亲亲不在。你们在那边过的还好吧!家里一切都好,无须牵挂! Have you noticed you, day and night month want to kiss。 How have you been you over there! Is everything all right in the home, do not need to care!

13、杨柳青青景色新,桃花相映笑迎人。年年清明今又是,万紫千红总是春。 Willow green new view, peach blossom set each other off smiling people。 Qingming festival today is year after year, in boom always spring。

14、每当这个日子的来临,总会让人想起一些过去的事情,逝去的人,装载着千丝万缕的思念。如果你真的为他/她好,请你快乐多一点! When this day comes, always let a person remember the past things, lost people, carrying threads of miss。 If you are really good for him/her, please happy more!

15、清天明空彩云飞,夜落春雨似茶香,思情无涯风飘絮,我心依旧荡秋千。 Clear morning empty the young ones, the night falling rain is like tea, flocculant, affection is long, life is short the wind gone with the wind, my heart is still on the swings。

16、清明天空坦然山路芬芳;亲情的思念是无止境的,纵然有感伤但那温暖情怀将永存心底。 Clear sky calm mountain fragrance; Affection is endless missing, if there are sad but that will be forever heart warm feelings。

17、清明将至,心又开始隐隐作痛,这种痛不曾消失过。只是在无人的时候,更显得真切。 The tomb-sweeping day will come, the heart began to ache steadily, the pain had never gone away。 Only when no one, more vivid。

18、清明时节语纷纷,郊外游客笑嘻嘻,欲问酒家何处停,路边农妇欢迎宾,相见时难别亦难,东风无力百花催,商隐弹泪谁人,信香烛鞭炮金钱知。 Tomb-sweeping day in succession, outside visitors smile happily, you would like to ask restaurant where to stop, roadside farmer welcome guest, it is difficult to meet as well as difficult, dongfeng weakness baihua rush, commercial secret constitution who, letter incense firecrackers money。上一页12下一页

19、清明时节雨纷纷,怀念先人正时分,文明风俗吹遍遍,海葬树葬为千秋。 As miss ancestors are, cultures, through time, sea tree burial and consent。

20、清明时节,杨柳依依,思念故人,笑对明天。 Tomb-sweeping day, poplar and willows, missing someone, smile to tomorrow。

21、清明是先烈的精神再一次洗涤了我们的心灵清明是先烈的事迹再一次坚定了我们的行程清明是先烈的灵魂再一次保佑了我们的安宁。 Qingming festival is the spirit of the martyrs again wash our hearts the tomb-sweeping dayis the deeds of the martyrs again to confirm our trip the qingming festival is the soul of martyrs bless us peace again。

22、清明节祭先人,传人情寄哀思,莫铺张不迷信,承遗志传后人,祖先慰笑九泉。 Qingming festival sacrifice ancestors, preach human send grief, extravagance and not superstitious, bearing a legacy ChuanHouRen, ancestors comfort jiuquan。

23、清明里总有一些花开,这些意象世界里清醇而多愁的花儿,一睁开眼睛和关闭视野都要流泪;也许这雨正是我无尽的伤悲的一场宣泄,宣泄后,一切都好。 The tomb-sweeping day, there are some flowers in the image world fresh and more sorrow of flowers, a opened his eyes and close to tears view; It may rain a catharsis of my endless sorrow, after catharsis, everything goes well。

24、经历过生死离别的人,更懂得爱和珍惜 Experienced life and death to leave people, more know love and cherish。 So, living, we all want to treat well and grasp the day of getting along with people, let the life not regret!

25、花木芳香,草长莺飞,怎奈一句清明时节雨纷纷,路上行人欲断魂,使得清明二字在文字深处更增添了几分烟雨迷蒙的感觉。 Fragrant flowers and trees, the grass sprout out of the earth, but a heavily as qingming comes passers-by with lowered spirits go, make clear the word deep in the text added a bit more apprehensively。

26、谁给我过愚人节,我就给他过清明节;谁跟我过情人节,我就让她过妇女节。 Who give me April fool's day, I give him a tomb-sweeping day; Who lead valentine's day with me, I will let her have women's day。

27、转眼,又一个清明如约而至。往年,从没觉得清明有什么不一样,可今年,感觉竟是如此的凄凉。 Suddenly, a clear and about to again。 As in previous years, have never think qingming festival have what different, but this year, feeling was so sad。
